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Release - contracts / medical / non combat releated injury


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Hi all,

So here is the lowdown,

I am currently on a 9 year engagement contract which is about to expire in 2 years, however I am paying back also my reserve time (about 3.5 years pension for 8 years reserve) - so I am over the 10 year mark. About last year I was placed on a TCAT (1st) for MS. I also have some serious back problems, infantry days.

My career manager mentioned something recently that scared the bejeezes out of me - that they will likely not renew my contract based on my TCAT - and I will be released??? I know that it takes up to 2-3 years for most Med cases to make their way through the system, however in the current way things are going I have this fear that the military will simply drop me at the nine year mark. Lets face it - in the news - it does not appear that we take good care of our own....

I have done the job for 15 years now...and I don't know what I will do.....I got 3 tours...and feel goddam helpless... VAC cant give me a straight answer, the Doc is sugar coating it, and our OR are a bunch of first year privates (nothing against privates...however not much exp there).....the 1-800 number for pensions is useless....

Any suggestions???


Friend advised to go to the SCAN seminars?? I will try it, however I need advice and some type of plan....
bravohit said:
Hi all,

So here is the lowdown,

I am currently on a 9 year engagement contract which is about to expire in 2 years, however I am paying back also my reserve time (about 3.5 years pension for 8 years reserve) - so I am over the 10 year mark. About last year I was placed on a TCAT (1st) for MS. I also have some serious back problems, infantry days.

My career manager mentioned something recently that scared the bejeezes out of me - that they will likely not renew my contract based on my TCAT - and I will be released??? I know that it takes up to 2-3 years for most Med cases to make their way through the system, however in the current way things are going I have this fear that the military will simply drop me at the nine year mark. Lets face it - in the news - it does not appear that we take good care of our own....

I have done the job for 15 years now...and I don't know what I will do.....I got 3 tours...and feel goddam helpless... VAC cant give me a straight answer, the Doc is sugar coating it, and our OR are a bunch of first year privates (nothing against privates...however not much exp there).....the 1-800 number for pensions is useless....

Any suggestions???


Friend advised to go to the SCAN seminars?? I will try it, however I need advice and some type of plan....

Go to your local IPSC first thing in the morning.


Info for you, if you do not know where to find your locol IPSC.


on this link click on your region, then on the right of the screen, it will have all the IPSC's in that region.

Click on that and it will give you their contact numbers.
49. An Administrative Review conducted by DGMC will determine the disposition of members who are not medically or physically fit. Members will normally be offered further TOS while on a medical category or while being accommodated.

Thanks all for the replay,

So I took the bull by the horns...and called the 1888 number for the VETS IPSC. As suggested, they pretty much told me they cant help until i file a claim for a vet pension, and only if it is service related. After I told her I will visit the office regardless if they can see me or not, she put me through someone ....who will reportedly get back to me... I have been through this before...next step is showing up and being direct with them using my outside voice -

This is primarily why I posted here, to get some feedback since been using the system and failed...

I got some msgs from you and that is good, will ask my career wrangler when I see him next about the ADM INST, however my trade is way over - and I know for a fact they are making things difficult for a number of individuals.

Thanks again, all advise is greatly appreciated.
I definitely would suggest using your INSIDE voice, because most VAC offices are collocated with IPSC staff and which you will be corrected if you become to excessively noticeable or problematic.
I can relate to your situation and it is a tough process.  It sounds like your recommendation for retention will be based on the resolution of the medical issue(s) that precipitated the TCAT.  So your CM may have been jumping ahead a little based on: TCAT (x2), PCAT, Review, Decision, Representations (yourself), Review of Representations - Release (non-renewal of contract as indicated).  Concerning the IPSC - it is a Unit and it was in my best interest to be posted to the IPSC once it was determined that the condition was not going to ameliorate.  Once posted there the support and access to programs, VAC and services has been outstanding.  It also gave me the chance to do what I needed to do - which is focus on my medical recovery. 

I found the process to be grinding - 2.5 years from first TCAT to 3b release and similiarily it was during my 1st TCat that I found this site.  At the same time I had an excellent discussion with my CDU GP concerning my medical disposition and prognosis.  It is critical to be synchronized with the CDU GP.  Coming to terms with WTF is actually happening during the journey was really tough.  There is much support out there and I wish you all the best with the process.
Hi all,

So today made my way to IPSC - and no...I did not scream at them...however frustrated over the last 2 years I have been...it was actually a really good exp. The rep will be checking on the release issue, since quite a few of you are right they are reportedly not allowed to release you while you undergoing med evaluation, however she said she has seen it happend on a number of occasions - where the contract expires and the soldier is in limbo...

Also talked to VAC today, and will apply for a pension - turns out that in my stupid naive way - trying to be a good soldier, I have a number of potential claims - such as my broken thumb which never fused (obtained during phase 2 trg, "suck it up buttercup:)", or my back which for four years been going on ibuprofen like crazy....who knew I could file for a pension for that?!?! My medical condition is not service related, so that is on the side.

But at least there will be someone to help out. The funny thing is the VAC lady told me not to call the 1800 number anymore....she said in - not so many words - that it was useless....(unless you had a file number and were looking for an update)...

Thanks again...will be posting more..and asking questions....:)

I agree wholeheartedly on the "do not call the 1-800" recommendation.

If you have the option, I find dealing with the VAC offices on base so much superior, and if you are lucky you can often speak directly with your case manager.

I spoke with the 1-800 line about a year ago for the last time to get an update on file progress. Nothing complicated and they were actually able to find the info I required (after a bit of a search).

However, they didn't know where Gagetown was (keep in mind they are in Charlottetown) and had a a hard time understanding that I was still serving and was not allowed to use the Blue Cross card they had sent me (I was asking what to do with it, they had just sent it to me in the mail). I was told to keep the card and was supposed to use it for all medical care pertaining to my injury. My sarcastic reply regarding the Base Surgeon's payment policy was lost on the poor lad I am afraid.
