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Pea's Story...

Congrats Pea and best of luck to you at St.Jean ;D If you have any questions about basic feel free to message me anytime.
Pea said:
:P I know you mean well.  Maybe it's some kind of sign it's meant to be...  ;D

I guess this means that someday we'll be together.  ;)
...wel! if that's what it's going to take to get me into the MIR, then so be it!...take me kicking and screaming...{no whips, please}

;)    ;D 
Good Luck Pea!!!!

That's right... I received my offer today!! Reg Force Medical Technician - Land Element. Yippee!! I swear in March 29th, and then fly out May 7th for BMQ in St.Jean.  :) I have been wanting to post ALL day but  the site was down. I am still grinning like an idiot, and can't sit still I am so excited! I think that's a good sign.

So this is my last weekend as a "civi". I guess it worked out well since I am spending it in Ottawa with some of my fave Army.ca people!

I will be Pte(R) Pea as of next Thursday. Whoohoo!  ;D Look out St.Jean!  ;)
Welcome aboard - and you got a cool job to boot  ;D.  You'll be working for me or SMMT before you know it ;).


Oooooooo... Congrats!!!!!!

I'm so jealous! lol.

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy for you!!  Like always, when you least expect it!!!

Good luck and congratulations!!!

Congrats Pea.  I will be thinking of you and know you will do great.
Way to go, Pea!! Good luck at basic and on course.  Too bad it wasn't sooner, I'm only in Borden until 25 May.... ;)
Congrats and good luck Pea! You will do great, you can stick a needle in my arm any day  ;D
Gratz pea, Im happy for you

Have the best time of your life.

Hope it will be as good as you imagine.

As for me...still waiting ....almost 445 days now.  :crybaby:
Hey congrats Pea i hope mine goes along just as quick and hopefully get to see you in st jean:) keep up your hard work i'm sure you'll be a big success:)
Congrats Pea ;D I'm really happy for you. Good luck to you at basic; I know you'll do great!
Well it's my last day as a civilian, as I do my swearing in tomorrow morning. My Mom and brother are on their way down from Northern Alberta to be with me. I'm getting pretty excited today, but the nerves are definitely there too. My VIE is 6 years which I know is a big commitment, but definitely one I am ready to make. We're doing dinner tonight to celebrate since they need to take off early tomorrow. I'll make sure my brother takes pictures tomorrow, and will post once I have a chance afterwards.  :)
Everyone, a toast to Pea, may she have a great career. Good luck Pea  :salute:  :cdn:
Congratulation, Pea!!!
Enjoy your last night as a "true" civilian.  Have a big nice steak and celebrate! 
Welcome to the Canadian {Armed} Forces.