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Offers of employment from the CSTC selection boards...


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I tried searching but found no help in the terms of this...

I was wondering roughly when you will recieve/get contacted about your offers of employment from CSTC. I'm not talking about the acknowledgement letter, but the offer of employment.

Any help/personal experience input would be greatly appreciated.
Jacob said:
You'll receive it in the mail sometime after the selections are made.

Thanks, but I was looking for a rought time period (aka month) that I may find out/recieve a letter in the mail.

Any takers?
I just got my offer of employment from Blackdown for Platoon commander. Yay!!
WOW CIs as Platoon Commanders  ::) Down with the red army
I will be at blackdown 28th Jun. Coy 2ic Foxtrot
All Officers and CI’s should be receiving their letters of acceptance now (ONT). As for Staff Cadets They should be in your hands by mid May I would think.

Just a question If I am not selected will they let me know. ???
Aaron Reimer said:
Just a question If I am not selected will they let me know. ???

That is actualy a realy good question. Anyone have the answer to that? Because, frankly... I would like to know if I get staff or not so I can plan my summer accordingly
I keep asking my C.O when my letter should be arriving in the mail. People are saying mid may, but to me that seems a bit late. My sister got her letter in late April back in 2004 when she did CLI ADVENTURE- at Blackdown. See, I really want to go to Whitehorse. And I need to know whether to start packing for Blackdown weather, or for Whitehorse weather. They're two different seasons for the most part. My  C.O says my letter should be arriving any day now, he says by May  I should have it in my hands.

Hopefully, my C.O is correct. Because I REALLY want that letter in my hands. I'll eithor be extremly happy, or extremly sad. Hopefully, I'll be HAPPY!

The Crowe said:
That is actualy a realy good question. Anyone have the answer to that? Because, frankly... I would like to know if I get staff or not so I can plan my summer accordingly

They don't let you know unless you phone or email your Staffing Officer directly.
There should be a good chance on getting hired this year (Blackdown). What I have been told that all Coy's will be at least 160 cadets. Each Platoon will have one more section commander  :salute:

primer said:
There should be a good chance on getting hired this year (Blackdown). What I have been told that all Coy's will be at least 160 cadets. Each Platoon will have one more section commander  :salute:


*starts a drumroll while sitting by mailbox*

I hope to high heck that I have a position over the summer. Else that will really throw things off for my whole years schedual.
I live in Thunder Bay ON, but I'm considered to be part of Prarie Region. I applied for staff at Blackdown this year. Do you think that theres a chance I might be selected to staff there, or would my application be rejected there because of the region?
Blackdown will most likely take you as long as you fit the staff cadet requirements (which is basically being 16 as of Jan 1st of the year you are staffing), they are always understaffed and need staff cadets. Then again the region thing could come into play but I'm not too sure.
I'm sadened. My cadets know what camp they are going to before myself and my RSM know if we have been hired.

*le sad*
Hey Crowe, is your RSM, Wall? And if so is he hoping to be a CSM (of B coy) still?
GGHG_Cadet said:
Hey Crowe, is your RSM, Wall? And if so is he hoping to be a CSM (of B coy) still?

Yes, and Yes  :) (well, as far as I know)
what is the latest that you can be notified if you are accepted into a staff position. i have had my app in since january 2006 but have heard nothing back. another cadet who pt his app in at the beginning of march and never show up to cadets anymore has got his.i am asking this because i have been offered a fulltime summer job and i told them that i will contact them soon. shold i for go staff and take the job or hold out and hope for a position
