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Politics or a Better Reason?


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Are you involved with the army for personal reasons or political reasons? A lot of people ask me why I'm interested in the army and I tell them it's not ALL about the politics. It's more like a skilled task that needs to be completed by the best.

Your thoughts?

Applogies granted if this isn't the right area to post.
??? Who would ever ask that question?  Do you hang out with Che Guevara wannabe's?
DanielSchnarr said:
Are you involved with the army for personal reasons or political reasons? A lot of people ask me why I'm interested in the army and I tell them it's not ALL about the politics. It's more like a skilled task that needs to be completed by the best.

To blow the minds of your friends, personal reasons are political.
Tell them you enjoy killing and eating toddlers. Everyone knows that's the real reason anyway.
George Wallace said:
??? Who would ever ask that question?  Do you hang out with Che Guevara wannabe's?

Come on now Britney, George and Scoutfinch, work with us here:

____ is an extension of ______ by other means.

After all, he is a paying customer.

I protect Canadian citizens regardless of their political views.

Guess it's personal.
Wow guys I'm sorry about this thread, I really can't re-phrase what I was going to say.

The question should be...

Do you do this because it's what's best for you, or do it because it's what's best for the country or a combination?

My willingness join the CF was as political as my father's decision to become a farmer, my brother's to become a veterinarian, and my sister's to become a nurse.

I don't think anyone chooses thier career because of "politics".

The next time someone asks you that, turn the question around and ask them what they want to be and why.

I do it because it has always been what I wanted to do.
I have no choice in this. I do it because I have to. People need my help and my protection. It benefits the nation, I'm sure, but that's not why I do this. I can’t help it. It’s been that way all my life.

The only mitigating reason I can offer is that the instinct to protect is hardwired in the DNA of the Canadian soldier. So, it's not my fault. I'm a victim.
What about just to have FUN? This isn't Soviet Russia you know, you're allowed to have fun at your job.
paracowboy said:
I was an RCR, remember? Fun isn't issued.

Actually, the fun glands and receptors are surgically removed, turned into a stone and painted white.
whiskey601 said:
Actually, the fun glands and receptors are surgically removed, turned into a stone and painted white.
when I was pulled upstairs, thre appeared this big ol' rock outside my office. As I moved from room to room it would appear at each door. I didn't get it.

Then it clicked. RCR, ha ha.

So, I painted that sucker. Blue, black and gold. It now stands proudly outside my office. Sometimes I salute it.
whiskey601 said:
Actually, the fun glands and receptors are surgically removed, turned into a stone and painted white.

Under Orders from Sgt Major LeClare? (Sp?)

Ive only heard the stories... Legendary as they were..... I wish I could have met the man just once... Just to witness with my own eyes...
Cpl Thompson said:
Under Orders from Sgt Major LeClare? (Sp?)

Ive only heard the stories... Legendary as they were..... I wish I could have met the man just once... Just to witness with my own eyes...

Been there, done that...  got yelled at.  But, watched him yell at a WHOLE lot more people than me.
I was but a small fish at Leadership coy. 

I don't think anyone chooses thier career because of "politics". 

Except politicians...  ;D
I wanted to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill.

So I guess personal.
"I wanted to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill."

- What's that got to do with joining the army?