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Me and my wife want to join the Army

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:cdn:Me and my wife want to join the Army. We want to know how hard it is to get in the Army life. From what Im reading on here, we don't really stand a chance. We are both 31, we have 3 small kids, My wifes family is in the army 20 years plus. I want Infantry, and she wants to be a Mail Clerk or something. I know we can do Basic Training, but is it hard to get in the army to even start Basic Traning? We want this very much, it is our dream to fight for canada.  :salute: :yellow:
The best way to find out is to visit a recruiting centre and ask.  Infantry is probably not a problem, however, Postal Clerk might be hard to get into.  Your wife may want to look for info on other trades such as RMS Clerk, Supply Tech, etc.

As far as having three young children, do you have a family care plan in place in the event that you and your wife are both away (on BMQ and/or trades training) at the same time??  That will be very important, now and after you are in the CF.

I'm curious as to why you don't think you stand a chance.
Also make sure you check out this website http://www.forces.ca/

lots of good information on there.
We have been reading everyones posts, and most ppl say they have a 90 something % in school, and when they go do the aptitude test they fail. And also, we have been reading and others are saying they don't under stand why they failed, and they didn't even get to basic training yet. So Im not sure, all I know is this is what we want. I know we can do Basic Training, it's just a matter of getting there. Our kids are looked after, we have everything planed out to a T.
I really don't think your marks in school are indicative of how you will do on the CFAT.  I didn't have great marks in school and I did very well.  It's more how you think, than what you know.  There are lots of threads on here that have links to practice tests that are similar to the CFAT.  Try some and see how you do.  IMHO, I think most people tend to over think the CFAT.
Do not worry about the CFAT, as PMed put it, it's about how you think. If you're worried about your age, don't be. When I did my basic we had a 41 year old who passed without a problem. In battle school, the second part of your training for infantry, we had a 36yr old who wasn't in the greatest shape, but who had the perseverence to keep going, and he graduated. We're now both at 1 RCR in Petawawa.

The only thing you and your wife should be worried about is how your kids will handle both parents being away for an extended period of time. If they're old enough to understand what you're doing and why, then go for it. If not, that is something you need to consider carefully.

Don't think that I'm trying to discourage you, this is one of the greatest jobs in the world, but I'm not going to sugar coat the reality of the lifestyle that you're choosing either.

Best of luck, either way.
Maybe you should consider having one of you join, get qualified in a trade, then move the family to the first-posting location. Take the time to get used to the lifestyle, and confirm that the second person still wants to join; then go for it !!
That could make it easier on the kids...
Thank-you so much for the info. I think we will do great. I wasn't worried until I read about others on this site. But I know we can do it, and as far as our kids, We talked to them, and they understand why we are both doing this, They love beening with there nanny, and they can't wait for us to go... There lttle heads are filled with silly ideas... Laptops, T.V's in there rooms, etc... They keep forgetting that they have to earn things...LOL. And Im not sure you know but what is the screening back ground check? I was just reading someones post, and it looks it could be a long delay.
The backround screening is similar to the one that a police officer would have done. It's basically a criminal record, credit check to make sure that you and your family will not be an administrative burden to the CF. It doesn't take that long, and is a normal part of the application process.
Thats GREAT! We are good to go then, All we have to do is fill out our army kit, and do our interviews, aptitude tests, and what ever eles they need know. I just hoping my wife can get in as a mail clerk... Thats what she wants to do, but she said she will do anything they offer her. I didn't get a chance to find out what jobs are needed. As we live 1.45 mins away from the hfx office, and it's hard to get there when we are working the day shifts. So far we have our kits being mailed to us, then once filled out and ready to be sent in we will drive it down, in hopes to talk with someone.
When you go to the recruit center and tell them you would like to apply they will give you an application booklet. Inside will be all the steps needed to begin. After your application is handed in they will call you and let you know when you can do your CFAT, if you pass and qualify for your trade, you will get a set date to do you medical and interview. Once these three things are done they will do you background check, if there is a problem with that then it could take a little longer then normal. When you fill out your application you have a sheet that you need to fill out with 5 references, once they are contacted, your done everything they will tell you that you're merit listed (waiting list) that usually doesn't take to long. Then they will call you for your job offer and you will take your oath and away you go to basic training.
accord27 said:
Thank-you so much for the info. I think we will do great. I wasn't worried until I read about others on this site.

Don't get too wrapped around the axle over the posts you're referring to.  Those are from a small percentage of applicants, and the ones who thought they "deserved" to be in the CF and did zero preparation tend to whine the loudest when their own shortcomings (drugs, not paying attention in school, not following advice received here, etc., etc.) catch them up and they get sent away by the CFRC.  And many of those people only show up here after they've failed the first time.  What you don't see are the thousands of success stories that, if here at all, are marked by a brief "thank you" remark and then they're moving on with their lives and training.

I feel much better now. I think everything will be fine. And if anyone as any other tips or info feel free to leave me a note. We can't wait to do what we were born to do! Thank-you :camo: :yellow:
All the best for the two of you in applying and entering the CF. An alternate suggestion to both of you going Regular Force, one of you may consider applying Primary Reserve. This way if the RegF spouse is posted, there is reduced chances of having to live on IR (Imposed Restrictions = separated from family). As the PRes spouse, depending on their trade (ie: RMS clerk) can find a position at the new unit, most of the time.

I just wanted to say good luck!!! and also do not expect the recruiting process to go fast, I mean it might go fast or it might not. It took 8 months for my boyfriend and 7 months for myself  :nod:

Good luck  :salute:
the_girlfirend said:

I just wanted to say good luck!!! and also do not expect the recruiting process to go fast, I mean it might go fast or it might not. It took 8 months for my boyfriend and 7 months for myself  :nod:

Good luck  :salute:

Hence reply #11

While I congratulate both you & your wife for wanting to do this.... I should underline an issue that you will have to deal with - later (if not sooner).

You want to go infantry & she wants to go Admin / logistics.

While there is a huge demand for both trades throughout the CF, there are no guarantees that you will both end up assigned to the same base.  I had one of my Sergeants who was posted to Montreal... while her husband was posted to Trenton.  The distances in this case were somewhat manageable BUT, it could have been at a much greated distance.

Don't want to discourage you BUT, this is something you should be aware of & plan for.
I was just wondering about the The backround screening... We both have a clean background BUT, We both have student loans we have not paid on, and the odd over due cable bill on our credit. Will this slow anything down when applying? The Gov takes our income tax every year to put on our student loans. We just don't have the extra money to pay it, having 3 kids and all.
The loans themselves may not be so bad (depending on how much you owe), however, the fact that you are not making an effort to pay them off (besides the gov't tax grab every year) may be an issue.  The CF doesn't want to recruit someone who is already an administrative burden.  I would suggest seeing if you can get the loans consolidated with a managable payment to show that you are making the effort to pay off your debts.

At any rate, these are all questions you can ask at the recruiting centre.  They will have a better idea of what you should do.
accord27 said:
We just don't have the extra money to pay it, having 3 kids and all.

Should have thought of that before having the 3 kids.
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