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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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Goodeman said:
I didn't send any documents, that's what's confusing me. Also, it didn't say anything about me qualifying for my chosen trades. So essentially does this mean that once my trades are opened, that my file will be processed? Forgive my ignorance and thank you for your patience.

I'm not to far along, but from what I've heard from recruiters, etc...
Initially, the email should tell you what to send regarding documents... if it didn't, call a RC or even email them.
And when you take your CFAT im pretty sure it tells you by looking at the results what you're qualified to do or not. And, your file would be further processed after they receive your initial documents (for me it was educational transcripts and Birth Cirtificate COPY).
I would give anything to find out my application was forwarded to the Toronto recruiting centre.  It would mean that my dream is finally starting to come true :yellow:
Yes, you and me both feel the same about ourselves.... with mine being forwarded to the Vancouver RC, I'd be so happy haha.  :nod:
Good evening everyone,

Another question for anyone out there. After you do your CFAT , do you learn of the results and what trades you qualify for right away or do you wait until you complete the medical and interview? Also for the regular force is there a physical test during the recruitment process or is that done at BMQ in St. Jean?

Many thanks  :D

Once you have done the CFAT, you should be debriefed that same day, if not shortly afterwards.  The recruiters will then know whether or not you qualify for the occupations that you have selected and if not, they will see if your interested in something that you do qualify for...
DAA said:
Once you have done the CFAT, you should be debriefed that same day, if not shortly afterwards.  The recruiters will then know whether or not you qualify for the occupations that you have selected and if not, they will see if your interested in something that you do qualify for...


Thank you so much with your help. I am nervous about calling North Bay on Monday which is silly when only asking for an update. However if I don't ask I will never know and it won't hurt to ask :nod:

Lostly said:
Thank you so much with your help. I am nervous about calling North Bay on Monday which is silly when only asking for an update. However if I don't ask I will never know and it won't hurt to ask :nod:

If your already dealing with your local CFRC, then you should talk to them.  North Bay can provide you with info but if your file is already at a local Centre, then NB can only provide generic info...  The processing Centre can provide more...
DAA said:
If your already dealing with your local CFRC, then you should talk to them.  North Bay can provide you with info but if your file is already at a local Centre, then NB can only provide generic info...  The processing Centre can provide more...


I have not as of yet receive an email from North Bay regarding my application to see if it has been forwarded to the recruiting centre here in Toronto. Should I even call the RC here in Toronto as well regarding my application?

Many thanks,
p.s. I am so sorry for all the questions :)
Hi there,
First time RMC ROTP applicant,

1. Pilot
2. Aerospace Engineering Officer
3. IntO

I have completed the CFAT in which I was told I did exceptionally well on, I have my interview on wednesday and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what to study and what to know.

All answers welcome,
Thanks in advance
FlyingE said:
I have my interview on wednesday and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what to study and what to know.

Interview advice (merged)
12 pages
What happens if you have trouble finding your high school transcripts or if you never kept them, and the CFNRCC is requesting them for part of your file?
Lostly said:
What happens if you have trouble finding your high school transcripts or if you never kept them, and the CFNRCC is requesting them for part of your file?

You contact the school board in which you attended high school and request, usually at a cost, new copies of your transcripts.
MusclesGlasses said:
You contact the school board in which you attended high school and request, usually at a cost, new copies of your transcripts.

Does the school board send you a single complete transcript for your entire time at high school or just for one particular grade and then does that make you have to order from grade 9 - 12 individually?

Many thanks,
Lostly said:
Does the school board send you a single complete transcript for your entire time at high school or just for one particular grade and then does that make you have to order from grade 9 - 12 individually?

Many thanks,

No idea what your board would send. I requested one from the Toronto Public board years ago and it was for the full time I was enrolled. I would imagine yours would do the same.

Call and find out...
MusclesGlasses said:
No idea what your board would send. I requested one from the Toronto Public board years ago and it was for the full time I was enrolled. I would imagine yours would do the same.

Call and find out...

I called the school board today and I will have the transcript within a week. Very excited knowing everything is going well with the process thus far. Not sure what else to say because I am just happy  :nod:

Hello everyone,

Hope this finds all of you well. Just another quick question for the board. I hear that there is an express test during the application stage (CFAT, Interview etc ) for the Regular force. Is this true or is it done once you are at St. Jean?

Many thanks,
Lostly said:
Hello everyone,

Hope this finds all of you well. Just another quick question for the board. I hear that there is an express test during the application stage (CFAT, Interview etc ) for the Regular force. Is this true or is it done once you are at St. Jean?

Many thanks,

You will not do the express test until you get to St-Jean. 
half-pint said:
You will not do the express test until you get to St-Jean.

Hi Half-pint,

Thank you for the answer. Is there any physical testing during the recruitment process. Sorry if I am asking the same question again. Been under the weather lately.
Lostly said:
Hi Half-pint,

Thank you for the answer. Is there any physical testing during the recruitment process. Sorry if I am asking the same question again. Been under the weather lately.

Shockingly for Reg Force applicants there is not, which I don't think I'm alone in considering deplorable.
Brihard said:
Shockingly for Reg Force applicants there is not, which I don't think I'm alone in considering deplorable.

Agreed.  I think it is crazy that only those applying to the reserves have to do a fitness test during the application process. I had to do the step test (not a very physically challenging test, but better than nothing) when I first applied to the CF as a reservist and then again when I transferred into RegF. 


During the first week at basic, you will be required to meet a 'threshold fitness standard'.  For example, men have to do 4 push ups and women have to do 2.  My husband, who just finished basic last summer, told me about this test and I did not believe him.  First of all, there were quite a few people from his platoon who were booted because they couldn't pass the minimum and I thought there is no way a person who joins the CF is unable to do at least 4 push ups, but I was wrong. This website proves my husband didn't lie to me :P : http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/ps/rec/ec-pf/index-eng.asp. 

Hope that helps Lostly.