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Miltary and Family ... thinking of changing from Reserve to Regular force.


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I had put my application in a few weeks ago for Reserve Air Force. However I am debating if I should now change my status to Regular Force. I had done my research here at Army.ca and would would like some opinions.

Currently I do not have steady income. I work for a temporary agency and until I can get into the Air Force full time. My husband wishes not to move as he is comfortable at his current job. However the auto industry is not promising and I worry if he will have his $18 hr job for long. He has issues with his back and shoulders and I am worried that 5 years from now he will have to find other work other than production. He has done production - labour work all his life and may have to reconsider going back to school.

We have 2 children ages 7 and 9. We do not pay for child-care as their Grandparents offer to watch them all the time.

I would like to maintain in the Trenton - Kingston Area. However life-long passion is to eventually work overseas for the United Nations or in any kind of humanity relief. I am very open to travel and would like to experience living in another provience or Country. My husband wishes to stay as all of his friends and family are here.

In my application I had put in for the Reserves. I did not do the CFAT yet as I am currently in refresher courses for Math and Grammar so I can do well. I still have time to change my mind. I would really like to make the Air Force as my careerand make the money that I had put in for my education. Not just an average wage. I would also like to support my family if anything happens to my husband's income and worry about if I can pay bills or live on pay-cheque to pay cheque like I am currently am.

I had applied for Image Technican, Intelligence Operator and Areospace Controller. I would like to hear some opinons from others especially those who have family as well.
Considering that your husband is working and does not want to move and your kids & parents are all there as well, I think you might be looking for problems by going Regular force where you go where they send you.

Explore possibilities with the Reserves.  You can go here & there but, you volunteer / choose where & when you go.
Once you are "in" and the need arises, you might THEN apply to go Reg force.

Would there be any full time Reserve positions in your area? Maybe that is an option?

Good luck with your decision.

Before you have any chance of obtaining full time reserve positions, you have to qualify in a trade (she has not)

Once traveler qualifies in her trade, she can look into full time reserve employment (85% of Reg salary).