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Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

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VADEANU: i passed all my tests to qualify, but i dont think i got chosen.  i should have known by today.  oh well, there is always next year to try again.:(  i guess i have to keep training now. 
primer said:
There use to be a tower at Ipperwash way back in the day

not a mock tower there was a rappel tower there. now the Native indians use it lol
Cutter2001ca said:
not a mock tower there was a rappel tower there. now the Native indians use it lol
It was a mock tower way way back if you remember the concrete anchors a few hounded yards away where the lines attached. I did see a pic from the 50's with guys doing para trg on it.
I remember seeing the same pic. When I was there as a cadet they told us that it was a Mock Tower at one time
Would you say the American Army Airborne school is physically more demanding than the canadian course or about the same.? i heard the US one is only three weeks!! As for preparation, an old CSM from my corps did the cadets para course and advised to go to a civilian jump school first to get used to the heights and getting out the door of a perfectly good plane, i think the Toronto skydiving school near wasaga beach offers static line jumps, which i guess are similar to the dome shaped military parachutes 
The jumping isn't the hard part.  I would advise you spend the money on good running shoes, and use them lots before you go.  When the time comes to jump, if you make it that far, there is no way anything is going to keep you on the plane, its just too damn hot and cramped in there lol!!
i think the Toronto skydiving school near wasaga beach offers static line jumps, which i guess are similar to the dome shaped military parachutes  
My physics teach was a pilot for them, they dont have static lines, all freefall.

Hey chrisp1j, hows it going. We just did our PT test and medical for the cadet para not long ago.

EDIT: By the way, if anyone is interested/wondering/cares, the Escort Officer this year will be a female. Most awsome officer ever!!!
hopefully airborne soon, what makes you think u didnt get chosen? give me details on your physical tests and your performance. I too am taking it next year , or the year after, and i need some info man!! what did you do there? where did you take the pre-course?
primer said:
I remember seeing the same pic. When I was there as a cadet they told us that it was a Mock Tower at one time

really wow thats for the histrory lesson I did not know that. The last time I was there we were looking to kick the Natives out.
rifle_team_captain_13 said:
My physics teach was a pilot for them, they dont have static lines, all freefall.

Hey chrisp1j, hows it going. We just did our PT test and medical for the cadet para not long ago.

EDIT: By the way, if anyone is interested/wondering/cares, the Escort Officer this year will be a female. Most awsome officer ever!!!

ya she is a pretty good officer. tiny but fit.
the Parachute School of Toronto does have static line, thats where i have done all my jumps.

as for why i didnt get picked, it is hard for an officer to get on the course.  they only take one officer from accross canada that gets to take the para course with the cadets.  i did the run in 7:05 10 chin ups and the sit ups were a joke.  i guess i have another year to try and shave the run down by 30 sec. :)
i go to the test at the end of april.... right now i did 9 chin up and y run the 1.6 in the 5m 45 sec
do you think i will be picked up?

Excellent, PM with the details of who, and how well each person did...good to see you guys carrying on the traditions, we should set up a plaque or somthing.


Unfortunately, as you stated, only one CIC officer is chosen for the course every year. I know that quite a few apply, and I remember hearing about some of their qualifcations (i.e. biathalon runners, etc.).With that in mind, keep working on it, and good luck.

its dependent on your NSCE scores, and situps as well. No one can give you an educated answer without those two things.

I recently joined an army cadet corps here in Toronto. I'm 15.

I would absolutely desperately love to take the basic parachutist course.

I'm not going to camp this year (I joined too late to apply) which means that I have three summers before I retire to achieve my goal. I've made the assumption that I won't be doing basic summer training next year, but will be fast-tracked to CL as another cadet in my corps has been (he joined last January at 16).

I'm a determined girl. I would just like to know exactly what the qualifications necessary to take the course are, and how I can start preparing.

I'm wondering:

Who should I talk to in my corps?
How does one apply for the course?
Are many people rejected?
What are the fitness standards that are expected?
What can I start doing now to make it easier for me to be accepted in the future?

Thanks for reading.  :)
Just for reference, that female officer is Capt. XXXXXXXXX of the 337 Queens York Rangers and she told me that to survive para, you need 50 push-ups 50 sit-ups 1.6km in under 7:00mins and 10 chin-ups. I'm currently doing 6:30 for the run, 50 sit-ups, 25-30 push-ups, and 3 chin-ups. I am a runner. Nothing else but I'm only 14 so I have a few years. If anybody who is going to Blackdown this year, and wants to train, PM with some info and exercises.
      Thanks, Geoff

Mod note: No names, no pack drill
I am in cadets (Har har) and I am applying to do my basic parachutists course this year (As I was unable to last year due to complications).  So I am some what out of shape and I would like to ask for the help of anyone who has completed this course in telling me what to expect PT wise, actual training wise, mind games, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated as I would really like to jump and do everything possible to help me do so.
I couldn't find anything with the information I was looking for but thank you anyway.