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MSEO / Engineering / Future Career Prospects/ Research


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Hi Guys!

1. I wanted to ask about career prospects MSEO training duration and can i get PEng ?
2. What happens if one get medically unfit during initial contract ?
3. How does the Navy see Further education like a PhD in Marine systems or relevant engineering?
Would they help you with the Research / Education after BMQ?
4. How do Officers do that?
Does Top Brass have authority to let you study and do research after successful completion of BMQ or the Structure is Unaltered? Are they open to the idea of CAF member doing Engineering Research PhD/ Marine Systems.
How many years does one have to put in to study specialized courses and contribute to CAF?
What would an MSEO do if it does not work out?
Can you still work on your red seal in Marine Diesel or Heavy Equipment or PEng while in the Navy as an Officer (MSEO)?

Can someone provide insights.
Thank you
It's been two days and no one has answered so I will speak up. I am a former Navy Marine Systems Engineer but long out of uniform. So whatever I say is likely outdated.

I can't respond to the specifics of your questions but here are some general thoughts:

1. Marine Systems Engineering (MARE/MS) training is intended to give you knowledge, skills and abilities to fulfill the duties of ship's marine systems engineering officer (MSEO). The training is demanding and years long. You are unlikely to have time for anything else while in this training. Once trained, the job is very demanding and will leave you with little or no time for much else.
2. The focus is not on research or PhD. You don't need that to be an MSEO.
3. Once trained there are any number of shore positions supporting engineering functions of the navy. Those jobs will let you get your engineering license and free up some time. But don't count on those jobs being easy or '9-5'.
4. Once you are trained and have fulfilled whatever contractual obligations you have, many doors will open to you. You may stay in the navy, be a ship's engineer in industry or pursue some other passion. Former MSEOs that I know have gone into law, medicine, teaching, business, academics, environmental remediation, construction, etc. The education and training is an excellent foundation for whatever you choose to do in life.

Maybe others will chime in with more current information on your specific questions.