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Question Re: Exertion


Jr. Member
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Hello all,

Just back after a hard run and I have a question.  What mechanism of the body is it that makes you feel like throwing up after over-exerting yourself?  Just curious...

I am only saying this from my experience so don't take as gospel.  Your probably dehydrated or low in sodium.  Try a sports drink after or(if you can stomach it) while you run.  Hydration....very important!
I too have no idea what mechanism actually causes you to want to puke when you over exert yourself, but from My experience, no matter how hydtrated you are, if you go hard enough you could find yourself tossin' your cookies regardless. :-X
i believe it is because when you physically exert yourself the body builds up excess amounts of lactic acids which can make you through up

Now I know... Thanks air533. I guess what it really means in my case is I need to do more pt!


My understanding of this is that as you over exert your body, blood is sent to the muscles.  This blood comes from other parts of the body and other organs.  Your stomac shrinks due to the blood being diverted to where it is needed.  As a result, you get the sensation of wanting to vomit and some people do.  As the stomac shrinks, it forces out all or any of its contents.  Increasing your lung capacity also forces down on your stomac, adding to the whole dynamic.

Be sure to hydrate before PT.  This does not mean drinking copius amounts of water just before a run.  Water is absorbed mostly by the large intestine.  It can take up to eight hours to become fully hydrated.  Drink a lot of water the night before you PT.  You should also eat something wihtin an hour after heavy PT, your body needs the nutrients.

PJ D-Dog
It's called Lactic Acid Threshold, you reached or exceeded that or you ate to much before you left  :)

PViddy said:
It's called Lactic Acid Threshold, you reached or exceeded that or you ate to much before you left   :)

Puking after a run has nothing to do with lactic acid threshold.  From what I have been reading, this is innacurate inforamtion.  Lactic acid is produced in the body when you start burning sugars anearobically (anearobic glycolysis), that is to say without a suffucient supply of oxygen.  When you blood can't carry enough oxygen to the muscles, then you burn sugars anerobically.  When this happens the byproduct is lactic acid.  Do a search and google and you'll see what I'm talking about.

PJ D-Dog
Your not trying hard enough if your only puking after a run....You should apparently be dry heaving as you go.

Or atleast this is what some helpful NCO told me after finishing first on the PT test on course when I was bent over a railing trying to empty my already empty guts. ;D
If you dry heave while you are running, you won't be able to breath.  That is an essential component of being able to run faster.

As for your helpful NCO, I think he's a bit in the dark about the mechanics of exertion.  Don't believe everything you are told.  Some NCOs try to show they are hard and tough and will say anything to a young soldier.  Anything said, needs to be of importance, not showing off.

PJ D-Dog
PJ D-Dog said:
If you dry heave while you are running, you won't be able to breath.   That is an essential component of being able to run faster.

As for your helpful NCO, I think he's a bit in the dark about the mechanics of exertion.   Don't believe everything you are told.   Some NCOs try to show they are hard and tough and will say anything to a young soldier.   Anything said, needs to be of importance, not showing off.

PJ D-Dog
I am pretty sure he was not being serious. Chalk it up to on-course cock.
Your lactic acid threshold is what will stop you from sprinting that extra 50m. The 'threshold' is the level of heart beats per minute at which your body can no longer supply enough oxygen to resynthesize ATP energy via metabolism. Lactic Acid is the by-product of anarobic glycolosis, a process whereby ATP is resynthesized without using oxygen. A buildup of lactic acid in the muscles prevents normal operation and you will eventually stop. In lamens terms, you're exerting yourself so much that you just can't breathe in enough air to warrant normal metabolism of ATP so your body starts doing it without oxygen. You can only do this for so long.

The answer to your question is not a simple "this is why you puke". Ask a doctor if it happens again.