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My Obstacles to Joining the Canadian Infantry


Jr. Member
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Hey everyone,

Just thought I would drop a quick post and share my story with everyone.

Who Am I:

That’s a very difficult question to answer.

The Good:

I work full time for a water purification company, I enjoy what I do and pride myself on knowing that I am helping people in my community. I am a proud brother to a member of the Canadian Military and son to a man I respect more than anyone I’ve ever met.

The Bad:

When I was 16 I was forced to drop out of high school when my mother and step father divorced, I was forced to get a full time factory job and help pay the rent. I was married at 19 andI was divorced at 19, in the relationship for 3 years and it just didn’t work (was on my computer to much). I was very close to being a father but sadly a miscarriage took place in the 3rd month. My life has been very volatile up to this point, I have lived in 36 different homes and attended 15 different schools.


Currently I am balancing going back to school with work as well as training in order to join the forces, I dropped out with 13 credits, I am doing correspondence right now to earn the 2 that I need in order to join. I have an exam this coming wednesday for my Math course and should hopefully be starting my next course by friday.

I want this more than anything, I have always loved the outdoors, my father is a big hunter so I guess that is where it comes from. My brother is stationed in Pet in 3 RCR, I want nothing more than to fight at his side.

I guess Im posting all this for a little more inspiration, to show me that this can be a reality and that its not always going to be over the next hill.

Sorry if some thought this post was a waste of time but my brother always bragged about these forums so I thought it may be a good idea.

Thanks for reading everyone.

Just keep on keepin' on.

If you keep working at it, you can make it. Just don't give up.

*words of wisdom post complete*
Wow, what a story. Just remeber, never give up. No matter how hard it seems, NEVER GIVE UP!
Hoot33, many,many past,present and future soldiers all have the same story. What will make your future better is tons of hard work and your commitment to join the best family in the world.

Work hard, stay focused and follow through. If you stay the course, you will find the military very rewarding.

              I had an intresting life before I joined the CF. Trust be bud, the grass is greener on the other side. I wish you the best of luck. Just keep your nose out of trouble.

I go for my exam for my first course on thursday, I just lost my job as well so I will have to find something to hold me over until BMQ, wish me luck on this exam.
I know this thread is more than a month old but I have some updates.

I completed my exam.
I get my marks back tomorrow, will let everyone know how I did.

I have completed 13/20 lessons in my second course which is grade 11 science.

I have had a few jobs off and on but I really am focusing on my schooling.

Im hoping to get quite a bit more of this school work done tonight, we will see how it goes.


Wish me luck :D.

hoot33 said:
How close are you to joining?

wow the mods here are noobs they always delete by posts for jealous issues... Because they can never get passed boot camp and they sit around here on the computer. But I am  lifting lotsa weights right now. I am 18 160lbs and i can bench 200lbs 15 times. its like my chest and soldiers r muscle fantastic:)
paradise said:
wow the mods here are noobs they always delete by posts for jealous issues... Because they can never get passed boot camp and they sit around here on the computer.

You, laddybuck, are not going to last much longer on this forum with posts like that.

Your attitude and style are not going to help you in the Armed Forces, either, should you make it in.

Some of the DS have more time in than you have on the planet.

If your posts are disappearing, you may wish to review what you're saying and how you're saying it.

Just some friendly advice.

Your enthusiasm is commendable, and I don't want to quash it, but you need to think a little more before posting.
hoot33 said:
Sorry if some thought this post was a waste of time but my brother always bragged about these forums so I thought it may be a good idea.

No, it's not a waste of time, and, yes, this forum is brilliant.

You are doing the right thing - both in seeking out a career in the Armed Forces, and in your method of going about it.

The bigger the obstacle, the better it feels when it's been overcome.

Good luck.
Hoot 33 - keep working at it, you have a goal, stick to it and you'll do great!!!

best of luck
Thanks everyone, I have only 5 lessons to go in my final course now, I should finish them all by monday, hopefully write the exam wednesday, get my marks as well as an updated transcript the following wednesday and submit my app the same day.

Ive been told recruitment can take as little as 3 weeks, thats what I am hoping.

Will let everyone know.

Good job!!  It only took 4 weeks for my son, he's having a "great" time at BMQ as we speak!  With the commitment you've shown towards school, if you keep up the same you'll be a credit to the CF.

I know how it is to have to drop out of high school too (telemarketing sucks!), I believe a person is a product of their environment so you got to do what you got to do to survive. Regardless. I've been called a screw up, but that's how ya grow up. Just stick it out and keep pushin! Someone told me it's not the hand that you're dealt but how you play your cards.
paradise said:
wow the mods here are noobs they always delete by posts for jealous issues... Because they can never get passed boot camp and they sit around here on the computer. But I am  lifting lotsa weights right now. I am 18 160lbs and i can bench 200lbs 15 times. its like my chest and soldiers r muscle fantastic:)

Watch your step here....you are WAY out of your lane.

Loachman said:
You, laddybuck, are not going to last much longer on this forum with posts like that.

Your attitude and style are not going to help you in the Armed Forces, either, should you make it in.

Some of the DS have more time in than you have on the planet.

If your posts are disappearing, you may wish to review what you're saying and how you're saying it.

Just some friendly advice.

Your enthusiasm is commendable, and I don't want to quash it, but you need to think a little more before posting.

That's the best advice I've seen thusfar.

I suggest that before you post one more thing.....you suck back and re-think before you hit the post button.

The Milnet.ca Staff
hoot33 said:
Thanks everyone, I have only 5 lessons to go in my final course now, I should finish them all by monday, hopefully write the exam wednesday, get my marks as well as an updated transcript the following wednesday and submit my app the same day.

Ive been told recruitment can take as little as 3 weeks, thats what I am hoping.

Will let everyone know.

Good Luck Man You'll do fine. Im at St Jean right now doing basic and Im 30 years old. If its one thing I learned in my short time at St Jean is 1. Never give up and 2. You can do more then you think you can. We'll see you at RCR  :)