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Question for all you airsofters.

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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So I came across this website seeing as it was posted somewhere else on this site and it got me wondering...WTF?

This isn't an airsoft bashing fest or anything, but I'm wondering, why on earth would you do this thing? I'm looking at some of the gear these...kids are wearing and what they're carrying and thats some pricy stuff. Who pays that much to run around in the woods playing what they think is 'soldier'? For that kind of money you could buy a real firearm and do real shooting. Or better yet, join the CF and get paid to do that kind of stuff. I'm just curious, what is the attraction to basically be a poser and do it openly?

I can understand paintball, all you need is a little CO2 gun and some old jeans and t-shirt. And plus with paintball, you can tell who gets hit. But this airsoft thing, if I saw you guys in the woods I'd have thought JTF2 ran into town until I realised most of the players were under 18 or something out of a Mad Max movie.

I just can't understand the attraction of spending all that money to try to mimic what you saw in Blackhawk Down or something. Anyone able to shed some light on this for me?
Why don't you just email one of them and ask?  Or post at one of their forums?  I mean, if you really can't surmise on your own that they do it for the same reasons anyone embarks on a costly hobby.  I can't figure out downhill skiiling myself, but doesn't stop millions of people around the world from doing it.
Some people like the "special forces" look so they try to emulate it, an they have the money for it. Also, majority of airsoft players are 18+, some fields allow younger people to play, but they need to have parental consent, etc. Theres also a fair bit of airsofters who are ex/current military and police.

If you have any other questions on airsoft you can PM me, or check out www.airsoftcanada.com
All I know about airsoft is that I got two cheap pistols on ebay for $20 and they are good for when you're bored and want to have an in-apartment gunfight with your girlfriend.  I then got really serious and dropped another $20 for two AK-366 ones (I'm not even sure if that is a model of a real gun, but kind of looks like an M-16)  These ones are also good for apartment battles and they sting a little more and make for a few good drinking games.

But on the kind of serious side, they would be fun if you had a better one that actually aim well (mine don't) and they wouldn't be much different than playing paintball except you don't have to ruin clothes or damage property.  Just another option for getting some good old fashioned gun fights in without fatalities.  :threat:
Weiner, you most likely don't have airsoft guns, but softair ones. Also, I hope you an your friends wear some short of eyeprotection in your "apartment" battles, would really suck to lose an eye.
Yeah, I suppose they aren't really airsoft ones, the only similarity is that they take the same sort of bbs.  One of the pistols only lasted about 100 or so shots and from what I can see of the real airsoft ones, they seem to be actually built well.  My 'assult rifles' were actually called 'peashooters' if I can remember correctly.
Yea, airsoft guns are built really well, most of them have all full metal parts(except for the parts that are plastic on the real weapon like handguards, etc).

The BBs they shoot are 6mm, an come in different weights
i have an airsoft gun, i'm not hardcore with it or anything, but its just something i go do like paintball, and you can tell when people get hit cause it leaves marks similar to simunition on the skin, you hear them say "ow" lol the " " is cause its usually swearing and not actually the word ow. i shot a buddy of mine after course this summer in the back from 20 feet, and it hit about 2 inches from a mark he had left over from simunition 2 weeks earlier and you could hardly tell the difference other then the fact that sim rounds are 9 mm and airsoft is 6.
Ok, I am an Airsofter, and play regualarily. first of all, 90% of all real airsoft players are over 18, and the ones under 18, are like me either very mature, or don't play real airsoft, they play with crossman stuff, thats cheap. we like the sport because its much more realistic then paintball. lots of us aren't in the CF, or can't because of other commitments or stuff. And most of the time in the CF you are patroling, not in skirmishes and shooting actual people, which makes Airsoft fun because you do that stuff, and don't have to suffer the after affects, such as death. Its a really fun game for those who don't play Paintball because its to "immature" and mainly just shoot and skoot. whereas Airsoft you need to have tactics, and have simulations close to real war. Yes it may be an expensive sport, thats why most people who play real Airsoft are over 18, and those under 18 have jobs, or rich parents.
Well thats interesting. I know one of those guys. And he happens to be a reservist.
  OK I am an oldtimer is this airsoft the same as when I played cowboys and Indians with my daisy BB gun

            Regards OLD F of S
OLD F of S said:
  OK I am an oldtimer is this airsoft the same as when I played cowboys and Indians with my daisy BB gun

             Regards OLD F of S

It certainly looks/sounds like it but it costs a lot more and I bet they didn't have as much fun as we did back then ;D
"Canadian Airsoft Regiment"?

RSM Reccegod?

The GO SHOW will find years of work with these ones....
"Here is a picture of Capt. Sonic in his Class - A uniform.
He is wearing a patrol cap with regulation insignias, Mk. 4 tunic,
black t-shirt, bloused pants, and desert boots"


At least they will have good futures modeling stuff for the GAP  ;D

P.S How does an airsoft m203 work? Does it shoot a golf ball or something?  ???
ShawnSmith said:
...P.S How does an airsoft m203 work? Does it shoot a golf ball or something?  ???
The airsoft "shotguns" and "m203" type of guns usually have 3 barrles in them, and they shoot 3 rounds at a time.
I've played Airsoft once...really enjoyed it. I would not spend the money for all that stuff, but it is fun to do if you are just bored and have a group of guys that want to have fun. Just have to let go and have alittle fun ....even if your all grown up!!!! ;D ...but Im with you about the waste of money....
And to think I used to make fun of the Michigan Millitia as being a bunch of wanna-be's......

At least they used real guns......

These guys have to be a saddest bunch of posers ive ever seen....

Ive heard of getting into something, but i think these guys carry it just a little too far.... I mean come on.... a Rank Struckture? established uniforms and such?  I mean Yikes... and they all travel everywhere in uniform? they must get some weird looks thats for sure..

though at least they arnt using CADPAT as their primary uniform....

Cpl Thompson said:
And to think I used to make fun of the Michigan Millitia as being a bunch of wanna-be's......

At least they used real guns......

These guys have to be a saddest bunch of posers ive ever seen....

Ive heard of getting into something, but i think these guys carry it just a little too far.... I mean come on.... a Rank Struckture? established uniforms and such?  I mean Yikes... and they all travel everywhere in uniform? they must get some weird looks thats for sure..

though at least they arnt using CADPAT as their primary uniform....


actually some of them do have CADPAT as a primary uniform....
OHh OHH I already have the uniform and these cool new balistic glasses....ohh can I play!!!

Yea I can see a few guys once and awhile going out to play...but to get all the gear and pay those prices..just for something you do for fun, seem really dumb. Then again if it keeps them outside and runnign around...and not on the PC or infront of the TV... then hey let them play!!! :warstory: