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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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RussTheMann said:
question: any idea how the pay increment part works? especially while in BMOQ?

Please READ the threads on Pay Scales.  All of your questions have been asked and answered there.

These links may help:



Pay increments, simply are annual raises in pay.  Nothing more.  Date that the increment comes into effect will vary depending on various criteria.  When you are enrolled, talk to a clerk and determine that date and what may affect it. 

The previously-posted links have been merged into this thread.
George Wallace said:
Why ask a question when you have been given the answer in "Black and White" in your offer as to what you will be paid?
I suppose I just wasn't certain that that was effective from BMOQ Day 1.

After chatting with a few recent BMOQ grads, all who were there within the last year, I found out that the pay structure does in fact vary. Two members were paid as 2Lt, and 2 paid as OCdt with back pay (and a hunk of taxes taken off that backpay amount). They even had other members in their courses paid differently from them.

It looks like it really is an either/or scenario. I'd love to know why the pay structure changes, but I suppose in the long run it isn't important.
If that's what your offer says, then that is what you should expect. During basic you will have some class time with the clerks where you will get to review what your pay will be and try to fix any discrepancies. It also may take a while for your pay to get deposited in your checking account.
drbones said:
If that's what your offer says, then that is what you should expect. During basic you will have some class time with the clerks where you will get to review what your pay will be and try to fix any discrepancies. It also may take a while for your pay to get deposited in your checking account.
I'll be sure to budget accordingly. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
I'm currently doing BMOQ and I am getting paid $4163/month (ie. DEO 2LT Pay Increment 1). I am single so I am paying ~$648.41 for rations and quarters. Currently it works out to roughly $2100/month after all the deductions. Keep in mind that before basic I was on LWOP for 73 days and so my pension contributions are double what they should be for a little while.
Not sure where to post this really....

What is up with the payroll rates?


I am going DEO, and during the interview I was shown a laminated piece of paper showing I would be paid 1800 dollars a month after taxes for an unknown amount of time. My trades picked were Pilot and Armour Officer... I was told oyu start of at BMOQ as a 2nd Lt..... The pay scale doesn't seem to be reflecting that at all.

I am worried about my finial situation, as my bills total up to about 1400 a month (student loans, insurance,car, credit cards, phone ect.)

What am I missing here?
Daishi said:
What am I missing here?

Using the search function and finding the hundreds of responses on DEO payscales.

Cue MarioMike....
Daishi said:
Not sure where to post this really....
What is up with the payroll rates?
I am going DEO, and during the interview I was shown a laminated piece of paper showing I would be paid 1800 dollars a month after taxes for an unknown amount of time. My trades picked were Pilot and Armour Officer... I was told oyu start of at BMOQ as a 2nd Lt..... The pay scale doesn't seem to be reflecting that at all.
I am worried about my finial situation, as my bills total up to about 1400 a month (student loans, insurance,car, credit cards, phone ect.)

What am I missing here?

The "laminated" piece of paper is a general example of what to expect for "take home" pay (ie; net, after all deductions).  The CF Pay Scales reflect the "gross" rate of pay per month, prior to any deductions being taken (ie; Tax, CPP, EI, CFSA, SDB and Rations/Quarters).
OH! Okay!

So ~$1800 after all taxes and such AND room and board.

So I'll end up having all my bills paid, a roof and food and still have 400-500 a month to put away while I am in training.

That is a huge relief to hear, thank you!
The figure you were given was just a ball park. There will be some +/- based on your personal financial situation. That same number was also not a promise, as much as it was an example. Don't count your chickens etc...
How do the pay increments work over rank promotions?

For example if I get hired DEO and pay band 3 I get $4822, when I go up to Lieutenant do I stay the same pay band and then make $4892? I doubt this because if I happened to start pay band 4 I would make $5152 and upon being promoted I would then make $5058.
Your Incentive Pay Category (IPC) will most probably revert to level 0 of the next rank, unless level 0 is less than whatever the member was receiving at the previous IPC (rare).
You won't drop in pay, the system will move you to the lowest IPC in the next rank that's a raise. The only time you keep your IPC level is on appointment from Cpl to MCpl (and maybe those chief A, B, C?) since it's not an official promotion.
TerraIncognito said:
How do the pay increments work over rank promotions?

For example if I get hired DEO and pay band 3 I get $4822, when I go up to Lieutenant do I stay the same pay band and then make $4892? I doubt this because if I happened to start pay band 4 I would make $5152 and upon being promoted I would then make $5058.

You do not drop in pay.  You will continue to receive $5152 until you reach an equal or higher IPC level in your new rank.
George Wallace said:
You do not drop in pay.  You will continue to receive $5152 until you reach an equal or higher IPC level in your new rank.

Not true at all.

PuckChaser said:
You won't drop in pay, the system will move you to the lowest IPC in the next rank that's a raise. The only time you keep your IPC level is on appointment from Cpl to MCpl (and maybe those chief A, B, C?) since it's not an official promotion.

Closer, but the bit in yellow is key in many cases.

204.04(3) (Rate of pay on promotion) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid, on promotion to a higher rank, at the rate of pay established in the applicable CBI which is the greater of:

the basic rate of pay for the member's new rank and, if applicable, pay level and trade group; or

the rate of pay for the pay increment and, if applicable, pay level and trade group, for the member's new rank that is nearest to, but at least equal to, the sum of the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day immediately prior to the date of the promotion, plus an amount equal to the difference between the rate of pay established for pay increment 1 and pay increment Basic in the member's new rank, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in the new rank.

MCpl and CWO

204.30(4) (Appointment of master corporal) A corporal who holds the appointment of master corporal shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a corporal, Pay Level 5B, in Table to this instruction at the same pay increment to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, as a corporal, had the member not been appointed master corporal.

204.30(5) (Repealed)

204.30(6) (Appointment of Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer) After August 2006, and subject to paragraph (8), the chief warrant officer who holds the appointment of Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a chief warrant officer, Pay Level 8C, in Table to this instruction at the same pay increment to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, as a chief warrant officer, had the member not been appointed Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer.

204.30(7) (Appointment of a Chief Warrant Officer to the Senior Appointments List) After 31 August 2006, and subject to paragraph (8), a chief warrant officer appointed to the Senior Appointments List shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a chief warrant officer, Pay Level 8B, in the Table to this instruction at the same pay increment to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, as a chief warrant officer, had the member not been appointed to the Senior Appointments List.

204.30(8) (Limitation) The entitlement under paragraphs (6) and (7) ceases after one year following the termination of their appointment as the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer or from a position established in the Senior Appointments List.
Don't have the specific reference at the moment, but there is a related pay policy that notes that if, on promotion, the difference between the member's previous rank pay incentive category and the new rank's basic pay is less than the difference between the new rank's basic pay and first incentive category, the member's pay rate shall commence at the new rank's IPC 1.

This usually only occurs when a member has 'maxed-out' their incentive category in the previous rank.

Im at home for leave for the holidays and i made an appointment with my bank to help consolidate my debt, i need to bring the last 3 pay stubs, no big deal there but apparently she also needs a letter or something that says im not on a probation period or anything like that, because most civi jobs have one.... im very pressed here and i have no idea who to contact.

im currently on Hold Fast at CFSME in Gagetown, if that helps anybody with who i can contact about this.. any tips are helpful. thanks!
kellar16 said:
Im at home for leave for the holidays and i made an appointment with my bank to help consolidate my debt, i need to bring the last 3 pay stubs, no big deal there but apparently she also needs a letter or something that says im not on a probation period or anything like that, because most civi jobs have one.... im very pressed here and i have no idea who to contact.

im currently on Hold Fast at CFSME in Gagetown, if that helps anybody with who i can contact about this.. any tips are helpful. thanks!

Your MPRR ought to show what contract you are on.  If you can get a copy of it, do so. 
If there is a nearby Regular or P Res CAF unit you can get to, bring your ID and see if you can get logged on to the DWAN.  Then, go into EMAA and print out your MPRR, as suggested by Technoviking.