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Quick question boys !


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I just finished week 12 and start wearing my ncds tomorrow :) really excited but I was wondering if anyone recently graduated from cflrs and went to fs in bc cause I'm worried about the pay I have bills and I'm worried I won't meet them.. Will I make more or less in fs ? Anyhelp is apprieciated guys! And yes I already searched this but couldn't find anything, thanks for the help boys !  I fly out Friday :) r0371 e r21!
Bidphoenix said:
I just finished week 12 and start wearing my ncdsNCDs tomorrow :) really excited but I was wondering if anyone recently graduated from cflrs CFLRS and went to fs in bc BC because I'm worried about the pay I have bills and I'm worried I won't meet them.. Will I make more or less in fs ? Anyhelp is apprieciated appreciated guys! And yes I already searched this but couldn't find anything, thanks for the help boys !  I fly out Friday :) r0371 e r21!

I won't answer your question because you posted it for boys and I'm a girl, but I will give you some advice about your post:  there is spellcheck on the site, use it; they don't take highly to MSN talk on threads; acronyms are capitalized; if an acronym is confusing, or may be confusing, spell it out; if you are using secret code, make sure the other readers on the site have the decoder ring.

Changed my mind, I will respond to your thread.  I helped you out a bit with some of the points I mentioned above, I'll let you figure out the rest for your next post.  Not sure what you are trying to say in that last bit of jumble of letters and numbers though.  As well, I will assume that you mean Fleet School when you say "fs"?  If so, the acronym is CFFS.  As to how much money you will be making, it will be the same that you are making now.  How have you been paying your bills all along?  It will be a bit of time before you start making more, so I wouldn't be spending a whole lot right now.

Ready Aye Ready