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If this post has been answered somewhere already, please direct me to the appropriate thread, after a few searches and reading the FAQ I still have a few questions.

I was originally directed to checking out the CF because a few friends of mine mentioned I'd make a great fit for a PAFFO officer. After checking the CF website, it looks like a really rewarding job that I'm certain I would enjoy. So I called the recruiting office and they informed me that you can longer become a PAFFO as a direct entry officer. Is this true?

A bit on my background, I have a Theatre Studies Degree, which, yes I know, is probably the least useful degree in the history of CF applicants. And yes, I know, it certainly looks like I'm a poor starving artist who can't pay his student loan and is trying to use CF as "green welfare." However, I've really put that part of my life behind me and I am looking for a fresh start, and my family has a history in the CF that I'd be proud to be a part of. However, I want to apply the skills I have in a position that I'd enjoy. I don't think I'd be a good PAFFO because of my theatre background, I think I was good at my theatre background for the same reasons I'd make a good PAFFO, if that makes any sense.

From what I've read on this board, a lot of PAFFOs are "dropouts" from other trades, or at least are perceived as such. This is very frustrating to hear for those of us who could be qualified for the job and would enjoy it. Is it really the case that I'm going to have to join as an Armour, Infantry, Artillery Officer, Aerospace Controller, Air Navigator or in a naval position in order to be qualified for this job? I have the utmost respect for the men and women who serve our country in these positions, and if that's what I have to do I'll gladly do it, but one of the common themes I've heard so far in advice on this board is "Go for the position that will make you happy." I'm just hoping what I've heard about some of the recruiting centers is true and they have certain recruitment requirements and maybe PAFFO isn't one of them, and that's why they're pushing me out of that direction. Any advice on the best way of getting into this field?
PAFFO is open to DEO but you must have a degree in Journalism, communications, International Affairs, Marketing, and/or Public Relation and have related experience.

If you're interested in PAFFO as a DEO military occupation it might be tough with only a Theatre Arts degree.   However, you may be able to make yourself a more competitive candidate by completing a Master's degree in journalism (I believe UWO in London, Ont. still offers one that's one year in length - perhaps Ryerson University - just don't tell your profs there that you're interested in the CF ;)) or attending a community college program in journalism - which combined with your BA might make you a competitive candidate.   Of the two streams I would suspect that an MA would be the CF's first choice over a community college program. However that's a specific question to be directed to Kincanucks our resident recruiting expert who possesses the Patience of Job.   :salute: BTW, don't worry about the negative PAFFO comments here - I've met with other CF PAFFOs in the reserve world who are terrific professionals who are doing their best to promote the CF in sometimes less than ideal circumstances, good luck, mdh  
Meridian said:

Is that degree requirement there for OTs?

For OT any Masters or Undergraduate degree, good leadership skills, four years of military service (for reservists, calculations are based on 25% Class A and 100% Class B and C and must total 48 months) and some related experience (part time or full time) preferably in direct support of a Base/Formation Public Affairs Officer.
mdh said:

If you're interested in PAFFO as a DEO military occupation it might be tough with only a Theatre Arts degree.   However, you may be able to make yourself a more competitive candidate by completing a Master's degree in journalism (I believe UWO in London, Ont. still offers one that's one year in length - perhaps Ryerson University - just don't tell your profs there that you're interested in the CF ;)) or attending a community college program in journalism - which combined with your BA might make you a competitive candidate.   Of the two streams I would suspect that an MA would be the CF's first choice over a community college program. However that's a specific question to be directed to Kincanucks our resident recruiting expert who possesses the Patience of Job.   :salute: BTW, don't worry about the negative PAFFO comments here - I've met with other CF PAFFOs in the reserve world who are terrific professionals who are doing their best to promote the CF in sometimes less than ideal circumstances, good luck, mdh  

A slight correction to my last.

For DEO:  Masters in Communications, Public Relations, or Journalism is ideal (read will get the job over undergraduate degree holder); any Masters degree is acceptable, and any Undergraduate degree is acceptable.  However, you also need at least two years experience in a public relations/public affairs organization and/or as a journalist no matter what education who have.

With only 5 positions available this year, a Theatre Studies Degree doesn't quite make a person very competitive.
Come to think of it....

Another option is to join a reserve unit as a DEO and offer yourself up as a Unit Information Officer (UIO) or offer to help out in the area. UIO is an appointment in which are you are a de facto PAFFO - although not an official member of the 66 trade (I believe they are changing these numbers by the way)   military occupation (MOC) that you see on the recruiting web site.   It's one way to gain experience and there is some chance that you could attend PAFFO courses.   There is also some chance that you could be recruited as a reserve PAFFO (a path that I am taking myself) -- and with enough experience transfer to the regs.   If you're interested in the reserve route try a Service Battalion in your area and find out what opportunities they have, cheers, mdh    
Wow, thanks for all the infomation, folks! I'm definitely going to check out the Unit Information Officer route first, as that would give me experience in the forces and maybe some subsidization towards a Public Relations degree which I can get at one of the local universities. Thanks again!
Just looking for some info re: PAffO - I'm looking at a CT to Reg F and a chance of a commission (I know, I know - I'm being tempted by the Dark Side >:D) and my family wants to know what might be in store.

So here are the basic questions:

1. What is the career foundation period like? (trades crses, initial post, etc)
2. What kinds of opportunities exist for tours as a PAffO?
3. Postings - Where is likely?
4. Career progression - how fast and how competitive for promotions?

There are about a dozen more, but can't put them down right now - too vague and need to get some more ideas about what I'm in for.

Highland Lad,

We have a guy in our unit who is planning to VOT to PAO from the ranks.  Good luck.

Anyway, here's what I can answer from your questions based on what I've seen:
1.  Approx 6 months for trade training, with DPAC (3 weeks) highly recommended prior to the VOT.
2.  Loads of deployment opportunities.  I don't know of one PAO who has not done, or been offered, multiple tours.
3.  Any base, wing, brigade, etc.  Each major group will have it's own PAO, while each unit SHOULD have a UIO.
4.  No idea.

As for the previous comment that most PAOs are drop-out from other trades, not true.  Most of the PAOs that I know left voluntarily from their previous trade for whatever reason.
Hi all,

Figured I would bump this thread rather than starting a new one on PAOs.

According to the Recruiting website:

"Reserve Public Affairs Officers are required to complete the Reserve Force Basic Public Affairs Officer Course, which is an intensive ten-month distance learning course supplemented by five in-house residential sessions..."

Can anyone confirm:

1. Whether this trg can be done as an NCM (with the understanding that they be commissioned following the completion of that course);

2. Whether the trg is done full-time (i.e. on Cl B), or on top of a full-time Cl B elsewhere (e.g. as a Unit Information Officer).

Thanks to anyone who can help!
For everyone's info:

ARMY_101 said:
1. Whether this trg can be done as an NCM (with the understanding that they be commissioned following the completion of that course);

No, you already need to be commissioned. NCMs can take the Unit Public Affairs Rep (UPAR), which is an introduction to general public affairs knowledge.

2. Whether the trg is done full-time (i.e. on Cl B), or on top of a full-time Cl B elsewhere (e.g. as a Unit Information Officer).

Up to your P Res unit on whether they want to pay you on Cl A or give you a Cl B. The 9-month course will take so many full days of distance learning, and so many days of residency.