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Recruitment proces moving quickly

Thanks much for explaining!!  As you can see I'm a newbie in all the CF acronyms and terms.  Thank goodness I have a couple of friends who helps me hehe.

I should be contacted by Tuesday/Wednesday of next week for the interview of next week.

Is there a place on the forum where I can have info regarding the medical?

Best of luck to you!!!  :-)


FarmerD said:
PLAR is a prior learning assessment. I have both previous CF Time, almost 10 Years as a clerk and I have my tickets for the new trade that I am applying for.

They basically look over your qualifications and then make a decision on your offer based on several factors. For example I am hopeing for a recruit school by pass since its been less than 5 Years since I released. As well I am hopeing for my cpls back with a higher incentive pay code then just basic and maybe a ql3 bypass or portion written off.

But its all in the hands of Borden now.
Best of luck!!!

Pushpin said:
I go for my interview and medical today, with only 24 hours notice, I feel a tad overwhelmed.  I hope things go smoothly today.
Well, with the exception of getting some bloodwork done, I'm basically finished the process on my end.  And this happened all within 2 weeks, much faster than anticipated.  Now after I submit the paperwork and they do my background check, I'm set.  The Captain at my RC told me that I am a very strong candidate and was very much pushing me to continue my fitness efforts so that I would be ready for BMQ, so it all sounds good.  Now to wait... and run as much as possible.
Congrats pushpin, what trade(s) are you applying for? I was told the same thing by the capt interviewing me... Keep up the fitness routine... So here's hoping we both get the call soon!
You're almost done Colta!

I applied Traffic Tech (but I'm pretty sure my vision is a V4 which will knock that trade off my list), WFE Tech (9 years signing commitment, wow!), and RMS Clerk.  I must admit to being very undecided between WFE Tech and RMS Clerk, in some respect I'd love to start a new trade and work more outdoors but I have quite a bit of experience and a college diploma for office admin.  I guess first I have to wait for my bloodwork to come in though.

Good luck!!
Got my interview on 25JUN15 and my medical/physical on 07JUL15! My application is moving so fast that it's getting pretty scary.
I did my medical yesterday and have my interview on July 2nd. They wanted me to come in on June 30th but I will be out of the country then. Pretty stoked that the process is moving so quickly. I'm going for Boatswain.
Boatswain, honestly I have never known anyone who was a boatswain. Met a few when I was on the HMCS Halifax in Haiti, but didn't get to really chat with them between all the vomiting and more vomiting.. lol
I just got out of my recruiting center where I did the MOST and I passed it  ;D

Now I need to wait for the interview, medical and background checks.
Found out that my background check was completed yesterday. I'm on the almost final step now... just waiting for the enhanced reliability to be signed off/approved and then I'll be merit listed. Not sure how long it takes for the reliability status to be approved, but I'm hoping it doesn't take too long.
I'm still gunning for an August/Sept BMQ. It's so nuts to be at this final step, it's been 4 months today since I applied. Hopefully I won't be waiting too much longer. Good luck to everyone!
I applied at almost the same time.  Hopefully, I'll be able to make it for fall BMOQ.  My recruiter will send or sent my file to Borden then I'll be contacted for further processing.

I am pretty excited that things are moving for many of us.

All the best Colta!!
Good to hear ladies and gents. Still nothing on my end here. Emailed the RC on Tuesday and was told no news on anything for my file. Although I really don't have a career counsellor assigned to me that I know of so just hoping I am asking the right people lol.

Been just over 2 weeks since my Medical was sent to Ottawa for approval, and my credit and screening forms were sent to Garda and DPM Secur 2. I held a level 2 and was in process for level 3 when I released, so maybe they can just re-instate my level 2, and that would save them some time. I spoke to a few of my references and none had been called or attempted to be contacted yet. Maybe Garda is backlogged right now. Either way, its the summer, I have a few days holidays to use up and should use before anything happens. 

I assume my PLAR will take some time to complete anyways. RSBP should be a quick one to approve although I haven't heard anything on that one yet, and then the other on my QL3 portion will take a bit more I assume to review and come to a final decision.

May be time to e-mail some contacts and see if they can get the ball rolling on their end a bit. I don't want to hurry the process but just seems that it has come to a standstill and I have no patience when it comes to my career lol.
It took them about a week to initiate my Garda and then from there it two weeks for it to be completed... so hopefully you'll hear something about that soon FarmerD. I was told my medical just came back on the 23rd as well, so it seems to take a little bit of time.
Hopefully things will pick up for you though. I'm not sure what the wait is like for the PLAR, but hopefully it won't be too long.
Had my interview a few days ago and I must say it has to be the easiest interview ever. My recruiter just straight up said he wanted my credentials and just to answer a few questions for the form. I was in and out in less than 20 min.
messupdude said:
Had my interview a few days ago and I must say it has to be the easiest interview ever. My recruiter just straight up said he wanted my credentials and just to answer a few questions for the form. I was in and out in less than 20 min.

Yes, me too  :)  The selection officer was kind and just asked straight questions fast in 20 minutes. I was so nervous before the interview and after was like.. ::)
Yeah, and my recruiting process has been really fast than I thought.
I initially submitted my online application on April 16th, and the first contact was like April 29th.
I have done my interview on June 19th, and just waiting for the reliability screening to be done.
I hope to get an offer in July!  :nod:
I'm once again being held up... now it's on the reliability screening. Hopefully with the info I provided today to the MCC doing the screening I'll be merit listed next week. After that I'm hoping for an offer shortly after.
I'm jealous. I was scheduled pretty quickly to write the CFAT (especially considering I had to change recruitment branches after I applied) but we didn't find out our results immediately and received a standard letter saying "Thanks for writing!" and verbal notice that it could take up to three weeks to find out the results.  ???
Hopefully the rest of the process moves quickly.
You will not receive the results of your CFAT, your recruiter/recruiting center will tell you if the results of your test match the requirements for the trades your applied for.

I am very anxious about the next steps myself, I wrote the MOST last week and passed it so now I am waiting for further processing...  I have no idea if it's going to take a week/month/year...

Best of luck!!!

I called the rc this morning. Finally some movement. My medical came back fine, and my screening had been initiated as of the 25th. Takes up to 10 days he said. So hopefully next week I will know if that's been completed successfully