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Prior Service Record Check

Joe Blow

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(I apologize if this is topic is addressed elsewhere.  I had not been able to locate anything with search function.)

I have just spoken with CFRC Montreal and they tell me that that it could take from 1 - 2 months to get my prior service record and review it. (Cadets and Ocdt (93A) Cadet Instructors List about 10 years ago.)  However, I got my own DND file through the access to information act in about 2 weeks. 

I understand that bureaucracy will add some time to that, and a volume of applicants to process will add more still.  But two months was a bit surprising, and the discrepancy between 1 and 2 months waiting is wide enough to be less informative than I was hoping for.

As long as this forum is here I thought I'd ask if anyone tell me how things are progressing at the Montreal CFRC at the moment?  Are there a glut of applicants?  Can you tell me what might account for the lengthy processing time and perhaps provide a better idea of how long such a check normally takes?

My interest is both academic and personal.  My field of work is in corporate/office information flow and bureaucracy ergonomics, and I'm also anxious to get to St. Jean!  ;)

In any event, any information anyone can provide would be interesting and helpful

I'm pretty much in the same situation as you.

I'm waiting for my previous service records from Ottawa as well. I was told 1-2 months. And, liek you, I have all my records through the Access to Information Act. I offered this to the recruiting centre, however, they told me they had to get the "official" ones from Ottawa.

It sucks. But there's nothing we can really do about it.

Thanks very much for that link.

Great Scott!   It's pretty disappointing to read that some people have waited a up to a year for this process.  

I don't want to sound too cynical, but perhaps now would be a good time for me the donate to the Liberal Party.   That seems to get things moving in other arenas...   ;)  

In all seriousness though if, after waiting the 1-2 months that I was informed of, there is still no action on my file I wonder what a letter to my MP would do   ...and if enough of us b%#@$ out loud, who knows.

If your MP is Conservative or NDP (...or The Other) it might serve to embarrass the government enough to act if the issue is raised in the house ...and consequently on the news that night.   If your MP is Liberal, who knows, maybe he'll pull some strings for a constituent ...or raise the issue in caucus.   It is a minority government.   Unlike through the Chretien years the PMO has to be sensitive to what the caucus deems important.

There's no reason that I can think of not to talk to your MP.   If you think it's broke... mention it!   That's the nice thing about democracy   (...and the nice thing about minority governments is that they tend to listen more!)   I would encourage everyone to do so.

Just my $0.02

