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RCMP prevent attack - 10 Aug 2016

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George Wallace said:
To blame Harper or the Federal Government for a person becoming radicalized is absurd.
Agree or disagree with the government of the moment, bang on -- while governments can do some things about some factors, there's a lot more going on with someone who is not dealing well with life on a rough path becoming a franchise terrorist.
milnews.ca said:
Agree or disagree with the government of the moment, bang on -- while governments can do some things about some factors, there's a lot more going on with someone who is not dealing well with life on a rough path becoming a franchise terrorist.

I totally agree with that.  Blaming government of any stripe for this is misinformed, to say the least.
jmt18325 said:
What we know is this - Aaron Driver was placed under the conditions of a peace bond.  If there has been evidence to do more, I have to hope that the authorities would have done more. that was as useless as if he were made to wear bunny slippers to bed at night.  In the end he almost succeeded with a plan to slaughter innocent Canadians.


My disgust with what Driver did and was going to do does not change my view that we need to follow our own rules, no matter the danger, no matter the constraint.  I fear tyranny far more than I fear terrorism.

Hardly a realistic fear in Canada.

My job, at times, is to hunt the Boogeyman in his own backyard.  I'd MUCH rather deploy there and do that there, than have to do it on home soil.  Give the people who are protecting homeplate the rules and tools that enables them to keep Canadians safe in their own backyards. 

Next time, we might be so lucky and/or the enemy might not be so careless.  :2c:
jmt18325 said:
I wouldn't call that evidence of much in the way of intent. I would say that such evidence should have been enough to do more than a peace bond.  It seems that it wasn't.

Perhaps it has something to do with our seemingly intrinsic response to blame everything except Islam when someone says they're murdering people in the name of Islam.  Maybe the judge was following Europe's lead.

All respect to LEOs and their swift response which undoubtedly saved lives but also the end result of this isn't really because we're awesome or prepared it's because the bad guy fucked up.
Eye In The Sky said:
Hardly a realistic fear in Canada.

Anywhere that humans are in charge, that is a realistic fear.  Giving the police or government more power to use preemptive methods could be dangerous in the long term.

Again, I agree that the Peace Bond was useless and that Aaron Driver was a bad guy.
Eye In The Sky said:
LIke I said;  I won't lose a wink of sleep this POS is out of play now.

The video script clearly provided by a third party. So, he was in communications with someone...

Let's not forget he was the son of a very good man, whose family is grieving. Aaron Driver was prevented from carrying out his awful deed, but I will say that I wish that his family, if they choose to do so, have an opportunity to bury him in peace, to grieve the loss of a son, a Canadian son, a loss that started many years ago and finally ended with this. And may they receive all the support, care and understanding that they deserve.  We can hold Aaron accountable for what happened, but there are other evil people in the world who coached this young man, and we need to get focussed on those people and deal with them as sharply and severely as if they were in that cab with him, because, after all, they were in his head. It's too bad our F-18's are not in place to dedicate a 2000lb GFY to ISIL on behalf of Aaron's dad.
Eye In The Sky said:
Next time, we might be so lucky and/or the enemy might not be so careless.  :2c:

And that's exactly right, but I would say that the enemy is clearly now operating somewhat freely within our borders and inside our communities. It matters not that they are exploiting the young, the vulnerable and the crazy.* What matters is they are recruiting and trying to sending troops, one at a time, to attack. C-51 attempted to mitigate that.

Edit: I'm editing to clarify that in fact in does matter who is vulnerable to recruitment by the enemy, but that this is secondary to the command and control element of the enemy, who deserve a good long roasting in hell.
This, from the CSIS Info-machine ...
The Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Michel Coulombe, made the following statement regarding the recent national security threat:

The national security incident in Strathroy, Ontario (Wednesday) is a reminder that Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism, and that the path to radicalization often ends tragically.

CSIS is committed to the safety and security of Canadians and monitors all potential threats. Through our investigations, strong community relationships and with assistance from the general public, CSIS collects and assesses information about potential terrorist threats. Collaborating closely with our partners in the security and intelligence community ensures the safety of our country and its citizens, and yesterday's efforts – including the Service's assistance in the urgent identification of the suspect – were a testament to those effective partnerships.

Canadians should always remain alert to the danger of terrorism and report any suspicious activity to the National Security Tip Line (1-800-420-5805) or by contacting their local police.
jmt18325 said:
Anywhere that humans are in charge, that is a realistic fear. 

In Canada...really? 

I think that's a little...dramatic.  I'm more fearful of our government being mamby-pamby.  That is more realistic than the tyranny stuff in Canada.  We deploy a JTF to the MESF and conduct strikes on ISIS and then, when the government changes declare öh we aren't at war with you!    <-----  that is mamby-pamby.
jmt18325 said:
Canada isn't special in that regard.  It's inhabited by humans.

I have yet to see evidence that statement is accurate. [:D
Interesting spin from the London free Press: all innuendo, conjecture and "unnamed sources". It does appear police are looking to locate and speak with a third party,apparently named "Jamal". Good luck with that.

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings Provisions of the Copyright ActR.S.C 1985 (as amended)

Source: London Free Press
Author: Jennifer O'Brien
Publication Date: Saturday, August 13 Edition
Title: Was Military the Suspects Intended Target?

The presence of a Canadian Forces recruitment centre at a downtown London mall has raised suspicion a suspected terrorist killed in Strathroy Wednesday was targeting the military.

The cab company that sent a taxi to pick up Aaron Driver just before the deadly takedown by police has said Driver wanted to go to the CitiPlaza mall in London, though it remains unclear if that was his intended final destination.

The RCMP and the military weren’t answering questions about those concerns Friday, but a source with a connection to the investigation said the possibility was raised among law enforcement officials.

That suspected terrorist, Aaron Driver, had spent months seeking weapons and explosives in the London region, sources told The Free Press.

In the absence of new information from police Friday, small details about Driver, his teenage years in London and his potential crime surfaced.

It was well known criminals in the area were involved in helping him look for weapons recently, a source said.

Driver put the word out so widely, it’s a surprise local police hadn’t learned of his activity, the source said.

At a news conference Thursday, the RCMP said Driver was not under their surveillance and they had no indication he was planning an attack.

RCMP said they were alerted by the FBI at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday that an individual was planning to bomb an urban centre during the morning or afternoon rush hour sometime in the next 24 hours.

A video showed a masked man pledging that Canadians would pay “today” for fighting against the Islamic State.

The RCMP had identified the man as Driver by about 11 a.m and were waiting for him when he came out of his house in Strathroy about 4:30 p.m. carrying a backpack and got into a cab.

Officers blocked the vehicle and told Driver to get out, but he apparently detonated a bomb inside the cab. He left the cab and was killed.

Driver called for a cab about 4 p.m. Wednesday and said he wanted to go to the London mall, Leo’s Taxi in Strathroy says.

There’s speculation the downtown plaza was a stop along the way, and Driver was heading, perhaps by walking to the nearby train station, to a larger centre.

The Toronto Transit Commission and Metrolinx, which operates the GO Transit system, said they had been alerted about a potential threat.

A manager of CitiPlaza would not confirm if it had been alerted about a threat.

Privately, merchants in the mall have expressed concern about a military recruitment centre — a logical terrorism target — so close to them. Security at the centre has been beefed up recently, one told The Free Press.

One shopkeeper said fears the military was a target was the talk of mall tenants, but that there was no police activity outside the centre Wednesday.

As well, the timing of an attack might not have worked, because the centre closes at 4:30 p.m. each day.

However, Driver was known to sometimes stay at a home on Blanchard Crescent in London, which is being investigated as part of the terrorism probe. The house is owned by a Hiam Zabian, according to city tax records, although police at the scene Thursday were seeking a man named Jamal.

Driver has a long and troubled personal connection to the military. His father was an Air force corporal and a fourth-generation military man. But Driver was estranged from his father for much of his life, after his mother died of cancer when he was seven.

He called Wayne Driver his stepfather, and said he was the result of a sperm donor.

In his martyrdom video, which the RCMP played at their news conference, Driver alluded to Canadian military action in Syria and Iraq and the withdrawal of the country’s fighter jets from the battles.

“Then, perhaps, you found yourself safe from retaliation because you ran away from the battlefield. No, no by Allah, you still have much to pay for,” he said.

In their news conference, the Mounties said they did not know where Driver was headed or what specific target he had in mind, only that they believe he was “looking for a location that was heavily populated.”

— With files by Free Press reporter Jennifer O’Brien

- mod edit to add link -
There’s speculation the downtown plaza was a stop along the way, and Driver was heading, perhaps by walking to the nearby train station, to a larger centre.

Metrolinx said the regional transit organization was alerted early Wednesday morning about a security threat on a “large urban transportation centre in Canada.”

If Union Station is / was the intended target, I wonder if they will consider re-commissioning the now closed emergency hospital across the street in the Royal York Hotel?
I remember it was fully equipped. Complete with two wards, a dispensary, and an operating room.
Patients could be wheeled underground from Union Station via PATH.

The massive lobby could also be used as a field hospital, as it was during the Noronic disaster.
Eye In The Sky said:
In Canada...really? 

I think that's a little...dramatic.  I'm more fearful of our government being mamby-pamby.  That is more realistic than the tyranny stuff in Canada.  We deploy a JTF to the MESF and conduct strikes on ISIS and then, when the government changes declare öh we aren't at war with you!    <-----  that is mamby-pamby.

How soon we forget. The Human Rights Commission and Tribunals operate without due process, and being victimized by these bodies can lead to ruinous personal expense, onerous sentences which are enforced by the real courts and loss of time, employment and reputation. Mark Steyn was taken by three separate tribunals in three different provinces in a clear case of "court shopping"; his crime? Directly quoting a radical Iman in a Maclean's article. And in Ontario there is a proposed law that would see you fined if you did not address a person by whatever made up gender they say they are, rather than the biologically correct "he" or "she".

So chipping away at the 800 year old foundation of free speech in our society is being done with a jackhammer by the very government and bureaucracy that is supposed to be protecting our rights. And they don't take action against things like the proposal to place the "Thought Police" in every Queen's U dorm to "monitor" people's speech and presumably drag people in for re education if this third party overheard something they arbitrarily decided they didn't like. Although the idea was dropped due to the public outcry against it, no apology was issued by Queens for even considering this, and no disciplinary or job action was taken against the people who proposed it (I am not encouraging my children to go to Queens for this very reason).

Now since speech can be used to prosecute people without due process in Canada already, it is a short step to government prosecutors claiming that the speech they are prosecuting you for is "supporting terrorism".

So yes, Tyranny can and does happen here in Canada, and there is no need to encourage its growth and spread.
Thucydides said:
And in Ontario there is a proposed law that would see you fined if you did not address a person by whatever made up gender they say they are, rather than the biologically correct "he" or "she".

Canada is becoming so screwed up lol

This is news to me, or when it happened I chose to ignore it?  WTF. 

How much of this stuff would stand a challenge against the Charter?  I don't consider Queens U, or any U, the 'real world' and if they want to create their safe spaces etc...those people are in for a surprise when they leave that and join the real world.

If the Human Rights Commission, etc aren't operating with due regard to due process and our Charters rights...then the people being affected by that need to take them to task in a real court.  Of note, in your own example one of the BS practices halted 'when there was public outcry'.  That is what it takes, then that is what it takes.  Our soft, mamby-pamby society will only be allowed to become as soft as we let it.  I don't have much hope, myself. 


What does this have to do with the thread though...I guess I just have a 'harsher' version of what tyranny is when I think of the word.
Jarnhamar said:
Canada is becoming so screwed up lol

Becoming?  Surely you don't think it's just starting...its just getting worse...WAY worse.  My retirement plan is to buy 50 acres somewhere.  That should give me enough space from all the mamby-pamby's and fucktards to keep them safe.  >:D
Eye In The Sky said:
Becoming?  Surely you don't think it's just starting...its just getting worse...WAY worse.  My retirement plan is to buy 50 acres somewhere.  That should give me enough space from all the mamby-pamby's and fucktards to keep them safe.  >:D

Ah, they'll probably come after you for being anti-social (after you neglect to address them by their preferred flavour of the day orientation) with all that space between you and the you must be allowed to say/think/do whatever the fuck you want club. 
I'll just put up signs around my property;  "Human My-Little-Ponies Not Welcome Or Tolerated.  Enter at your own risk."