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PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

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If you recd 2 PDR this FY already, you have recd the minimum. But you should have, at the minimum, recd a new pt1a&b initial interview/critical tasks when moving into the new position as per AmmoTech90's words below.

Keep your notes. Make notes. You may be thinking the worst as well. You don't have your PER yet. Don't stress yourself out just yet; you may be surprised.

Matter of fact, I haven't got any PDRs this year, nor have I recd anything since my posting to my new place of work. Hmmm. I'll have to work on that.

But your theatre one would be used to make that annual one with would it not? That's how it's supposed to work for deployed Units. Their PDRs from theatre are supposed to be taken into consideration in the writing of the annual PER.

I can only let you know what we are doing here. The personnel from TF 1-06 from 1 Svc Bn got their theatre PER and in conjunction will be getting a annual PER. The Annual PER will not reflect on anything overseas, only their performance and potential back here. These will both be going to the CM.
That makes sense because they only augmented the tour. They didn't deploy as a formed Unit thus the theatre PER and annual PER make sense. That's normal, augmentees usually get a theatre PER to cover that time and an annual from their home Unit to cover the remainder of the reporting period.
They were a formed unit with a UIC of 6294 (mostly 1 Svc and 1 GS Bn pers), but I think because of their tour dates (Jan - Sep or for the HQ & Sigs 9 months Feb - Nov) they are getting the 2 PERs (in conjunction with each other). The tours I have been on overseas I only got a annual PER because they were within the Apr to March timeframe.
Fdtrucker said:
They were a formed unit with a UIC of 6294 (mostly 1 Svc and 1 GS Bn pers), but I think because of their tour dates (Jan - Sep or for the HQ & Sigs 9 months Feb - Nov) they are getting the 2 PERs (in conjunction with each other). The tours I have been on overseas I only got a annual PER because they were within the Apr to March timeframe.

All Units overseas are considered formed Units and assigned UICs, SCAs etc.

For CFPAS theatre PER purposes we are talking when a Canada based Unit deploys, in strength, overseas as a formed Unit. 1 Svc Bn didn't deploy, but a lot of their members did to the TFA NCE & NSE. Therefore you get a theatre PER. The PPCLI meanwhile deployed en masse, and therefore belonged to the same Unit overseas that they do in Canada, they got PDRs (unless of course they were in-theatre 31 Mar).
With the new tour of RCRs and VP in the same same BG (not including the 1 and 2 VP on the last tour) they will have the same UIC. Are they consider a formed unit with both Regts having their own merit lists???
Where pers have deployed with a sub-unit of thier home unit, they will likely get PDRs and an annual PER.  The sub-unit HQ gets the joy of coordinating with the unit back in Canada.  Only the OCs of these sub-units will get theatre PERs from the BG CO.  So, in the case of the BG Engr Sqn, the OC gets theatre PER and everyone else will get annual PERs.
I am looking for some information or an aide-memoire to help me with a queston on PER exemptions.  I have gone through the CFPAS Policy Directive and I am having some difficulty finding some clarification WRT filling in section 4. I asked numerous of my peers and supervisors and most were unsure or made these faces :o ??? ::) :-\ :boring: :blotto:

The following quote is pretty much all there is for filling in the form.



There is no defined minimum observation period for a CFPAS Annual PER. However, in those rare instances where observation is so limited as to render it impossible to accurately report upon a member's performance and potential, then the unit CO may consider an exemption. The CO's authority in this regard must be exercised judiciously with an awareness that under no circumstances should an exemption be selected simply to save staff effort. To process the exemption the unit shall complete a PER exemption form with section 1, 2 and 3 completed. The CO must sign section 4 and where possible the member should sign section 5 in order to confirm his/her notification. Note that paragraphs 23 and 24 of the CFPAS Policy Directive continue to apply. Where uncertainly exists, DMCARM 2-3 should be consulted.

Members receiving an Exemption PER should be made aware that there is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage to having an Exemption PER over having a short observation period Annual PER. In terms of being found competitive enough to be seen by future selection boards, an average of the last two PER's on file is used to stand in the place of the exemption form so the member's place on the selection list reduction remains largely unaffected from what it otherwise might have been. A short observation period per, however, stands on its own merits and if it is not as highly scored as previous per's, the member's placement may be affected.

My primary concern is what is required to be filled out in the small text box located on the right hand side of descrption/dates in Section 4 of the PERX

Some clear direction with this matter would be most appreciated.


Thanks, I should have checked with the DMCARM 2 reps about the PERX after the first set of silly faces. They must be contagious because I started doing it. Thanks for setting me back on track.


Didn't find anything on it,however don't believe it should have it's own tread.

Besides writing normal PER's I have to admit my knowledge of certain aspects on it are lacking.I went into my office to grab something from my locker as I'm currently on course.Ran into someone who had to ask me a few questions about a certain task I had done this year.He said it was for my "Promotion PER."

Now is this basically the same PER I will receive?Or is this one a different format to go off to the boards etc?

May sound stupid to somebody in the know,however after looking through my CFPAS book I found nothing.

I ASSUME (ass out of you and me....I know)it is the same PER,but has to be written IAW where I placed on a merit board?

Little confused,hopefully someone can comfirm for me.Seem's like a dumb question,however dumb guys wouldn't think so much....you wouldn't believe the amount of useless garbage I run through in my head in the run of a day.
Thank you dataperson for you clarification, the posting stuff in the other hand I do not agree on the mentality "if you are not happy with it get the $/%%?&? out" from the career manager.  Some people have spouse and wife that make equal or more in salary, should you lose half your income to do the same job in a different province for a rank in salary raise !!!  What about your better half does he or she deserve to put everything on hold for you.  Now in 2008 it's time to adapt to modern society and become more flexible with posting.  Don't get me wrong I love the military and my job but it's time to be realistic.

Cheers !
twizted said:
Thank you dataperson for you clarification, the posting stuff in the other hand I do not agree on the mentality "if you are not happy with it get the $/%%?&? out" from the career manager.  Some people have spouse and wife that make equal or more in salary, should you lose half your income to do the same job in a different province for a rank in salary raise !!!  What about your better half does he or she deserve to put everything on hold for you.  Now in 2008 it's time to adapt to modern society and become more flexible with posting.  Don't get me wrong I love the military and my job but it's time to be realistic.

Cheers !

Yeah so??

Other people have spouses and families too -- that they can't even get posted close to driving range within, because there's asshats out there who think their families are more important than everyone else's.

Ever be a newf and try getting posted to Newfoundland? Or even the East Coast?

We ALL have our jobs to do and when WE refuse to go where the CF NEEDS us to -- we are SCREWING someone else.

This from a girl who's family has packed up and moved 7 times in 19 years -- because others refused to do so. Now you tell me why YOURS is more important than mine. Do my kids deserve to have to lose then remake friends every 2 years?

It's about damn time they started kicking their asses out. I have ZERO sympathy.
twizted said:
Thank you dataperson for you clarification, the posting stuff in the other hand I do not agree on the mentality "if you are not happy with it get the $/%%?&? out" from the career manager.  Some people have spouse and wife that make equal or more in salary, should you lose half your income to do the same job in a different province for a rank in salary raise !!!  What about your better half does he or she deserve to put everything on hold for you.  Now in 2008 it's time to adapt to modern society and become more flexible with posting.  Don't get me wrong I love the military and my job but it's time to be realistic.

Cheers !

This really proves how little you know.  People do get posted and leave their higher earning spouse behind.  It is a choice that they have made.  In some cases the CF can accommodate them and Post them on IR (Imposed Restriction).  They get an allowance for being "Separated".

Can the CF accommodate everyone?  No.  Nor could any other Agency.  CF members will have to make their own decisions. 

In days of old, I advised young soldiers not to even think of marriage before they had attained the rank of Cpl.  Then they would have more 'job security' and of course a better level of pay, and perhaps some savings in the bank.  Anyone running off and getting married as soon as they finish Basic is a FOOL.  Today we face other problems with many older people joining the CF who have already established families while they finished their Schooling or worked in another profession.  Hopefully, they were a little frugal and built up some savings before joining the CF, as they will be facing some very tight few years, money wise, when they join. 

The harsh reality is, like any job, the employer really doesn't care about your family; it is you that they have hired and you that they want to perform to their expectations.  At least the CF does take some interest in the members family and has over the years brought in policies and benefits to aid them, but the CF can not become a Welfare Cheque for them.

It seems that many young people today have been raised to believe that they are "entitled" to things; that they don't have to "work" for anything.  As far as I remember, Canada is still not a Socialist State.
twizted said:
What about your better half does he or she deserve to put everything on hold for you.  Now in 2008 it's time to adapt to modern society and become more flexible with posting.  Don't get me wrong I love the military and my job but it's time to be realistic.

So then what, us single people with no working spouses should get the shaft and get posted so your wife doesnt lose her job ?


I wonder what you would have done to "accommodate" all the members of 1 RCR a decade ago when the whole Bn was moved from London to Petawawa.  I am sure that the CDS at the time would have been quite willing to let a good 400 or more soldiers stay in London, because their spouses or girlfriends had good paying jobs..................Not!
CDN Aviator said:
So then what, us single people with no working spouses should get the shaft and get posted so your wife doesnt lose her job ?

Probably posted to Wainwright too -- so you'd have no hope in hell of even finding a wife.

Your remark illustrates perfectly the BIG picture that the "me me me" generation is obviously not familiar with -- every time they don't do their job -- they are screwing their buddies and that includes when it comes time for a posting.

There used to be a day when the mere thought of that would make anyone in uniforms skin crawl, and if it didn't -- those people got out.

Nice to see the pendulum starting to swing back the other way for a change.
Hey!!  Wainwright is not that bad. We are into our fifth year here.  As a military spouse, I found a good job with PSAC working on the base as a CR3.  Have no intentions of retiring here though.
mummiebear5 said:
Hey!!  Wainwright is not that bad.

Try being and there single.

I have no desire to ever be posted there because some bleeding heart has a wife that doesnt want to give up her job.
mummiebear5 said:
Hey!!  Wainwright is not that bad. We are into our fifth year here.  As a military spouse, I found a good job with PSAC working on the base as a CR3.  Have no intentions of retiring here though.

I've yet to meet someone who planned on retiring there!! How many single girls there for Cdn Aviator to hook up with though? Any referrals for him -- ??  ;D
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