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Reserve INT

  • Thread starter Thread starter CrazyCanuck
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I'm going to be visiting the local Int Coy on their parade night this week to meet and talk with some people in the Int branch about joining up as a reservist.  Can anyone give me any pointers on what to expect? 

I am also wondering what I should wear.  I know it seems like a silly question but I don't want to overdo it by wearing a suit or something but I also don't want to underdress.  I just want to make sure I make the right impression as first impressions are huge and this is a very important event for me.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Casual dress will usually do.  Familiarize yourself with Recruiting Process, and ask if there is any unique steps to the recruiting process for Reserve Int Ops.
I am also wondering what I should wear.  I know it seems like a silly question but I don't want to overdo it by wearing a suit or something but I also don't want to underdress.  I just want to make sure I make the right impression as first impressions are huge and this is a very important event for me.

You're right about first impressions - that's why I would always recommend a suit and tie with sufficient attention paid to shoes.

good luck, mdh
I'm assuming you've done your research on Int Ops on the internet, so ask any questions that you have to fill in the blanks. Try to find out what they do on an average parade night, and on exercise. Ask about what Int Ops do on deployment at the officer and NCM level (depending which you're going for). But above all, just relax and be yourself. If you're going to the Int Coy in Vancouver (based off your profile), they're good people so you have nothing to worry about.

Also, hopefully you've given them a call, so they know you're comming in?
So here's my situation:

I recently visited the local reserve Int unit.  The meeting went very well.  To make a long story short, while the told me that they normally do not take people "off the street" they were willing to make an exception in my case because of my education and my skill set.  So as you can imagine I was pretty happy since I have always wanted to get into intelligence, esp military intelligence (not for some James Bond reasons, but because I am a big Strat Studies/IR nerd).  So the way it will work once I get all my paperwork through is that for 2-3 years I will be a reservist with the unit and will do all my basic soldier training and my intelligence training, parade with the unit and work with them on designated days and weekends etc etc.  After that, they said they will sponsor me for a CT to reg force Int, which is my ultimate goal as I would like to make a career out of this.

So it sounds pretty good to me.  I will have to find some civvy job for a few years, or go back to school while I am a reservist, but that ain't that bad if I can get into int right away...I'm willing to wait.

My other option, as has ben told to me by others, is that I can join the reg force, infantry most likely, and then after 4 years I can transfer over to Int.  To me, it has its appeals because I would be reg force for starters and I would probably get better training.  BUT, as I have been made aware, for the first four years I would be doing no Int stuff at all and that a transfer to the Int branch ain't that easy to pull off.

So my dilemma is this:

1-Go the reserve route.  Tough it out for 2-3 years as a part-time soldier and then CT over.  But I will be in Int right away and will be getting the Int training right away and getting Int experience as well.

2-Go reg force as Inf and transfer over after 4 years hopefully getting into Int, but not guaranteed.  Could end up getting stuck in something that I don't really want to do.

I know it sounds like a no-brainer, but I spoke to a person in the CF (mind you, it was someone with not that much time in) who told me that the Int unit is just saying that they will sponsor me for a CT and stuff so that they can get me on but he thinks that they are giving me the run around and that they wouldn't sponsor me for a CT when the time came up.

I don't really believe him because I've done my research and I would not think of these people as the type who would shanghai me like that...but you never know right...

Any advice from Int people and CF people as well would be great.  Is the reserve route a good option for someone wanting to get into Int?  Or should I go reg force?

Well, as I see it, you really do have the two options to juggle.  Both will probably get you your desired position in Int in a Regular Force unit, but the time frames may be different.  "If" you do get accepted into the Reserve world you will be into the Int Trade within a year of joining.  It may be a bit limited in its exposure, but there are many opportunities these days to work along side the Regs.  The last I heard, the Int Trade is open and they need people (who doesn't in the CF?).  If you go the Regular Force route right off, you can go Inf or any Cbt Arms and you will be locked into that training for at least a year or two before you are qualified your 5's.  Although you may not be able to CT/OT/Remuster until you have approx 4 years in that Trade, you can still work your way into the Int Cell at the Unit and perhaps get a Combat Int Crse.  That would give you a stepping stone to switch over to Int later.  If you have over four years in and the qualifications, they may recruit you right into the Int Trade off of a Combat Int Crse.

I know I haven't helped you much, but perhaps I have given you some more info towards your making your decision of which route to take.
I don't understand what they mean by sponsor the CT. They can't refuse to do the paperwork if you put in for a CT. The only down that I see to option A is that after you complete basic, you can't really do any taskings or anything else until you do your 3's/4's which will be a year away.

Nice to hear things are moving along for you. You got options! That is more than a lot of people can say.

Both sound like good routes to take, each with their pros/cons so I suspect that no one here can tell you which way to go is better.

The only thing I can point out is that from what I have read on this forum and talked about with a couple of members here, is that some people have a bureaucratic nightmare in transferring from reserves to regular force. (If I am off on that, someone please correct me) Something you should look into either way.


Another option you may consider is to work "full time" in the reserves before your CT. You could accomplish this by either going on tours,  over-sea postings or getting class B contracts with your local HQ or your unit. If you are interested in this avenue, contact your reserves int unit and ask them what are the chances as obviously nothing is guaranteed...and watch out for false promises as some recruiters tend to say things that aren't always reflecting reality ;)
You seem to have some choices in front of you.  Here is my take on the situation and I view this as a realist and not a nay sayer.

Your best bet right now would be to join the reserves, serve two years and then put in for your compenent transfer.  Be sure the reserve unit you join has the MOC that you want, which in this case is Intel.  While serving with the reserves, finish up your college and get your degree.  That way if the opportunity presents itself to become an officer in the future, you won't be left behind the eight ball.

If you choose to go to the regular force in another MOC and then try and remuster to intel later, you have no guarantees that you will be able too.  The intel community may be filled up in 4 or 5 years from now, which is when you would be eligible for a remuster in the regular force.  In addition, if you end up in combat arms and there is a shortage, you will not be allowed to remuster.  Also, while in the regular force, you may not get a chance to complete your college education.

Another factor to consider in all of this, is the fact that it will take you roughly less time to get into the reserves than it will to get into the regular force.  Some people are waiting up to two years to get the call to go.  The current recruiting system, by all accounts, is broken as is the asscession pipline which takes applicants from recruits to trained soldiers.  Since there is such a backlog of recruits needing to be trained on the regular force side, you could very well end up being in holding platoon for a year or more before you even get to your trade school.  If your goal is to get a regular pay cheque no matter what you do, even if it is to pick up garbage and paint rocks, then that may be the way to go.

Again, the reserves would be your safest bet in route to the regular force given the current situation faced by DND.  Good luck.

PJ D-Dog
If you go into the reserves first, you will get a taste of the trade itself that you can't get just from research and talking to people currently in the trade. However, as an off-the-street recruit, there is a steep learning curve into military ways, that is much easier to get through the combat arms...

Ultimately it's your choice. If you don't want to go infantry, and only see it as a stepping stone to Int, you may end up hating it completely. Or, you may end up loving it. It all comes down to what you think is best for yourself. It's a tough decision but it's one no one else can make for you.
Thanks for the advice everyone...I do have a degree already, actually 2 degrees (one of the reasons the Int Coy wants me)...I think the reserves is probably the option I will take, I just wanted to hear from some people who are in the forces already and can offer me advice.

I am aware that there is a steep learning curve ahead...basically the WO and the 2Lt I spoke to told me this:

"In certain respects you will have a lot of catching up to do...but it certain respects you will be ahead of the game..."

By this I think they meant that while I will have to learn alot about the combat arms and the military in general I will also be ahead in the sense that I can get involved in Int right away and not have to wait the 4 years to do it if I went reg force.

I did talk to them about opportunities for reserve work to make some cash and they told me that no one should ever depend on the reserves for a full time career.  But, that being said, they also said that there are plenty of opportunitues to do basic grunt type work if I want to...it would not be Int specific until I am fully trained...but at least I would be doing something for the armed forces anyway, even if it is driving trucks or sweeping floors....I could make some extra coin on the side.

I am lucky in the sense that my parents are really supportive and have said that I can live at home for pretty cheap room and board so that I don't have to freak out about trying to balance the reserves with full-tiume work...that way I can focus 100% on getting my training done as soon as possible.

I might consider going back to uni as well anyway...it seems that reserve work and university complement one another very well...I can probably get some of my tuition reimbuirsed and hey, more education can never hurt.

Anyhow, thanks to everyone for your advice.

...I can probably get some of my tuition reimbuirsed and hey, more education can never hurt.

You sure about that? I don't know about you, but If I ever have to suffer through one more student coming to me to whine and complain about their marks it's BAM! to the moon!   :dontpanic: ;)

The Best INT OP's are the guys who COT (Regs) and use there former trade experiences from tours/contacts and training to be very effective and resourceful.

The worst are direct entry INT OPs from the reserve, who do not have a clue as they just used to there Thursday reserve boy scout meetings and Class B's and that are administrative in nature. This is a general observation.

Go to the reg force, take a trade that parallels INT (291 Comm Research, 276 NESOP, RECCE type's).Get some TI at an OPS center (NDCC, Trinity, Athena).

Sittin at home on Mama's couch for three years with the chance of transferring. The next 5 years is going to be an exciting time in the CF.

Pay your dues and do not miss out. It will make u ten times the better INT OP or maybe even INT O.

I will take flak for this post......but I speak the truth
Hate to say it, but I have to absolutely agree with NCRCrows observation about Int Op direct entries. The TI, experience, seasoning, whatever you want to call it, that one gets as a member of the regs prior to COT is worth every moment. I had 11 years in prior to my 9 years as an Int Op and saw some prime examples of this.

You may be a well educated, highly competent person, a nice enough guy, but there is no substitute for TIME IN!

By the way, I was an Airforce Tech prior to COT. My worst day as an Int Op was still better than my best days as a tech. You take it from there.

Flak....I love it.

But u must agree!~that tactical/operational experience gained in the environments and the ability to apply  collated INT with known SOP's and tactics, is the only way to be effective. Especially ,when u are briefing commanders in there own element.

I have seen it a thousand times, as an INT OP briefer loses his cred, when he/she does not know the culture or tactic's of the element and the Commander/OC knows it.

Experience can cure this.

Yeah, I always use some grammar lessons. Especially here in the Navy league.
The point was made earlier that should the person was deciding to wait it out for three years and hope for a transfer to the regs.

Three years of pension/travel/experience/pay/tours/friends or stay at home and wait it out watching Montel on the couch.

The decision should be easy.........

I like the Reserves concept of part time soldiers that can be mobilised in time of need, but it is not meant to be a full time occupation.

A lot can be accomplished in 3 years!
NCRCrow and Mauler:

I appreciate your point as I am trying to get advice from experienced people.  My worry if I go the reg force route however, is that I may not get the chance to go to Int at all.  What if I end up being stuck in Inf or another combat arm for 9 years when I could have been doing Int right off the bat...which is my ultimate goal...am I guaranteed to get into Int at all?  Also, I've been told that getting a CT is a headache and a half, especially when elements like the Inf are already stressed for people...

Believe me, I have thought to myself exactly what you have said about getting the time in...but I don't want to gamble the next 9 years of my life on that...can I be guaranteed a spot in Int if I go reg force...prob not...
Just to add to that...

Can reg force personnel transfer over to Int in less then 4 years if they are qualified...or does it absolutely, positively have to be 4 years minimum?
ReadyAyeReady said:
Just to add to that...

Can reg force personnel transfer over to Int in less then 4 years if they are qualified...or does it absolutely, positively have to be 4 years minimum?

Negative...you must meet ALL the prerequisites for Occupational transfer, including time requirements ! LOTP program i beleive is the only exception (3 to 6 years if i remember correctly)