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Prime Minister to receive the title of honorary member of the Royal 22e Régiment


Army.ca Veteran
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I would not have predicted this:


News Release

From National Defence

July 19, 2017 – Quebec City, Quebec – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

Today, the title of honorary member of the Royal 22e Régiment will be bestowed upon the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, at the Citadelle de Québec, the Regiment’s home.

After being received by the regiment’s military authorities, the Royal 22e Régiment Ceremonial Guard will give Prime Minister Trudeau top honours with the sounding of a 19-gun salute. The 22nd Battalion, known today as the Royal 22e Régiment, was the only French‑speaking Canadian unit to fight on the battlefields of the First World War, where it earned 18 battle honours for its extraordinary military feats.       

At a brief formal ceremony in the Officers’ Mess, the title of honorary member of the Royal 22e Régiment will be conferred on Prime Minister Trudeau by Lieutenant-General (retired) Richard J. Evraire, Colonel of the Royal 22e Régiment, in the presence of many dignitaries and friends of the regiment.

For 103 years now, the Royal 22e Régiment has been developing and strengthening ties with prominent members of our federal, provincial, and municipal institutions in order to salute and thank them for their unswerving support for the Canadian Armed Forces and in particular the Royal 22e Régiment.

“We are very happy and honoured to bestow this title upon the Prime Minister of Canada, who has shown on multiple occasions his admiration for the accomplishments of our regiment. The legendary achievements and extraordinary military feats of the Royal 22e Régiment are a reflection of the pride and courage of French Canadians. This year, on the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation, which is also the 100th anniversary of Canada’s great victory at the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the Royal 22e Régiment is happy to have a new honorary member to serve the country and to uphold the values of Canadians.”

Lieutenant-General (retired) Richard J. Evraire, Colonel of the Royal 22e Régiment
I'd have thought that the Liberal mafia and the Vandoo mafia were mutually exclusive of each other...learn a new thing every day.

Is this the first time a serving or retired PM has received an honorary membership in a Cdn military unit?
Rifleman62 said:
Is this the first time a serving or retired PM has received an honorary membership in a Cdn military unit?

C'est le Régie.  Nobody understands them, but as a member will he have to pay his subscription?  As to this story of the latest addition to the regiment . . . yawn.

PM marks the 100th anniversaries of the Royal 22e Régiment and the Valcartier Garrison

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today attended a celebration to mark the 100th anniversaries of both the Royal 22e Régiment and Valcartier Garrison. Prime Minister Harper is an honorary member of the Regiment.
Is this a tradition or becoming a tradition for R22R? (Tradition = anything done once  [:D)
I am uncomfortable with this.  It does not cast the apolitical light that the military should live under ... unless (maybe) if the R22eR decide to make every PM an honourary member from now on (but even this option I am not so sure of).
I too mind myself uncomfortable with this. I don't mind that Mr Trudeau is made an honorary member of the regiment, what I mind is that a sitting PM is the honouree. It could call into question our neutrality in the political arena.
Not fans of "Le Royal 22e Regiment (The Prime Minister's Own)" as a new name, then...?
I am not okay with this for the same reasons as outlined above. I can't help but double-facepalm thinking about the Regimental geniuses that decided this and it probably never even crossed their minds how non-apolitical it is.

Statements that don't support the government would be dealt with, quite frankly statements that do show active support for a government are often encouraged by our leadership and that is wrong IMO.

Loachman said:
Not fans of "Le Royal 22e Regiment (The Prime Minister's Own)" as a new name, then...?

Not like the other "PMO" is any better... ;D

Rifleman62 said:
He and Gerald Butts are sheepherders now.

Could be worse I guess, the RCN could of granted him honorary Admiral status for his kind patronage. I would probably have to retire then....
Old Sweat said:
Opens up a second career option as a goat keeper.


There are probably certain regimental traditions that are not found in standing orders.


A conversation at la Citadelle de Québec.

"There are things that the regiment demands." said the General.

He replied, "I know that being a member of the regiment means I have to do things that are unpleasant, but I will not shag him.  It may muss my hair."

The PM did not speak.

What rank does his honorary position hold? ???

There are different types of Honorary appointments in the Canadian Army: Colonel-in-Chief, Colonel of the Regiment, Honorary Colonel and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel. In the Reserve Army, units usually have two Honorary positions: Honorary Colonel and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel.

Ref: http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/honoraries/honorary-appointment.page

Perhaps once he is issued with his uniform he will realize what all of the complaining is about? 

In accordance with A-AD-265-000/AG-01 Canadian Forces Dress Instructions,  honorary appointments are entitled to free issue of a uniform, rank insignia, accoutrements and accessories applicable to the honorary rank held.

Ref: http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/honoraries/annex-b-uniforms.page

Sounds more like he is being given an "Associate Membership" into the VanDoo Association; much like some other units have done to bring in "Sugar Daddies".
Simian Turner said:
What rank does his honorary position hold? ???

None.  This has nothing to do with honorary appointments as per QR&Os.  It is simply L'Association du Royal 22e Régiment (la Régie . . . the mafia) granting honorary membership as per the mandate of their regimental association.

http://www.r22er.com/  (go to Les Institutions du Régiment, then Association . . .)

La mission primordiale de l’Association est de perpétuer le souvenir du 22e bataillon (canadien-français) et du Royal 22e Régiment, de favoriser le maintien de l’esprit de corps qui a toujours uni tous les membres  qui servent ou qui ont servi au Régiment depuis sa formation et regrouper en association les membres ordinaires, associés et honoraire, aux fins de poursuivre les objectifs prévus par la Charte.

. . .

Éligibilité pour devenir member

Dans le but d’accomplir notre mission les personnes suivantes sont éligibles pour devenir membre de l’Association:
•Membres ordinaires : tous les membres retraités, réguliers, miliciens qui ont porté l’insigne régimentaire ;
•Membres associés : tous les membres qui auront servi ou qui servent dans les forces canadiennes ou dans les forces d’autres pays alliés et qui n’ont jamais porter l’insigne régimentaire :
      (1) les membres des forces policières;
      (2) les conjoints des membres associés ;
      (3) les veuves (veufs) des membres des forces canadiennes ; et
      (4) toute personne qui peut contribuer à promouvoir les objectifs des succursales et de l’Association du R22eR.
Membres Honoraires : L’admission d’un membre honoraire doit être exceptionnelle et doit être approuvée par le Conseil d’administration lors de la première réunion annuelle.

They're simply making a big public deal about it because, well, they're Van Doos and that's what they do. (and can get away with including a public ceremony that expends public funds . . . just like all the other regiments. . . . except that they may have more money in the bank than other regts)
I see ;D.  So he is an honorary member of the Regimental Association which is not really the same as a member of the unit.  But that does not sound quite as impressive or maybe it just lost something in translation!