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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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Yup, that's me in the wrong place, suggesting that spelling is important for a Logistics Officer.  My bad.


I realize you're not in the CF yet (and may never be for that matter) but if you DO make it in, you will learn just like everyone else.  Example, your pay gets screwed up or something.  You have to submit a memo to your CofC.  You staff it using your own personal standard of spelling and grammar (which is lacking by the way).  They will hand it back to you with red ink on it and tell you to resubmit it.  Meanwhile, your pay problem continues to be unresolved.  All because of stupidiots like me and our "rude ignorant attacking ways" your spelling is at a grade 3 level.

Wait for it. :nod:

Pat.Sim said:
Way off topic from the original topic but here it is. I just got a letter from my cfrc stating that I was deemed uncompetitive and my file has been closed. I have not gone for my cfat or anything yet. I am kind of confused because I have extensive work experience, am reasonably fit, have a decent education, have had leadership roles and iv been in many team sports. Any ideas on what else I can do? I know I can call and ask a recruiter but I don't exactly have time for it throughout the day at this very moment.

Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Patrick Simoneau.

I experienced something similar, though they did not close my file. I was told my application wasn't as competitive for Logistics officer cause I studied 1 year in management instead of 3, so other candidates would be offered the job before me.

Hope this might enlightened (sp?) a possible reason?

As of my case, I finally got a call today to schedule the appointments for the tests. It'll be on October 15th. I applied as a supply tech instead. After all the troubles with my application I am finally seeing the end. :) I applied at the beginning of August, officially, in the reserve. So now it has been 2 months since and I just got my appointments scheduled.
Unfortunately, I thought I was near the end after the testing and medical only to realize it might not even be close.
This conversation is getting very entertaining! :pop:        Although you are good at defending someone, eye in the sky does have a point. I don't think initially came out to blast someone for their spelling mistake, he was merely making a point about a spelling mistake made by a person trying to get into logistics. He was giving some sound advice on always checking your spelling, because believe me, memo's are a pain in the A$$ and the will check spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization etc. So in conclusion, he was stating a fact, you got offended, he responded back with a witty comment, you got offended again and responded by saying you were not offended. O.K. so now lets all just hug and get along shall we. :geek:
Hey special thanks to Steiner 04000 for being more open minded, positive thinking and for supporting me. :bowing:

A little background on who I am so that people understand why I might have (or even right now am) misspelling.

English is my 3rd language i would say, after my mother language Armenian and Russian. But wait a minute. It has very little to do with why i make grammar errors while I write. In fact I would say I am very very good in English, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get A+'s while writing my political science essays while at the University of Toronto.
It just so happens that I just suck at spelling of some words (even at my own language). It just simply is my weak point, I make spelling errors (again, even in my home language) from time to time. We all have weaknesses no? :facepalm:

As for the application and how spelling errors would affect it there is the Microsoft word for it which helps. I have never done any spelling error while applying to job positions (and I have applied to many places and got job offers, no less attractive than the army) so you dn't have to worry about me.
And even than, I just don't concentrate (as it doesn't come naturally to me) on writing properly on somewhere like a forum where it really doesn't matter .

Eye In The Sky said:
Yup, that's me in the wrong place, suggesting that spelling is important for a Logistics Officer.  My bad.


I realize you're not in the CF yet (and may never be for that matter) but if you DO make it in, you will learn just like everyone else.  Example, your pay gets screwed up or something.  You have to submit a memo to your CofC.  You staff it using your own personal standard of spelling and grammar (which is lacking by the way).  They will hand it back to you with red ink on it and tell you to resubmit it.  Meanwhile, your pay problem continues to be unresolved.  All because of stupidiots like me and our "rude ignorant attacking ways" your spelling is at a grade 3 level.

Wait for it. :nod:

Hey man, don't worry about my spelling capabilities, i assure you i wouldn't have had a minor degree in Political Science (when you have to write 50 page long essays) if my spelling was at 7th grade level.
And I work on Bay Street, business environment, and send about 20 e-mails to clients and co-workers every day, so I assume I will be fine.

You are very naive to assume that a person who is realistically attempting to get into the army logistics is at 7th grade grammar level.
Wow, and I thought that I was way off topic.. ::) All kidding aside, DAA, I was thinking the same thing. Nonetheless I will assume that it may be fact that I only have an equivalency diploma. From what I understand they (as with any employer) look for initiative so before reapplying I am going to do some upgrading in some of my classes. Get some volunteer work under my belt and use the time to even better my physical fitness. Maybe this is actually a good thing for my career in the long run.

And a little add, I understand that your CofC may make you resubmit a form for improper spelling, grammar, etc. But especially to people who's native language isn't English, we do have some pretty annoying homophones. I have seen multiple times even university students skrew up on "simple" one's such as were and we're. Now this is one annoying thing of the internet, there is no tone. So you could have really been trying to be helpful in the long run but it is easy to misinterpret.

Thanks again,

Patrick Simoneau
Judging by the plethora of emoticons above the text box, a person new here might think was an informal forum, and people posting here may expect to excercise a little less care in editing than they may otherwise make.  As mentioned the spell check included here has its limitations. I think these threads can stay on topic more effectively if off topic criticisms, contructive or otherwise can be sent in a personal message.

Will likely keep the moderators from having to stepping in as well.
Ohkay I gess if u cant beet em joyne em.  I wizh u boyz the best of lukk in ure aplycashuns I ur rite knowone will prolly cair if you rite how u feal.  Knowwun wil cear how u rite!



Can we get back to this being a "general questions" about application and leave the other stuff out? 

For updates on your application, post here: Application Process Samples

And for personal stories, post here:  Personal Stories

No wonder people hate wading through these threads for info....  ::)

(Glad that's off my chest.  You'd think it was Monday...  ;))
I sent in my application for naval reserves about a month and a half ago and my file/application is now in the process of trying to be moved from Ottawa to Hamilton (closer to where I live). Once my application has been received by Hamilton how long of a wait am I looking at? All my supporting documents have already been sent, as well as the security forms. Also, as a duel citizen how much of an extra wait should I expect? Is it likely that if I were pass all the tests and be offered a position it would happen before May 2014? (about 8 months from now?) And last question, does being female have any impact on the selection process?

Thanks so much for offering your help!

b.m.r. said:
Once my application has been received by Hamilton how long of a wait am I looking at?

This may help.

How Long Did You Wait?


b.m.r. said:
Also, as a duel citizen how much of an extra wait should I expect?

Dual Citizen


The Security Check/ Level Superthread- Check Here First 

b.m.r. said:
And last question, does being female have any impact on the selection process?

You may find this discussion of interest.

Diversity in recruitment 


I am wondering if I would be required to go through PRESEC if I hold dual citizenship with Brazil, but I have not been out of Canada in 11 years except to go on a week long vacation in Mexico?
I know presec can take 6-18 months, so I would be applying sooner if I know I will be required to go through it.

david587 said:
I am wondering if I would be required to go through PRESEC if I hold dual citizenship with Brazil, but I have not been out of Canada in 11 years except to go on a week long vacation in Mexico?

It says it may be necessary if the applicant has dual citizenship.


Best bet is to contact a CFRC.
Pat.Sim said:
Wow, and I thought that I was way off topic.. ::) All kidding aside, DAA, I was thinking the same thing. Nonetheless I will assume that it may be fact that I only have an equivalency diploma. From what I understand they (as with any employer) look for initiative so before reapplying I am going to do some upgrading in some of my classes. Get some volunteer work under my belt and use the time to even better my physical fitness. Maybe this is actually a good thing for my career in the long run.
Thanks again,
Patrick Simoneau

Gr 12 Diploma or Sec V Quebec or Equivalent (ie; GED) = counted as all the same.....

So my suggestion would be to take a closer look at the application you submitted, the "check" boxes you "ticked off", then think about where you can improve?
DAA said:
Gr 12 Diploma or Sec V Quebec or Equivalent (ie; GED) = counted as all the same.....

So my suggestion would be to take a closer look at the application you submitted, the "check" boxes you "ticked off", then think about where you can improve?

Grade 12 Higher Secondary Diploma does not necessarily  = Sec V Quebec in all cases

Grade 12 Higher Secondary = Sec V Quebec + at least 1 of 2 years of college studies from an accredited CEGEP in Quebec

When I went to U of Waterloo, my collegiate prerequisites from CEGEP studies counted from Montreal - same manner they would have if someone was applying at RMC in Kingston.
nn1988 said:
Grade 12 Higher Secondary Diploma does not necessarily  = Sec V Quebec in all cases
Grade 12 Higher Secondary = Sec V Quebec + at least 1 of 2 years of college studies from an accredited CEGEP in Quebec
When I went to U of Waterloo, my collegiate prerequisites from CEGEP studies counted from Montreal - same manner they would have if someone was applying at RMC in Kingston.

"Specific" to the CF Application, the option available is "High School Diploma (or equivalent)/ Secondary V (Quebec)".  In the OPs post, he has indicated a GED, therefore, he gets full credit, same as anyone else.

The information you are providing, for whatever reason, is probably more applicable to ROTP/RMC applicants and how it applies to Jr and Snr year applicants and their assignment.  And yes, the CF application does have a column for CEGP Studies (both 1 and 2 year) which are taken into account.

So I submitted my application for an Officer position months ago, I think it was in May. I eventually somewhat forgot about it as I got full-time employment elsewhere, but I still am not where I would like to be in life.

Anyway, I got a call a couple of weeks ago from a recruiter at the CFRC here. He said that the choices for officer I had selected were closed, however if I would like to be processed with either pilot or Aerospace Control Officer (AEC) as selections, then they would move forward with processing my file. I agreed to add AEC, and he said he would add that and process my file.

I have not heard anything since then. I emailed him today so hopefully he will reply within the next couple of days. I'm just kind of wondering since from all I have read from this thread and others, it does not seem typical for the recruiter to ask if you would like to add a selection if the ones you applied for were closed. I guess I'm asking if this means my chances are pretty good, or if it just means that I may or may not hear back again.
What caused my previous posts today to be deleted? I did not post anything specific about the CFAT or much specifics for that matter.  ???

Assistance on why would be appreciated.

Otherwise, for those that missed what was said.

It's October 1st, I had a CFAT, Passed it, Eligible for all trades. yay.  :boring: :facepalm: