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Need help! exercises


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HI everyone just wondering if someone could help me out here. Ive read a bunch of the threads on health and exercise and stuff but I don't know what most of them are or how you do them, like how do u work your Chest,Tris,  Back,Bis , Legs,Shoulders  ??? Im trying to get in shape and ive got a year or so to do it before i join up. So if anyone could explain how to do some of the exercises people have mentioned that would be very helpful oh and Im not in the best shape right now so lets try and start with fairly easy ones ok thanks.

ChopperHead said:
HI everyone just wondering if someone could help me out here. Ive read a bunch of the threads on health and exercise and stuff but I don't know what most of them are or how you do them, like how do u work your Chest,Tris,   Back,Bis , Legs,Shoulders   ??? Im trying to get in shape and ive got a year or so to do it before i join up. So if anyone could explain how to do some of the exercises people have mentioned that would be very helpful oh and Im not in the best shape right now so lets try and start with fairly easy ones ok thanks.


Push Ups Sit Ups Running Repeat lol .. make sure to space them out and dont push your self so hard thats the basics and they work great just keep try ing for better and better each time
peace  :cdn:
http://www.bodyforlife.com/index.asp, go read that site like your life depends on it! Click on the exercise tab and it gives you video demos of how to properly do the exercises. Good luck!
corner stores are full of magazine racks, libraries are full of bookshelves. On those racks and shelves, you will find books and magazines. In many of those books and magazines, you will find articles and pictures related to exercise.
ChopperHead said:
HI everyone just wondering if someone could help me out here. Ive read a bunch of the threads on health and exercise and stuff but I don't know what most of them are or how you do them, like how do u work your Chest,Tris,   Back,Bis , Legs,Shoulders   ??? Im trying to get in shape and ive got a year or so to do it before i join up. So if anyone could explain how to do some of the exercises people have mentioned that would be very helpful oh and Im not in the best shape right now so lets try and start with fairly easy ones ok thanks.


If you are just starting, start with stuff you will actually do during PT like push up, crunches etc (you know cacalisthenics   You can find books that have very detailed workout plans and which require almost no equipment (maybe chin bar for the door), and don't require gym memberships.   These books are usually something like "The Navy SEAL workout" or "The Marine Workout".   I have a couple of those books, and believe me the workouts are not easy, especially when you are used to weight-lifting.   On that note, many people put to much empahsemphasisfting weights. While it is important and has a purpose, most people do it because they want to get big.   Getting stronger is an afterthought.   Being able to bench 200lbs for a couple of reps/sets while impressive, won't help you much if you have to do a larger number of push ups.   Remember think ENDURANCE/STRENGTH training, worry about getting bigger later.

Run. Run  and Run some more.

I am a fattie. I quit smoking last year gained weight and had never ran since Germany. Now I run.  Its going to seem hard at first but after about a month it gets real easy. Try to stay motivated by setting goals on how many KMS you would like to run in a month or a week and try to keep those goals.

Push ups. Most failures on the fitness test are in the push up portion of the test. Try to get as good as you can with them.

Remeber you are not out of shape. Your body is just not conditioned to doing that type of activity. It is going to be hard for the first week but like everything else it gets easy as you go along. :)
I'll throw one into the ring.  Phase IV infantry and some other courses are trailing the "Crossfit" program used by a number of emergency service type organizations.  The emphasis is on functional movements and a mix of body weight exercise and power lifting.  Seems to make me sore enough each day.  Augmented with some running and I have no doubt it would serve you well.  Furthermore, the website describes each exercise with either video or slides to reduce any sort of confusion.  Finally, the whole thing is meant to be scaleable - accessible for grandmothers, challenging for any one. 


Best of luck
This crossfit thing looks interesting.  Anyone here have any experience with it?
I have about two months of 5 days on, 2 days off.  What aspect are you interested in?
Disrecard this post, I found what I was looking for searching the crossfit message boards
mover1 said:
Run. Run   and Run some more.

I am a fattie. I quit smoking last year gained weight and had never ran since Germany. Now I run.   Its going to seem hard at first but after about a month it gets real easy. Try to stay motivated by setting goals on how many KMS you would like to run in a month or a week and try to keep those goals.

Push ups. Most failures on the fitness test are in the push up portion of the test. Try to get as good as you can with them.

Remeber you are not out of shape. Your body is just not conditioned to doing that type of activity. It is going to be hard for the first week but like everything else it gets easy as you go along. :)

Right now Im running about 600m every night and bike about a KM. I know It's not much compared to what most people are doing and what I have to eventualy get to but it's a start. Running is my weakest area. I can do push ups and lift heavy weight and all but cardio just kills me. So alot of the time I just end up not doing it and just do some push-ups instead. some nights I just to want to feel like having a heart attack lol.



It's the same link I gave to Jaxson, just simply click on what bodypart you wish to workout or find workouts for and it will assist you on explaining how to do them with proper form, some of them have video's showing you how to preform them.

Good luck and keep motivated!
I'll throw in my vote for CrossFit (again).

If you check out the archive for July 2005:


scroll down to July 20th......

Its a good pic.

:o she has better freakin abs then I do haha

testosterone high estrogen anyone? lol

thanks for the links guys, good source of information  :salute:
the link that mike F gave is good too, it has a list that groups excercises by the muscles you want to work heres the link :


hope that helps, it helped me by letting me find the exact excercises i wanted to do and i was able to put them into an effective workout routine, not to mention showed all the muscle each excercises work so that i dont over work any muscle.
