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Most dreadful PT experience


Army.ca Veteran
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Now, I hope most people actually enjoy physical training, because I don't want this to turn into a b**** session, but I was wondering what was your worst, most miserable, most dreadful PT session? Was it the weather? Time of day? A particularly vengeful and unhappy PT instructor? Share your stories. This is not about whinning, its about sharing in each other's misery.  ;D

For myself, the worst was this January. It was a wednesday morning, around 0630. It was -10C outside, it was snowing, there was already half a foot or more of snow on the ground, and there was black ice under all that snow. As we made our way around the campus and made tracks in the snow, that black ice started to reveal itself, and the run got more and more jolly as we made consecutive tours.

Hah!  This one's easy. 

I was sent (as a plug reservist) to the Airborne Regiment during Op GamesCan in 1976.  I'd only been with them about a week, and we had sports parade--soccer. I wasn't a strong soccer player, but I thought I was acquitting myself rather well, right up until the moment one of those jumper types kicked a line-drive (for lack of a better term) right up the middle of the field and straight into my knackers.  I lay on the field for about five minutes in a fetal position, completely ignored (and rightfully so) by everyone else.  Never forgot to wear a can after that.
The morning after our end of course party on IAP- 2007.  :crybaby:
Being at the gym at the same time as lululemon got popular with the "muffin top brigade".
I have a tie between two PT sessions;

1) QL3, LFCATC Meaford (1999). Some band showed up at the JRs mess about half way through the course, and although we really didn't deserve the time off, the CoC felt it only fair that we be allowed to attend.  The majority of my course were 19+ (weekend warriors), so we drank... a lot.  We saw our staff there, so we figured they would be too tanked to run us the next day (it had happened once before - marching NCO didn't show up for PT, Breakfast or our first class.).  So we drank more.
When the concert was over, the duty staff came around to clear everyone out... the Duty Sgt was one of our staff... he was very upset to have to be on duty.  Picture a large, ex-airborne, bald Irish angry man who liked to run.
We formed up for PT at the normal time and the first words out of his mouth were; "we're not done until you puke."  Which was immediately followed by a soldier, on the parade square, turning about in place an vomiting; "are we done Sarge?" he asked... then we ran down to Gully Range and back... twice to torque the stragglers.

2) TF3-06, workup. After 6 weeks at CMTC Wainwright we returned to Petawawa... having barely done PT the entire time we were there...  The Sarge decided the sand hills behind the RCD building would be the best for working out the IMPs... so we did some circuits up and down the hill, doing push ups at the bottom and sit ups at the top.  We did this for about an hour... which isn't that bad, but it was worsened by two things; 1. We were drinking the night before in the shacks. 2. Mosquito's and black flies... I inhaled a lot of them... then puked... a lot.
Before that, I had not puked on PT since the first story.

RHFC Piper's Meaford stories have reminded me...

Meaford, Battleschool, Spring 2000 ... "Long lunch today fella's, not too much planned for the afternoon... The Spaghetti looks good today!" exclaims the marching NCO. 

An hour and a half and two plates of spaghetti later back in the shacks...

"PT KIT, FORMED UP OUTSIDE, 5 MINUTES!  WE'RE GOING FOR A 'LIGHT' RUN!!" barked another meaner looking NCO.  I think that pile of vomit stayed in front of the HQ building until the end of my course.  Good times.

When I first saw "Band of Brothers," I swore they took that scene from my course.  Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks have yet to send me my royalties cheque.

As for drunken NCO's and PT ... ours were more "dedicated," they didn't just skip PT, that wouldn't be fair to the candidates!  One morning, 0500, we're formed up waiting for the NCO to show up and take us on our run.  He shows, he stinks like booze, I mean bad.  But, no matter, we run.  This morning we are running particularly fast, and the NCO is particularly vocal about keeping up.  About a klick into our 5km run, another NCO suddenly appears out of the bushes, being very vocal as well.  Just as suddenly, the oriiginal NCO dissapears into the woods.  I swore I heard vomiting noises but was too concerned with trying to keep up to really notice.  This continued, with a ninja like switch every km or so, until we finish our run.  I think we went through every NCO on the course that morning.  Clever bastards.
Doing the PWT-3 in snow up to my waist.

Or that time at school during rugby practice, we ran backwards in circles in the gym, and I tripped over something, landed straight on my back, and had three very large people fall right on top of me.

Both were horrible experiences I never will forget. 
Anything involving log or stretcher races, rope climbing or mud runs (shuddering in horror now at the mere thought...),
Stretcher PT with a 5 man section and an officer who wouldn't let us carry them on our shoulders... And anything involving the sand hills behind the RCD building.. Doesn't matter how fit I get, those hills destroy me lol
Sythen said:
Stretcher PT with a 5 man section and an officer who wouldn't let us carry them on our shoulders... And anything involving the sand hills behind the RCD building.. Doesn't matter how fit I get, those hills destroy me lol

Have you tried Wind Sprints down at Black Bear Beach........out in the river about fifteen meters?  Welcome to Recce Sqn.  ::)
4CER Sup Sqn, 89ish.  To the Rod and Gun Club, and back, FFO and TOPP High... in July.
Kat Stevens said:
4CER Sup Sqn, 89ish.  To the Rod and Gun Club, and back, FFO and TOPP High... in July.

Ewwwww!  Did that outside of Paarsburg doing a NBC Recce.  That sucks.
And the OC who thought it up had a convenient dental cleaning that morning...leading from the desk.  Thank God those days are pretty much over.
On a QL3... they formed up in 3 ranks waiting for the staff to show up to take them for a run. Well no one show up.. until the O.C. show up. She said she"ll be back and if the staff didn't show up the would do a run with her. She walk away.. out of site. And this one smart arse..  had a hate for Physical Training back then. So he went in front of the formation and dismiss the course back into their rooms.


The course shirt motto was "We drive trucks, not the body."
One of the most dreadful experiences was not the actual PT but the lead up to it.  When 2 PPCLI was stationed in Winnipeg we used to have morning parades on the parade square, no mater what the weather.  So we would be standing there just freezing while they went through the whole morning routine. RSM had the CSM's up front getting numbers then we would fall in the officers the DCO would take over then the CO would take over.  9 times out of 10 all the CO would say is "Company Commanders carry on" then the Coy Comd would say "Pl Comd carry on".  At least that is what I think they said, I was in Coy HQ and we formed up at the rear of the Coy so all we could here is the traffic on route 90 and just did what the Pl ahead of us did.
Sythen said:
Stretcher PT with a 5 man section and an officer who wouldn't let us carry them on our shoulders... And anything involving the sand hills behind the RCD building.. Doesn't matter how fit I get, those hills destroy me lol
I remember those, I ran up that thing (and the beach) a few times..
Oh yeah, the sand hills.....run up, run down, run up backwards, carry a stretcher (with a person) on it up......lots of opportunity for injuries. 