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Policy on Clickers?

The other safety hazard that comes from clickers is when one walks in from snowy/wet ground onto very smooth concrete (ie parade squares in an armouries) or walking on vaguely slippery surfaces - I've had them on my boots for 17 odd years, and still consciously think about how I walk when I come indoors or am parading in the winter time because things tend to be REALLY slippery at first.  It really doesn't look too cool (or feel good for that matter) when you visit the floor in a head first sort of attitude.  Well, OK, it might look cool if it's someone you really don'tlike...

Cleated ankle boots are/were in the system, at least as auth contracted mods.

  In 1981, with Ceremonial guard, all were issued four pair of ankle boots, two normal pair, and two pair triple soled, with Howes Oak, and large fore and aft cleats.  I wore one pair of the triple soled throgh teaching at CFRS and CFLRS as well as Regimental parades.  The other pair are still brand new, unworn.

Someone who has done CG, or is in the GGHG, CGG or the GGFG may be albe to give you the NSNs.

the Blakey's, aka. Heel Clickers were issued to us in D&C 2004, Vernon   *Thank-you to all the D&C WO's for making this possible*   we had to pay $.50 per boot to have it put on. (Courtesy of our Platoon WO's and other platoon members to cover the cost of the clickers.)

If you do nail them in yourself, dont nail them into the little holes in the heel of the boot, it messes the boots up, those holes (on the heel)   are were they nail the heel into the boot.
You can pick up the nails at your hardware store, if i remember right they were about a half inch long and had a round head, like a finishing nail. not sure maybe someone can refresh my memory

as far as rules,

Your Not allowed to wear them when traveling on an airplane, so take them of prior to going to camp or the like

goes with the bus as well, they might tolerate it at your local HQ dependin on your circumstances (ask), but they Wont tolerate it when going to and from camp

If your corps has a wooden floor for a parade square, your also not allowed to wear them as they will scuff and dent the floor, as long as its Cement or Asphault your parading on, your ok
question for Hamiltonions...

Any recomended places to get this done?
Wow-this brings back memories! When I was in the RRegtC (1974-1982) quite a few of us got our drill boots completely hobnailled and horseshoed. It was a bit tricky on slippery surfaces, but the sound! Nothing like a guard of honour crunching along the pavement, then crashing to a halt, steel on concrete!

I remember when we did Farewell to Calgary in 1PP in 1997: the sound of a battalion's worth of boots, most of them with clickers or horseshoes, echoing off the walls of the glass canyons downtown was quite impressive.

I still have the heel clickers on my present set of drill boots.

There is also a practical side to having toe/heel cleats.
As taught to me by a wonderful RCR S/M when he was RSS at my unit, they prevent leather soles/heels from wearing down so fast (i.e. especially when you've gone to the expense of having your shoes/boots double/triple-soled, which makes them wonderful for parade square bashing without breaking small bones in your feet).

On my more expensive civvy shoes, I have nylon toe/heel cleats installed ... it's the frugal side of me, I know - cheaper than completely resoling shoes that still have lots of life in their uppers ... (hmmm ... we still don't have a kilted smiley face, I see ...)

And, yes - I love my hobnails, too ... but not when they've just waxed the floors ... yikes - it's worse than skating on Teflon!
Thus, I keep one pair of triple-soled pde boots for wearing with spats (which are inevitably only worn for ceremonial pdes), triple-soled brogues for parade square bashing, another pair of brogues with nylon for and aft cleats for general, gentle usage (e.g. mess kit, since Highland dance with hobnails would end up an Extreme sport on Spike TV ...).
pbi said:
Was that Sgt Maj Boris Damjanoff?

Of course!
Funny story:  I was in the recruiting office, helping fill out some forms for the Verification of Former Service of a guy who'd been in the Cdn Guards decades before.  Suddenly, his back stiffened as he heard those distinctive shoes crossing the parade square purposefully ... and as he rose to his feet to stand ramrod straight for the greeting and inspection he knew would follow, he asked, "Do you have somebody here named Damjanoff?"
Question for anyone out there who knows, seems to be a slight debate on the topic, but what is the policy on having "clickers" on your parade boots?  As well, if it's permitted, is it a pan-CF thing?  Cheers!
And I should add the question right off the bat: scenario of a navy instructor at a school (not on ship) wearing them.
There was a time, in Basic, where you got two sets of ankle boots and two sets of oxfords. One set of each, immediately went to the base shoe maker and were double soled, double heeled and cleated.

I've had a set of boots done that way from '68 til now and it's never been questioned. A number of my soldiers have also had it done.
Thanks for responding.  Just so happens I have a set of the old style parades (the good ones, before vibram became a food group) and they are in excellent condition, two hours and they are like glass...but I'm just wondering now, I've heard before that navy senior NCO's not posted to a ship could wear them, but I can't seem to find anything anywhere that says yes OR no. So meanwhile I'd love to have the sharp sound of the boots, I'd rather not be murdered for doing so.  Any insight here?  :-)
Certainly in my plans, but before approaching the CoC on it, wanted to get some input, experience or perhaps find someone who already knows the answer. :-)
Makes sense not aboard ship. The only place we ever ran into problems was they weren't allowed on the aircraft aprons. Other than those two places, I don't forsee too much flak.
recceguy said:
The only place we ever ran into problems was they weren't allowed on the aircraft aprons.

Or in aircraft hangars or anywhere around aircraft.
Also don't want to wear them in an explosive environment, due to potential spark hazard.
recceguy said:
There was a time, in Basic, where you got two sets of ankle boots and two sets of oxfords. One set of each, immediately went to the base shoe maker and were double soled, double heeled and cleated.

I've had a set of boots done that way from '68 til now and it's never been questioned. A number of my soldiers have also had it done.

This is still done today (well.... 2008) when new Guardsmen arrive in Ottawa at "Depot" (aka, Carleton University) for the Intensive Drill Period (work-up training)!  I have my set and most recently took them to St Jean for BMOQ.  Sadly, that was probably the last time I will ever wear my beautiful boots with clickers since, "Officers don't wear boots [on parade]!" ....  :(