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Ottawa to fund relaunch of CMR


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Wow, just saw the press conference on CTV.

CMR is re-opening this September.  Awsome for aspiring students!
wow... this next year should be pretty interesting around the college.  The funny thing is that cadets are only going to hear about it through the rumour mill, or when they get back in September.  Oh well, as long as morning walks and daily parades disappear, I won't complain. Prepare to engage autopilot 8)
Sorry to throw some cold water on the celebrations.  Not quite re-opening and returning to what it was.


More like a limited change in mandate.
Let's see:  $200M over 20 years = $10M per year.  With 200 students per year.  That's $50 000 per year, per student.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to do some sort of ASD instead - hire a CEGEP to deliver the training?

Either way, that $10M per year is millions of rounds of ammunition we won't have for training, or spare parts we won't have for vehicles.  Hardly a banner day for the CF.
Ottawa to fund relaunch of Que. military college
CTV.ca News Staff

A Quebec military college mothballed during budget cuts in the 1990s will reopen this September after receiving a financial boost from the Canadian government.

The Royal Military College in St.-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., will offer a new two-year diploma program to young potential officers.

The College of General and Professional Education Program (CÉGEP) is expected to accommodate about 200 students per year.

"It is with great pride that I am announcing the re-establishment of the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean," Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor said Thursday. "This vital educational institution will once again take its pride of place in the development of a bilingual officer corps. For too long we have felt its absence. CMR is back."

While the school won't offer university-level courses as it did prior to the 1995 cutbacks, credits can be applied to programs at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. or other universities.

The institution has been offering a one-year preparatory course for Quebec high school students looking to pursue a career at the Royal Military College in Kingston.

"The re-establishing of Collège militaire de Saint-Jean as an independent academic institution will provide a vital educational capability to the Canadian Forces," said Maj.-Gen. Semianiw.

"This will restore a Commandant, Board of Governors, and a Principal, as well as the military culture of discipline, uniforms and fitness training in order to meet the needs of an expanding and transforming Canadian Forces."

Michael Fortier, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, likened the original cutbacks to the National Hockey League shutting down the Montreal Canadiens.

"Our youth in Quebec want to study in a military college," said Fortier. "This announcement that we're making today will help them to fulfill their military study."

O'Connor said that the government will spend $200 million over the next 20 years on funding for the college.

With files from The Canadian Press

Now that CMR is back, does that mean RMC will no longer be referred to as CMR?  >:D
Captain Sensible said:
Now that CMR is back, does that mean RMC will no longer be referred to as CMR?   >:D

My guess:

RMC/CMR (Kingston)
CMR (St-Jean)

[Edited to add] May confuse the whole college number thing.  "Whats your college number"... "Mais, j'en ais deux mon ami!"... "Awww crap, both are lower than mine, do I owe you two now?"
Just trying to buy more political favour in seat-rich Quebec to help them shore up the prospect of a majority which seems to be slowly slipping away.  IMHO.  I agree with dapaterson that there are plenty of higher priorities for that $10M per year. 
How many students a year...and...where are they going to house them?  My understanding is/was that things there were full with the SLT, NCM PD Center folks and the RMC Prep Year students.

Just curious...

I am curious as to the "bang for the buck' ratio on this.  10 million a year is alot of ammo and IMPs for Field trng...if you follow me.
Mud Recce Man said:
How many students a year...and...where are they going to house them?  My understanding is/was that things there were full with the SLT, NCM PD Center folks and the RMC Prep Year students.

Just curious...

I am curious as to the "bang for the buck' ratio on this.  10 million a year is alot of ammo and IMPs for Field trng...if you follow me.

From reading around here, I've seen they've been filling the place up since I was there...  we housed the entire Squadron (150 or so) in one of the barracks (moved midway to renovate).   That was two to a room....    Either renovate and add a few beds in first year rooms (still more room than at RMC Kingston), or you need about a quarter of the other barracks.

The 200 estimate seems low if there was already 140-150 prep year cadets doing CEGEP 1.    CEGEP 1 is the requirement for acceptance into an Ontario University (RMC Kingston).   Why do CEGEP2?  And does this mean they will limit the amount of non Quebec candidates going to CMR to keep the number closer to 200 than 300 (double the one year cap of 150?)

This is going to really change the dynamic at RMC Kingston...  You'll have kids walking through the Arch in Year 2.... no FYOP for them...
A long overdue resurrection, albeit not a complete one.

Is four posts a record for the "better spent on bullets" argument?

Edited for spelling.
Posted in Current News as well


As I mentioned there, dapaterson, I'm seeing where you are going.

Currently, prep year cadets already receive CEGEP 1 provided under accreditation from CEGEP St Jean Sur Richelieu.
I dont really see the point in CEGEP 2 diplomas if everyone is just going to continue on for three more years at RMC Kingston for a University Degree. 

The only way I see this helping the individual is if they allow Cadets to bail out of ROTP after two years instead of one, but that certainly would be a waste for the CF...  otherwise, why not just send em off to Kingston?    You aren't really creating any more headroom in Kingston either,  since at least when I was at Prep year, we had 150 cadets...  200 isn't that far away...  if we had all stayed for a second year, then that would mean 300 in St Jean for two years...  but this release only talks about 200!
Meridian said:
My guess:

RMC/CMR (Kingston)
CMR (St-Jean)
I find it odd that a Canadian Forces institution that is over 100 years old had its proper name changed.  No longer is it "Royal Military College of Canada", but "RMC/CMR"  I mean, it's NOT "The Royal 22nd Regiment", its "Royal 22e Regiment" (I'm sure that there's an accent e goo in there somewhere).  For example, my middle name is "William", and it doesn't change to "Wilhelm" if I go to Germany or "Guillaume" (or whatever) in Quebec.

Anyway.....poutine anyone?  ;D
A Quebec military college mothballed during budget cuts in the 1990s will reopen this September after receiving a financial boost from the Canadian government.
The College of General and Professional Education Program (CÉGEP) is expected to accommodate about 200 students per year.

"It is with great pride that I am announcing the re-establishment of the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean," Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor said Thursday. "This vital educational institution will once again take its pride of place in the development of a bilingual officer corps. For too long we have felt its absence. CMR is back."

While the school won't offer university-level courses as it did prior to the 1995 cutbacks, credits can be applied to programs at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. or other universities.

The institution has been offering a one-year preparatory course for Quebec high school students looking to pursue a career at the Royal Military College in Kingston.

"The re-establishing of Collège militaire de Saint-Jean as an independent academic institution will provide a vital educational capability to the Canadian Forces," said Maj.-Gen. Semianiw.

"This will restore a Commandant, Board of Governors, and a Principal, as well as the military culture of discipline, uniforms and fitness training in order to meet the needs of an expanding and transforming Canadian Forces."

Michael Fortier, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, likened the original cutbacks to the National Hockey League shutting down the Montreal Canadiens.

"Our youth in Quebec want to study in a military college," said Fortier. "This announcement that we're making today will help them to fulfill their military study."

O'Connor said that the government will spend $200 million over the next 20 years on funding for the college.

With files from The Canadian Press

Meridian said:
This is going to really change the dynamic at RMC Kingston...  You'll have kids walking through the Arch in Year 2.... no FYOP for them...

It was like that prior to 1995 anyways.  People would do 2 years in CMR then go to Kingston to finish studies. Roc Term was done in St-Jean.

As for the college numbers, you get it at CMR (just like prior to 1995, with RRMC and CMR) and keep it in Kingston.


One of the things to consider is that the CMR / Ft St John campus does a hell of a lot more than just give education to Officer cadets.  The CF Language school has mOved there.  The CF school of leadership conducts it's Elementary, intermediate and advanced courses there..... and prolly much more - everything that has been kicked out of the Mega....
SupersonicMax said:
It was like that prior to 1995 anyways.  People would do 2 years in CMR then go to Kingston to finish studies. Roc Term was done in St-Jean.

As for the college numbers, you get it at CMR (just like prior to 1995, with RRMC and CMR) and keep it in Kingston.


Really? I thought that CMR was a full degree-granting institution before... I've heard of officers saying they got their Eng degrees there, I'm pretty sure....  was this just in the last few years before the cut?
geo said:
One of the things to consider is that the CMR / Ft St John campus does a hell of a lot more than just give education to Officer cadets.  The CF Language school has mOved there.  The CF school of leadership conducts it's Elementary, intermediate and advanced courses there..... and prolly much more - everything that has been kicked out of the Mega....

The students from CFLS Det St-Jean are there but the school itself is still in the Mega...
Mud Recce Man said:
The students from CFLS Det St-Jean are there but the school itself is still in the Mega...

the Mega was pert much up to the rafters with recruits last month ( when I was there for a week's training )  Didn't really see much in the way of signage for CFLS - but, if you say so.....