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Ok, so I've wanted to be in the CF since I could talk and I'm finally 16, and I was planning on joining the Reserves on the first day of summer. I had talked to my dad about it and he said ok but the problem is my mom is convinced the Reserve is, "a bunch of men, not a place for a 16 year old..." "I'll have to drop out of school..." "there's too much obligation, its like a cult."

I've tried to show her the facts on forces.ca but it doesn't seem to penetrate her 'House Wife' steriotype mentality. I was hoping individuals currently involved with the Reserves woulden't mind just stating a few facts and personal experiences so I might sway her thinking and join the ranks.

Thanks in advance.
A visit to the FAQ would have produced:
Convincing my parents    --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/13678.0
I think my head is going to explode [resistance from friends and family] --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/19887.0.html
Joining the Reserves at while in school? --   http://army.ca/forums/threads/135.0.html

If the threads do not answers your question, make a new post at the end of one of the threads.
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