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Pay Increase

What will our pay raise be?

  • 6.6% or higher

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • 6.5% or lower

    Votes: 35 36.8%
  • Quit wondering

    Votes: 44 46.3%

  • Total voters
The following is a list of a few jobs and their respective pays and the respective pay in the military. The following reflect that the person has reached journeyman(ql5) qual and or other professional level of competence except in the cause of labourers/ Pte's. Some may say this has no relevance but i feel that comments made to bring on par, us with our civie counter parts only reflects the nature and level of misunderstanding members have of our civie counter parts. Also we
have to remember that we made a decent wage while attending school and getting qualified for our job. I have not included any allowances as i do not have a list of such items at this time.

Civie                                                                     Military
$67000  high                                                     $5040/ 7493 Capt

Marine Engineer (non officer civie)                             military
low $3366                                                            $4018/4299

airplane mechanic                                                   miltary
3520/4604                                                           $4018/4299

Labourer                                                               Pte untrained (level 1 and 2)
$1859/2534                                                          $2218/ 2712

these are the gross monthly salaries based on our old table's and the Ontario Human Resources site. Although they reflect some of the pay differences, we have to remember that our training and education is provided to us while we train and learn the skills. Most trades and jobs in Civie land cost thousands of dollars and years to complete. i only did this cause the comments of bringing us on to our civie counter parts was mentioned. I think we are equal if not farther ahead then our counterparts. And we do not have to repay back thousands of dollars worth of loans and such.

one thing further a comment was made that flying old aircraft and sailing on old ships and such warrented the allowances, I would tend to guess that if we got new ships and aircraftthen those risks would cease and such no more need for them.
The fact is their is some jobs in the civie sector that pay more, or they have individual companies that pay more those are far and few between. I don't think anyone here can say that we don't make enough money. we make the average salary of a Canadian.
Your pay raise will reflect the appropriate amount of time that you were in each pay level.  If you were in one level for two days, your raise will cover that level for two days, and then your raise will cover the remainder at your next level.  


I am sure that your accurate portrayal of Civilian wages compared to their common Military equivalents is a true indicator as to why so many CF members jump ship and take the Civie job over their Military one.

I think your figures are a little skewed.

CTD said:
Civie                                                                    Military
$67000  high                                                    $5040/ 7493 Capt

one thing further a comment was made that flying old aircraft and sailing on old ships and such warrented the allowances, I would tend to guess that if we got new ships and aircraftthen those risks would cease and such no more need for them.

Where'd you get those numbers for civvie pilots?

I don't recall complaining about my pay and I don't recall a whole lot of people complaining either for that matter, which is what you keep saying is happening. Comments were made once the pay raise was announced, no one started a thread saying "we should be paid more", so quit harping on that BS that no one but yourself seems to bring up.

As for my comment about flying old helos from old ships, I said I wasn't sure if the $500 I get was enough to cover that, I in no way said I shouldn't get it if we get new helos and new ships.
Here's the quote right here actually:
I'm still not sure that $500 a month is enough to compensate me for flying a 40 year old helo over 2 degree water from a 30 year old destroyer in the North Atlantic, but it was my choice to come here.

The fact of the matter is that it's a dangerous job and all hazardous situations in the CF warrant an allowance of some sort. Also, I know of guys in the MH community that have spent 300+ days a year at sea, no amount of money in the world can offset only seeing your family for 2 months out of an entire year.

I'll sum up this post with a quote from you:
we make the average salary of a Canadian.
Right you are and the civil service got a raise, thus so did we. Go buy some cheese with your new found money and quit your whining.
one thing further a comment was made that flying old aircraft and sailing on old ships and such warrented the allowances, I would tend to guess that if we got new ships and aircraftthen those risks would cease and such no more need for them.

How much does a military funeral cost...?!

Because regardless of the amount of money involved, old kit will eventually get you one.

Up-to-date military kit has a value that far outways the financial burden that is placed on the system...Soldier's lives are far more important than balancing the books.

Think I'm full of it...?Next time you go on rotation, ask to go on a fighting patrol...then see what your opinion of new kit is.

Thanks for coming out.

Slim :cdn: :salute:
Setting up an argument that doesn't exist and then debating it is called creating a "strawman".  Just in case anyone wants to know.

Michael Dorosh said:
Setting up an argument that doesn't exist and then debating it is called creating a "strawman".   Just in case anyone wants to know.

I think its busy catching fire...
I see a lot of banter about the recent pay raise.  I am surprised there is no mention of officers getting a smaller back-dated pay raise than NCMs?  Interesting that officers are only getting 3.28% whereas NCMs will see 6.5%....I wonder what kind of a ruckus would ensue if the tables were turned?  If, heaven forbid, officers got 6.5% and NCMs a mere 3.28%?  I think there may actually have been a mutiny...  Thoughts, anyone?  Perhaps that officers are paid too much as it is?  Or because NCMs do all the real work and should get the largest increase?
Missile Man said:
I see a lot of banter about the recent pay raise.   I am surprised there is no mention of officers getting a smaller back-dated pay raise than NCMs?   Interesting that officers are only getting 3.28% whereas NCMs will see 6.5%....I wonder what kind of a ruckus would ensue if the tables were turned?   If, heaven forbid, officers got 6.5% and NCMs a mere 3.28%?   I think there may actually have been a mutiny...   Thoughts, anyone?   Perhaps that officers are paid too much as it is?   Or because NCMs do all the real work and should get the largest increase?

You choose to make this your first contribution to the board?  Pity, as it really doesn't show much thought.  Shall I define "flamebait" now, too?
No we all learned the hard way by having our hand burnt on the stove let him.

No Pain No Gain.

Funny my boss was saying the same thing in the lunch room today.  But he understood why it was done that way.  (he is a Maj) I don't but i will not complain he still makes close to 80 gs and i am no where near that. 
I'll bite, because if you keep giving everyone the same raise, the gap between officers and NCMs gets bigger and they probably want to keep the difference fairly constant instead of having it diverge with every raise. I can't see any other way of giving a fair raise to us then the way they did it.
$29,000 as a buck private, I gotta start running harder, I need back into this cash cow  ::) Military people get paid a fair standard of living, but give up much more than any civvie. I think perhaps anyone who would like to dump their pay raise into something is more than welcome to pay off my student loan, giving right back to our generous government. BTW how about that budget :P. The money is good, it is well deserved in each trade in the forces. Putting your family and yourself second does not have a price tag. IMHO

( Sorry this is a side note.  I always see IMHO posted everywhere.  Does it mean "In My Honest Opinion?" )
Sundborg said:
( Sorry this is a side note.   I always see IMHO posted everywhere.   Does it mean "In My Honest Opinion?" )

Sundborg said:
( Sorry this is a side note.   I always see IMHO posted everywhere.   Does it mean "In My Honest Opinion?" )

Honest or Humble depending on the statement
