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Recruitment proces moving quickly

I received the "Futher Processing" email in approximately 10hrs after my application online. I emailed CFRC last night, hopefully I get a response in the next few days.
FarmerD said:
I called the rc this morning. Finally some movement. My medical came back fine, and my screening had been initiated as of the 25th. Takes up to 10 days he said. So hopefully next week I will know if that's been completed successfully

Congrats, is it your background check that they're working on or your reliability screening? Either way, I hope you have better luck with them than me.
Hey Colta.

Im waiting on my background and screening stuff. I just checked my credit report and DND checked my credit on the 29th. So things are rolling. The sec screening shouldn't take much. Like I said, I held a level 2 for almost 10 years previously so they may be able to re-instate. They haven't called any of my ref yet so I will text them and find out if anyone called. Things are moving forward finally. YAY
Well I hope yours goes smoothly... Garda was a pain for me and ended up leaving a ton of stuff for the mcc doing my reliability screening to do. So hopefully he'll be able to make the calls he needs to and get the info he needs to to finish the reliability screening sometime next week.
It took about 2.5 weeks for my medical to come back from Ottawa too, just FYI. But yeah, I'm hoping for a smooth (smoother) process for both of us.
I just got my CFAT results (not the actual results, just to clarify, but that I passed my minimums) and changed my trades around. They said it could be up to three weeks to hear back about the CFAT, so I was a little upset, but it was only 2 business days in the end.

The recruiter seemed optimistic about AEC and said I should hear back very soon RE: interview/medical (hopefully both done same day) and there's a selection board coming up. I'm feeling a little more encouraged about the whole process!
Nice sheilainthevalley, good to hear that your application process is going smoother now despite the CFAT system problem. I was told there were no more jobs/spots for Intelligence, they let you submit your application for that trade ?
BlueAngels14 said:
I was told there were no more jobs/spots for Intelligence, they let you submit your application for that trade ?

They did. But I won't lie that the recruiter strongly encouraged me to remove it. I didn't want to just out of principle, it would be my dream occupation, so I asked that he keep it on file. He said they would likely send me a message saying it was closed but he wasn't sure. They let me move forward in the process with that as my number one anyway, even if it is futile...

I had the same situation, I was told that it is very rare to get an intelligence offer but I kept it on anyway. Now I am headed to basic in October as an Intelligence Officer... so it does happen!
sheilainthevalley oh I see, I admire your determination there. I think you also have to go through an Aircrew Selection Test after your interview and medical for your pilot trade so that might take up some time too. Did they say when there would be jobs for Intelligence Officer again ? Because the fiscal year is April 1st every year, if there are openings then and it's your dream job why not wait ? What if you get merit listed and was offered Aerospace or Pilot rather than Intelligence ?

Congrats on getting the call for the trade you wanted emm !
Congrats Emm! I am definitely jealous.

Blueangels14  - no, he didn't say when or if any spots would be open. He just recommended I pick something else, although he kept reiterating that my score was very competitive and even said he had no doubt that I'd make selection in the first round of AEC. I'll have to do Air Crew Selection for both AEC and PLT according to what he told me.
I'm willing to serve my country in any of the trades I've chosen so it's not worth it to me to sit on the list and wait, I'd rather jump in and get started now. And I purposely picked 3 trades I think I would enjoy doing for that reason - I'll take a call for any of them!
Oh nice that's good sheilainthevalley ! As a Captain who interviewed me before told me, only apply for trades that you are passionate for because you have no control over which trade the CF will offer you once you're merit listed. Good luck with your Air Crew Selection Test and application !

P.S. You must have V1 vision since you're applying for AEC and Pilot, I'm jealous ! :P
I'm actually not 100% sure yet! I do wear a prescription for a light astigmatism (-0.5 in each eye) but everyone who tries my glasses on thinks they're fake. I think I'll pass the vision - recruiter said I won't know until I try! I guess if I end up with V2 or worse I'll have to choose new trades.... again.... lol
I guess I should be thankful I'm comfortable in my current job because it's looking like this might take awhile!
Hopefully that minor astigmatism isn't a problem, comparing to my V4 eyes that's nothing. you should pass the vision test. Best of luck ! :)
This morning I first get an email from CFRC Vancouver stating that there may be a delay of 6 months processing my application....

45 Minutes later I get a email with my CFAT Date.....
So... I ended up being late for my medical because no one opened the door for 10 min lol.
Hey everyone, I had my CFAT yesterday and left feeling like I did horrible, they didn't tell any of us our results, they just said to wait for an email stating you were successful or not, within the next couple weeks.

I received an email today saying that I have successfully completed the first step in the Canadian forces application process the Canadian forces aptitude test, these results and your occupational choices will now be evaluated in competition with other successful candidates. We will contact you within the next 30 days to inform you of our decision.

Is this the email I was expecting, I think I'm still in shock because I honestly didn't feel good about my cfat afterwards. Does this mean I passed? Sorry if it's a dumb question......
It means that you did the test and that your results will now be checked if they are compatible and competitive with your trade choices. You should get an email within the next 30 days telling you whether or not your scores were good enough for your trade and what to do from there.

And everyone seems to think they did terrible. I thought I failed the whole thing and when I spoke to the recruiter about it, he ended up telling me I scored high enough for all the ncm and officer trades... so you never know. Just try not to freak out and wait as patiently (lol... yeah right huh?) as you can. Once you get the next email telling you how you did, you'll know more from there.
Did my CFAT yesterday; well it was rough. Don't know my result yet.

Application is on hold as the BC Ministry of Education has not released transcripts for 2015 Grads yet.
Just called the rc to see if there was an update to my file.

PLAR has been approved for basic bypass.

Background check is complete and positive. Now just waiting for my Reliability Screening to come back.

Now I await to be merit listed. Next MSE selection date is 10 Aug with 37 spots open right now. So a few more weeks and I should hopefully have an offer of employment!!

So glad this portion is done. Now atleast I know it's just a waiting game now. Sooo happy.

Monday blues are gone for today!
.. I have completed all the steps in my process. Everything has just been approved , now im just waiting on my medical to be approved ( just did it on the 14th. I've emailed the captain at the recruiting centre (Barrie) but he's out of the office until the 9th. When you say the next selection date is the 10th, does that mean that's the next time they send out job offers ? I know may be a dumb question but the waiting and the not knowing is torture lol