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Recruiting Process

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wanting2Join
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I tried to apply to the Reserves back in April 2007. I have a 2 year college diploma (honors) but had never graduated high school. I was told to get my GED's then come back. I did just that.
By the end of May I had everything that was required. I passed the aptitude, PT test etc....all that is remaining is my background check.

Now, back in 1996 I (embarrasingly and with regret) was charged with DUI. I told the recruiter this. Now I'm told it could take up to 6 months before I will hear back from them.
I started the appication process in May of '06. It's now November '06. Apparently the background check was not "sent off" until October, which means it could take until April before I get in to the Reserves. That will bring the total months to 12. Isn't this unreasonable? I have skills that are in demand (so I was told) and don't think I can wait a year for them to do a simple check. The CF is losing a potentially valuable member. Is there any way to speed this process up? Once my background check is "sent off" what is it that takes so long?

Thank you to anyone who can enlightened me on this matter :)
Wanting2Join said:
.......... The CF is losing a potentially valuable member. Is there any way to speed this process up? Once my background check is "sent off" what is it that takes so long?

;D  I wonder how many times this has been said, and by whom?

Anyway.........I am curious as to why you haven't taken it upon yourself in the last five or so years to get a Pardon?
i didn't know I could get a pardon, and have only found out recently about this. Naive I guess. Nevertheless, the charge was 11 years ago, I was younger, foolish etc...I am married with children, responsible etc...and am looking to become a valuable member of the CF family. I just can't find reason why this process would take so long.
Well, I understand they need to check this out, but why does it take 6 months? What is it that is being done over this 6 month period?
What were you applying for that you had to have a GED? or was it that you just didn't have the paperwork with you saying you had finished a GED?
Well, originally I was applying to be an RMSC, despite the fact that I have a 2 year college diploma in Medical Office Admin. they refused it because I never obtained my grade 12. I was told by the recruiter to get my GED (as the application itself says Grade 12 OR Equivalent) and that things would be fine. I did that, only to be told I need a grade 12 high school diploma to be an RMSC.
So i decided to go in as MSE Op, only to find out my eye sight is not good enough.
Now, I settled for Supply Tech, that trade only requires grade 10.
I found it very strange they focused on my GED, or lack of actual high school, and seemed to have paid no attention to my college education (graduated with honors as well).
FRom what i understand, if I were a young recruit, fresh out of high school, to be an RMSC they would send me to Bordon for 10 weeks training to be in that position. With a college diploma (oh, and not to mention actual work experience in that field) I have way more education and experience to offer.
I'm feeling so down-hearted and confused in this whole process.
Media says the military is crying for recruits, yet it can take up to a year to get in, then they focus on the wrong aspect of education....This is something I really wanted and I know I can do, but I may have to give up and stay on Civi street
In case people aren't sure, a GED is a grade 12 Equivalency. It's a comparison test. They compare your score to that of regular high school students. I passed in the top 10%. GED covers Social Studies, Math, Sciences, English etc...

The fact too, that the recruiter told me to go get my GED, and that once i obtained that, and in combination with my college diploma and work experience, i would qualify for the RMSC position (after SQ, training etc... of course). I had to pay to write my GED and delay my application to the CF to get it, only to be told it wasn't sufficient. That left me a little confused.

My father, a retired Colonel (reserves) and Commander of a regiment on the east coast, can't believe what is happening. He said if people with my skills and education were knocking on his door, I'd be in.

I'm doing my best to be patient about the whole situation as I really do want to have my career with the military (my husband is with the CF), but I am quite disappointed with what has been happening.

I wonder if it would be easier to join the Regs instead of the Reserves? And that poses another question.....I'm a mom with 4 children. How do other families juggle having 2 parents in the Regs? I'll have to find another forum haha
The reason for the delay is that your CRNC (Criminal Record Name Check Credit Check) is handled by agencies external to CF Recruiting. It would appear that something came up on your CRNC which can only be confirmed by fingerprint comparison. As such, this will delay your file anywhere from 3 months and beyond (including 12, or even 18 months). Yours is not the only CRNC in the system and, in fact, the oens submitted by your CFRC are not the only ones in the system...youève got checks being done for all government agencies.

Use the time to work on other aspects of your file if you can; stay fit and even though itès tough, try to stay motivated. Above all, stay in touch with your CFRC. good luck.
Also remember, above and beyond the normal timelines with recruiting, you are responsible for the 2 'dings' in your file that slowed everything down...education and criminal record.

Wanting2Join said:
This is something I really wanted and I know I can do,

I understand your frustrations with the process.  That is something that the CF must improve in alot of ways.  That being said, its not because you want something, that you are entitled to it. Furthermore, you may think that you can do it but you wont know until you are doing it.  It involves alot more than simply showing up in Borden and taking a course.  Your DUI is certainly complicating your application and ,i'm sorry, but that is no one's fault but your own.  I realize that it happened quite some time ago but, as someone told me recently , shyte catches up to you when its least convenient.
FRom what i understand, if I were a young recruit, fresh out of high school...

If you were fresh out of highschool, you wouldn't have any problems. Even in the normal workforce GED is never the same as a diploma. It used to be. My mom had the same problem that you are having. She had college courses and a GED, but no diploma. She spent 2 months doing a couple correspondence courses to finish her credits and get it.

And its not like they can change the rules for just you. Everyone follows the same rules.

Everyone that has previous criminal problems all had to go through the screening.
Everyone that didn't have the proper requirements for a trade were told they weren't allowed into the trade until they got said requirements. Some trades require an adv bio credit, which a GED isn't going to cover.
Thanks for everyone's input. I do understand that just because I want "it" doesn't mean it's mine. All I know is that I DO have skills and experience to offer, and am passionate about joining the CF. All the ads, and recruitment tactics seems to contradict what actually goes on when a new recruit starts the process.

General Hillier has set new deadlines that by October 1 the goal will be to have it take less than a week to enrol 30 percent of recruits, and less than a month for another 50 percent. The Canadian military recruitment process currently takes months, sometimes up to a year, and the Canadian Armed Forces loses recruits because of the delays.

I just wish it wasn't so slow. Thankfully I am a stay at home mum, and aren't in need of employment right away. My husband currently serves in the CF.

Also, the fact that I did make a mistake a long time ago, does not mean I am an irresponsible person now. I am understanding that it raises flags, but 11 years was a long time ago. I'm not disputing the background checks, I'm disputing the amount of time new recruits need to wait.

Anyway....I do appreciate everyone's comments. It helps me understand what is going on behind the scenes. I will remain as patient as I can, and try to be optimistic.
Wanting2Join said:
All the ads, and recruitment tactics seems to contradict what actually goes on when a new recruit starts the process.

Again, these are from your personal perspective and you are not privy to the whole picture, so it is honestly hard for you to truthfully make that statement.

Wanting2Join said:
General Hillier has set new deadlines that by October 1 the goal will be to have it take less than a week to enrol 30 percent of recruits, and less than a month for another 50 percent.

Are you personally privy to the actual statistics?  Do you have proof that these figures are not in fact being met?  You only have your own personal experience, which is one in how many thousands, to go by.  If you read other posts on this site, you will find some that posted they were accepted in less than one week.  Statistics are there, but even I am not privy to them at this moment.
Okay, this seems to have got out of hand. Originally I just wanted some kind of understanding as to why I was told one thing by a recruiter (even after he had all my info) but then experienced something completely different. I also was trying to understand why things take so long. If this is privy information then I was not aware of this. How am I to know unless I ask right?

As for what general Hillier stated, that was public. In the news, in the papers etc...I feel that it's not being met by many people (I did not say all) as I'm reading about other potential recruits' experiences that are similar to mine. I don't have any stats to back me up, never said I did. I'm not disputing the fact that others are getting in quickly, but there seems to be plenty of us who are not.

I feel as though you think I'm insulting you personally. I assumed this forum was for asking questions and being informed and getting answers (hopefully). I'm not asking to be entitled to info I shouldn't be. But I'm NOT military and don't know what info I'm entitled to. So I ask. You don't need to make me feel like and idiot for asking!!!

Thanks for your help though....
Wanting2Join said:
Also, the fact that I did make a mistake a long time ago, does not mean I am an irresponsible person now. I

I was not saying that you are irresponsible.  Just like having a criminal record can prevent you from travelling abroad for the rest of your life, mistakes you made a decade ago will eventualy catch up with you regardless of what kind of person you are now.

I'm not disputing the background checks, I'm disputing the amount of time new recruits need to wait.

And in the same breath, some recruits have posted here , surprised at how fast the process was for them. Your application is taking long because you have things in your background that require more paperwork and a lenghtier process.  Thats not the CF's fault.

15 years ago i graduated highschool as a below average student.  I could not be bothered to do my homework and study. I did alot of maturing since then and i am one of the most dedicated and hardest working person you will find.  I changed alot but guess what ? I am in the process of making a career change right now and i am having to explain the kid of student i was back then and convince the powers that be that i have changed and can do the job that i want now.  Like i said, past actions catch up .......

Patience, stay focused and above all, good luck
Wanting2Join said:
Much apprecited, thank you

All right.

Please use the search function. You have repeatedly asked questions as to why it is taking you "so" long, when really, had you searched, you'd have found that you are not even close to being at the "long" end of the time-period for the recruiting spectrum yet. There are people on this site who've been waiting over a year -- with NO criminal background.

You, and I don't mean this in a bad way, are no more of a "valuable asset" to the CF than those persons would be. You will be processed in the same manner as they are -- and perhaps even subject to more delays than they are -- due to your previous background. Yes, your DUI happened a long time ago, but it DID happen.

There are a VAST number of threads which discuss recruiting lengths and situations experienced, and had you searched them, you'd have found that there is NO set-in-stone time period -- it is all dependant upon you & your background ... and what the CF needs at the time.

Please use the search function. You have also thrown up a thread regarding married service couples and childcare etc. Questions that have been put on this site before. Not specificly to women, but women have answered in those other threads and have already noted their experiences (both good & bad). I was one of them.

Please -- use an existing thread and "bump" it by placing your new question regarding the same situation into it. You aren't special.

I'd appreciate it.

The Milnet.ca Staff
Okay.....I don't recall calling myself special, thanks. Nor do I think I am.

I didn't realize asking questions was going to generate such a negative response. You see, I joined this forum thinking it was ok to ask questions. I can't assume that the information I'm seeking is not available. So I ask. I don't think it's very nice that people start attacking others because they don't know. I have noticed other people in here recieving the same kind of "who do you think you are?" response.

I am a non-military person, who doesn't know how things work with the military. So I ask questions to get answers. I did not ever imply I was better than anyone, or that a job should be given to me just because I want it etc....

You know what....forget it. Some of you guys are simply angry people!! Geez!! Try not to be so intimidating to new people!!

See ya's
Wanting2Join said:
Okay.....I don't recall calling myself special, thanks. Nor do I think I am.

I didn't realize asking questions was going to generate such a negative response. You see, I joined this forum thinking it was ok to ask questions. I can't assume that the information I'm seeking is not available. So I ask. I don't think it's very nice that people start attacking others because they don't know. I have noticed other people in here recieving the same kind of "who do you think you are?" response.

You set the tone by your posts.  You were given advice in the "Joining Instructions" on registering on this site.  You were also given advice and help by members of this site.  It was pointed out to you several times that many of the topics you started were already on the site and information was there for you, if you took it upon yourself to look.  The military is not going to lead you by the hand, nor is it going to "babysit" you.  This site doesn't either.  We will help to direct you to where you can find the information, and then hopefully you can prove you have initiative and research; desireable qualities that the CF is looking for. 

Wanting2Join said:
I am a non-military person, who doesn't know how things work with the military. So I ask questions to get answers.

Seems that you have claimed to come from a family with a military background and are currently married to a member of the CF.  That sort of contradicts your above statement, as does some of your previous statements in earlier posts.

Wanting2Join said:
I did not ever imply I was better than anyone, or that a job should be given to me just because I want it etc....

Perhaps you ought to review your previous posts and look at the tone you were taking.

All in all, if you want to leave in a huff because we have laid it out on the line for you that your Education and Criminal Record, matters that you must take responsibility for and sort out on your own, ie. get a Pardon and GED, then do so.  It is only a reflection of who you are.  Perhaps you have led a too protective life.  Time to prepare for some of the harsher realities of life.