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Within my unit it is my job to sort out the unit advertising.
This involves placing ads in Newspapers, on the radio.... whatever.

So, I went through all the hoops I had to to get an ad placed into a local student newsaper (there are alot of hoops)
Now, about a month or so after I would have like to have had the ad run, I found my ad. Or rather not my ad.

The ad that was run was for a Comms unit in BORDEN... I am in Ottawa! There is an eight hour drive between the two places.


The way it was explained to me originally was that I submit an ad... it gets approved at brigade level... from there to ADM (PA) and they then submit the creative work to one ad agency and the actual placement of the ad goes to a different media buying agency.

Two agencies do what one could, plus it's a double client system. My favourite part is that before all this happened I asked a person at ADM (PA) if I could see a proof of the ad before it ran (to make sure there were no errors and it looked alright)... I was told that the media buying agency proofs it and if there were any errors they would correct it. grrrr, this double client system again.

So here I am with my ad running who knows where, heck I may even get calls from Esquimalt!

I am sorting the problem out as we speak but WOW... this is astounding. What's worse is that I saw it coming.
I think I've asked this before but how do you change the system????

Has anyone else experienced this? >:(
Never experienced that prob, but I have experience some other one (ad being placed on the reverse of a full page article on the effects of anti tank mines on Iltis).  My suggestion is to ask your G1 RCTG Rep at 33 bde to look into it, or if you're not under the control of 33 Bde, have your rep at Comm Res look into it.  See if he/she can get some money back from DGPA.
Good luck.
I may be a little outta my leauge here, but was the sponserhip scandal something similar to what you have experianced? I though that involved advertising through ad agency's that took lots of tax money but produced little or no results?
Stirling N6123 said:
I may be a little outta my leauge here, but was the sponserhip scandal something similar to what you have experianced? I though that involved advertising through ad agency's that took lots of tax money but produced little or no results?

These are apparently placed by DGPA, I think it was just a human error that caused it.  The scandal did however place a stop order on our ads earlier in the year.