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Releasing to other employment inquiry

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I had previously served with a combat arms unit for 3 years and decided to remuster over to a support/tech trade. I am now considering releasing for other employment (OPP) because of living conditions, treatment, etc  (PM me if you really want to know - don't want to carry on).

So now I am back into looking at the OPP as my career (which I should have done, and regretably did not do so, at an earlier time). My question is what are my options as far as releasing? I am currently on a POET course and only a few months through it so far. Is it possible to VR into another employment if you have the job before you release?

Any help is appreciated and feel free to PM me if need be.

Thank you,

Hmph said:

I had previously served with a combat arms unit for 3 years and decided to remuster over to a support/tech trade. I am now considering releasing for other employment (OPP) because of living conditions, treatment, etc  (PM me if you really want to know - don't want to carry on).

So now I am back into looking at the OPP as my career (which I should have done, and regretably did not do so, at an earlier time). My question is what are my options as far as releasing? I am currently on a POET course and only a few months through it so far. Is it possible to VR into another employment if you have the job before you release?

Any help is appreciated and feel free to PM me if need be.

Thank you,

How far are you into your second contract? Or first, if you OT'd during your first contract?

Use your CoC to submit an application for release. Doesn't mean they will grant it, and they'll probably need a good excuse (I VR'd once, but rejoined later). My WO helped me use a good reason to VR from BMQ, because at that time I couldn't do it but couldn't articulate why. I doubt, after your initial training, they will help you with that.

If you decide to release, just make sure you think long and hard about it. I regretted it almost immediately after I returned home, and it took a while to re-do my application.
I am roughly 4 months into my contract and I have yet to complete any training as it is still ongoing. I released and reapplied as my previous unit tended to "lose" OT applications.

The more I think about it, the more I know it will be the right decision - I don't know if another, equally important, job is reasonable enough for them.

I've been to the Padre about some of my concerns and only received a poor attitude and even poorer advice.

Hmph said:
Is it possible to VR into another employment if you have the job before you release?

That is all about timing and nothing to do with the process of release. The process will take time and I have seen the "time" vary greatly person to person. As cold as it sounds, it does not matter whether you have secured employment elsewhere for them to speed up the process.
Good luck
Hmph said:
I am roughly 4 months into my contract and I have yet to complete any training as it is still ongoing. I released and reapplied as my previous unit tended to "lose" OT applications.

The more I think about it, the more I know it will be the right decision - I don't know if another, equally important, job is reasonable enough for them.

I've been to the Padre about some of my concerns and only received a poor attitude and even poorer advice.

You have to realize that nobody forced you to join in the first place, and nobody told you to sign - two - contracts. You willingly signed these contracts, but it sounds like you think you're entitled to a lot.

There might be a "better" job waiting for you, but what do you expect the CF to do? Release you because you got what you want out of the CF? Don't be ridiculous.
Will I don't know where the "sounds like you think you're entitled to a lot" comes from as I don't see it there anywhere.  Put in your release and indicate that you request an early one as you have employment lined up.  Explain that you truly do not believe that you and the military are compatible. Depending on how the powers to be feel about you they may grant it.  Have seen people quick tracked out the door in 2 weeks while others were told no way and had to wait.

Good luck.
Nauticus said:
You have to realize that nobody forced you to join in the first place, and nobody told you to sign - two - contracts. You willingly signed these contracts, but it sounds like you think you're entitled to a lot.

There might be a "better" job waiting for you, but what do you expect the CF to do? Release you because you got what you want out of the CF? Don't be ridiculous.
Didn't you VR at one point?  Were your motivations somehow more important?
OPP has alot of competitive people applying to get in. You sure you want to give up a military career for a maybe shot in the dark at being OPP?
FYI, the OP was online for a total of two days back in August and hasn't been on since. He/She's probably not reading this anymore.
DirtyDog said:
Didn't you VR at one point?  Were your motivations somehow more important?
They seemed so at the time, I will agree. But it didn't make it right.
Nauticus said:
They seemed so at the time, I will agree. But it didn't make it right.

Do we have to keep necroposting? It's obvious the OP has done a runner.

Bored Nauticus?
Scott said:
Do we have to keep necroposting? It's obvious the OP has done a runner.

Bored Nauticus?
My bad, I didn't notice. But I was answering a question specified at me, so it was a worthy necropost.
Nauticus said:
My bad, I didn't notice. But I was answering a question specified at me, so it was a worthy necropost.

In your opinion.

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