With Tony Burman retiring as big-cheese of CBC News ... http://www.thestar.com/News/article/227019
and after the recent report that the failures of Canadian journalism to create a well-informed electorate (reported at this link) ... http://toyoufromfailinghands.blogspot.com/2007/06/information-gap.html
were in many cases failures of editors and executives in Canada to understand the military and permit the reporters to report what was happening, (a few quotes from above blog-post and report) ...
And thus, I am proposing Rick Mercer as new director of CBC News. While not a journalist in the classical sense, he does know that "army" is not an adjective for a man with many arms, "navy" is not a color, and "air force" is not a feature of a central heating system.
Plus Don Cherry is too old.
and after the recent report that the failures of Canadian journalism to create a well-informed electorate (reported at this link) ... http://toyoufromfailinghands.blogspot.com/2007/06/information-gap.html
were in many cases failures of editors and executives in Canada to understand the military and permit the reporters to report what was happening, (a few quotes from above blog-post and report) ...
And they are asking people in Canada [news editors], most of who have either never been to Afghanistan or have not been there recently, or have no meaningful understanding of what's really going on there right now, and they say, 'no, that's not a story. Don't cover that'."
He says the reporters told him that their editors wanted them to stay at KAF "in case another person gets killed so I can cover the ramp ceremony."
And thus, I am proposing Rick Mercer as new director of CBC News. While not a journalist in the classical sense, he does know that "army" is not an adjective for a man with many arms, "navy" is not a color, and "air force" is not a feature of a central heating system.
Plus Don Cherry is too old.