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On My Way


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Hello everybody. Long time lurker on these forums, specifically in the Recruiting Office section.

I am 24 years old and have been thinking about a career in the military for awhile now. My brother has been a member of our Armed Forces for quite a few years and I really respected his commitment to his country and job through his service and numerous tours. In 2006 my father sent me a link to an online application for the soon to be opened Tim Hortons in Kandahar Air Field. I applied and was given a subsequent interview and selected for pre-deployment training and selection in Kingston. I was selected and began my 6 month tour in September of the same year serving those who serve.

Those 6 months are hands down the proudest moments of my life. While I was proud of myself for going over and doing a job I know was appreciated, I was more proud of each member of our Armed Forces and their dedication and for some, their sacrifice. As I said I was contemplating joining the military for awhile, I would say my experience in Afghanistan was probably the catalyst that drove me to enroll. Before enrolling I wanted to take advantage of a program that was made available to myself and enrolled in college. Upon completion in Summer 2008 I then started looking more seriously into what the military could offer me and what professions interested me.

After many helpful readings on these forums and forces.ca in August I decided to stroll into my CFRC in Winnipeg and began discussions with the VERY helpful staff there. On my first visit I just walked away with some information sheets and some of my questions answered. About a week later after much thought (big career/life decision wanted to be sure it was what I wanted) I was sure this is the path I wanted to take and went back in and got the application package. I filled all of that out and once I got all pertinent documents together I proceeded to drop it off at CFRC who then advised that if it all checked out I would be contacted for CFAT, medical and interview.

It didn't take very long to receive that call and was brought in around early September. The practice CFAT helped me in preparation for the real deal. I was quite confident that I would do fine in the english portion of the test, so I spent my time studying the math portion as I was rusty. Upon completion and during the interview I was told I did well in all sections, but the math part especially so that was a pleasant surprise. If I can offer any hints for people worried about writing the CFAT is to eat a healthy breakfast (nothing too heavy like a supersize egg mcmuffin value meal) and some morning exercise. I did that and surprised myself at how focused I was during the examination.

The medical was fine as I have no major ailments (other than a little beer belly). I've got a L1.25 and R1.50 eyeglass prescription so I had to get a form from one of the medical staff to bring to my optometrist to fill out. I did that the same day it cost me $10.00 and 5 minutes of my time. The medical staff that I had dealt with at CFRC Winnipeg were both top-notch and very helpful.

My interview went well. I studied what the interview preparation had said and was glad I did as all of those questions were asked of me. He went through BMQ and what I should expect to learn there as well as Occupational training and beyond. He then asked me questions relating to jobs I have already had and also what I expect in a career with the Armed Forces. They do a credit check and I had a red light camera ticket to pay off, once that was done I was told my file would then be complete.

I paid the ticket off on my next pay day and brought proof of such to the Recruiting Centre. It was almost October at this point if I remember correctly. I had explained during my interview that I had a commitment to my current job until the new year to which they were extremely accommodating. In November I had received a call saying that I was confirmed for BMQ in St. Jean starting January 5th and I would swear in at CFRC Winnipeg on December 17. The whole process was incredibly smooth and that was a combination of preparedness on my part (thanks to the information here) and the staff at the Recruiting Centre.

So now here I am. I am waiting patiently until the new year to begin my new career with Canada's Armed Forces. My last day at my current job is December 19 which will give me ample time to get my affairs in order before I leave. I started getting myself into shape in September and have made gains since that point but as of December 1 have ramped up my efforts considerably in preparation of BMQ. It is an understatement to say I am excited for what lies ahead, I have no doubt I have made the right decision for myself. I don't believe I have mentioned up to this point but my occupational choice was RMS Clerk as it is the one that fitted my interests and prior work experience closest.

Thanks to all of the informative posters here for your help in answering questions of the whole process as well those who have shared their stories; I'm sure I've read most of them. Hope to see some of you in St. Jean in January.
Congratulations my friend! It's great to read stories that show the smooth flow of operations at the CFRC's. I have nothing but positive things to say about the CFRC in Ottawa as well. I also applaud your first "tour" at the Timmies :) That would have been quite the experience. Good luck in the future! BTW, what trade are you in?