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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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MJP said:
The norm is BMOQ is not split over two summers.

It generally is for ROTP Civi U.  Remember that ROTP BMOQ is abbreviated, not because ROTP candidates are brighter, but because there is only limited time during  school breaks to do it.  The RMC cadets receive additional BMOQ material at RMC, but the Civi U cadets normally have to take an additional course (BMOQ Part II?) the following summer to get the material they didn't receive in Part I or at RMC.

When I did it, it was a two-week course at CMR after which, we all migrated over to the language school at St-Jean and met up with all the MilCol folks (they had two weeks off...).

Pusser said:
It generally is for ROTP Civi U.  Remember that ROTP BMOQ is abbreviated, not because ROTP candidates are brighter, but because there is only limited time during  school breaks to do it.  The RMC cadets receive additional BMOQ material at RMC, but the Civi U cadets normally have to take an additional course (BMOQ Part II?) the following summer to get the material they didn't receive in Part I or at RMC.

When I did it, it was a two-week course at CMR after which, we all migrated over to the language school at St-Jean and met up with all the MilCol folks (they had two weeks off...).

I did CivU as UTPNCM alongside ROTP folks and the only people I saw get any kind of different treatment was Medical Officers (who do that shorter crse) and some cases a few that had special programs that extended into spring time.  Everyone else was full BMOQ. I was slated by mistake to join a crse that had a number of folks from my area after they finished Mod 1 to do mod 2 (I had a PLAR for it and CAP so didn't go).  There is enough time in the summer after classes end to do the full 15/16 week BMOQ.  However looking at the CFLRS site they do say it is run over two summers for some entry plans, so things change (or revert back to the way done before).  It does make sense if they want people to burn leave.  I personally would want to get it all done at once!

rayyy said:
That would be cool! [:) Just out of curiousity, when and how was Basic like for you? Were you in for the whole 15 weeks, or split like normal?

I go to BMOQ this summer, I was picked up as a top-up in third year.
What is the possibility of switching careers while already enrolled in ROTP at RMC.. for example if i enter under AERE and want to switch to Pilot in my second year as this is the career i truly want to pursue but can't right now only because I wasn't awarded A1 air factor but can expect to be awarded it in my second year (won't get into the details of that). What is the process of a transfer? is it even possible?

Hello guys,

I have done plenty of research, even asked my recruiter and no answer so far. Hopefully you guys can help me out.

Anyway I am in the middle of the ROTP Application, and have applied to a Civvy university. The university I will be going to is about 1200km away from where I am living now. I was told generally applicants are enrolled in late June, and begin training in July.

If I am selected, how much notice will I have to move to the new city? I would want to move prior to leaving for training. Typically how much notice is given before an offer of enrollment is given?

Macgruber said:
I am in the middle of the ROTP Application, and have applied to a Civvy university.

For reference, perhaps this will be merged with,

All Things Civilian U (merged) 
12 pages.
Aaron97 said:
In anybody's opinion, did I ruin my shot at ROTP by already enlisting into the CF reserves or not applying for ROTP right out of highschool?

My opinion is you didn't "lose your shot" at ROTP by enlisting in PRes. Lots of different people join in different components for different reasons, plans, and commitments, and you happen to join to "try it out" while going to university.

Now given the info you've shared, I do personally think that if you got into university for fall 2016, you should have researched further and perhaps join as a OCdt or NCdt to the reserves to try it out. In the Navy reserves (NAVRES), there's the RESO program which allows for prospective or current university students to swear in as Class A naval cadet reservists. You'd do your trade training (ex. MARS 2,3,4) during your summers. I know many MARS (example) officers who have completed their courses and even their BWK course, that even before they graduated university, they were SLt! But, given all that, you are already an NCM militia Pvt, and all this wouldn't matter (unless you want to stay reserves but switch to officer while going to school).

IF, though, it really is ROTP that you want, you are too late (unless you've applied before 31 Jan 17?) to start as ROTP student for fall 2017. But after your 2nd year starts, you can put in for ROTP-CT (like DAA mentioned). Let me explain how you would go about doing this for ROTP competition fall 2018:

You need to inform your CoC, whatever your current reserve unit uses as method of correspondence (NRD's use request forms and memo's to the CO thru CoC). Your reserve unit SHOULDN'T have a problem with this. It's your career choice after all. You haven't wasted anyone's time; I'm sure you've learned valuable things so far and they will all add to your capability as an officer in the future. Now ensuring you let them know, since your butt belongs to them already, go to your BOR to someone who knows about ROTP-CT process, probably the BOR Chief Clerk, with your supervisor. Explain your intention, and they should guide you to the right direction. You'll be directed to go on this website where you will put in for an ROTP application. The site will look like you're applying as a civilian off-the-street, but complete it. You'll be required to upload a scan copy of all your transcripts (both highschool and university so-far). This gets sent from CT cell Ottawa to RMC Kingston. There used to be this other DIN website where you specifically apply for ROTP CT-OT, but that's not used anymore. When you've done this, you'll get an email to confirm your application was submitted, and (hopefully) soon, you'll be contacted by the CT Cell in Ottawa about your ROTP-CT application, your 3 trade choices, and about next steps. MAKE SURE your medical and FORCE test is current! And make sure you meet the minimum medical standard requirement for each of the trade choices you picked (med cat ex. 111225 shown on MPRR).

After this initial step, when RMC Kingston deems you are ACADEMICALLY SUITABLE, your CT Cell contact tell you and your nearest Recruiting Centre that you need to do an interview. Note, that you only get the interview if and only if you are academically suitable. To increase your chances and competitiveness, you may request for CFAT re-examination, but only if you are confident you will do better than the time you tested for enrolment to army reserves. This is very important because 60% of your score as ROTP applicant is actually from CFAT. 15% (or 10?) is from TSD test, and 25% (or 30?) is from your interview, which INCLUDES your academic scores and your previous experiences and skills. The point is, CFAT score is VERY IMPORTANT.

After all this, you are put on merit list (or not) based on your score as an ROTP-CT applicant. You don't compete with ROTP applicants from off-the-streets. They reserve about 10% of the ROTP positions to ROTP-CT applicants (i.e. if Sig O intake # is 35, there may be 4 or 5 space for ROTP-CT. You have to make it into that 4 or 5 spots. Nationally. Against all ROTP-CT applicants but not regular ROTP applicants).

Then you wait patiently. You may contact (don't do it; they are insane busy) CT Cell contact occasionally to ask any questions or ask for updates. They will respond when they can afford the time to. Then you'll get (or not) your offer for ROTP-CT, it will outline what school, what pay level, what VIE length, etc. I will not cover every one of those details, since the CFRC interviewer can advise you well too.

Feel free to PM me if you have questions!

p.s. I am a Class B reservist MS FSA (clerk), merit listed for Sig O Army under ROTP-CT, to civilian university for fall 2017. And I sure hell don't think my 6 year service with the reserves was a waste. It was the foundation to what kind of officer I will be for many years to come!


mcglone63 said:
the 2 years that I've already been approved for

Hi there! I'm 6yr Class B reservist going ROTP-CT to UBC 2nd year as SIG O, for start Fall 2017.

Just some questions for anyone that may have some idea:
- no one (even my recruiting captain) couldn't give me a solid answer: if I'm being subsidized for 3 yrs since I'm admitted to UBC as 2nd yr student, then isn't it 2mo svc for every 1mo paid for? So my VIE should be 9 yrs? I'm sure they could still throw me a VIE 12 or 13 and I'll have to take it as it is... But what did you guys with 1-2 yr subsidization hear from your ULO's about your contracts?

- how flexible is changing faculty / program while you're in rotp civiu? I know you can't change to something that doesn't match with your trade, and you can't make moves that will make subsidization cost more, but if not, are SEM/ULO reasonable about changing faculty? I'm probably going to get picked up as SIG because they're super red, but I'm admitted into UBC Arts. I want to switch to UBC Engineering after doing some math and science prereq courses.

- if I PLAR'ed BMOQ, and my next courses are SIG courses at Kingston, should I expect to go to that trade training in-between my school years? I heard from threads it depends on your trade and if trg can fit into the summers, but does anyone know about the SIG trade and possible trg between civiu school years?

Thanks a lot in advance,
You cannot complete your Sig O DP1 while still in university. The only run 1.5 courses a year, one starting in Jan (the half course) and another starting on/around May 24 if I remember correctly (the full course). That full course doesn't finish until after FINAL GLORY, which is your confirmation ex in a HQ&Sigs Sqn, which is done in October.

Keep in mind you need BMOQ and BMOQ-L, so make sure your PLAR is squared away or you'll end up on BMOQ-L one of your summers.
PuckChaser said:
You cannot complete your Sig O DP1 while still in university. The only run 1.5 courses a year, one starting in Jan (the half course) and another starting on/around May 24 if I remember correctly (the full course). That full course doesn't finish until after FINAL GLORY, which is your confirmation ex in a HQ&Sigs Sqn, which is done in October.

Keep in mind you need BMOQ and BMOQ-L, so make sure your PLAR is squared away or you'll end up on BMOQ-L one of your summers.

That's great info, thanks a lot. I'm sure of having BMOQ PLAR'ed; the CT cell said I shouldn't be going if I've done PLQ and have instructed BMOQ.

So if I can't do any of my trade trainings during the summers (except CAP, which I'll probably do if there's a course avail in summer), do you suppose they will AP me to a militia unit or somewhere at least? If not, I think I would take spring/summer courses to finish my degree earlier.
sidemount said:
Up until last Jan it used to be that MCpls were promoted to Lt upon grad but that doesnt happen anymore either....but hey at least you get to keep your MCpl pay haha

WOW. Up until Jan 2015 that was the case?? I didn't know that... I'm an MS class B reservist CT-ing into SigO Army. I was hoping having BMOQ PLAR'ed would maybe get me 2Lt (only because I saw a navy RESO university student who got all his quals during summers, and got his commission and is now SLt/Lt even before he graduate university!!!! What the heck!). But yes. Keeping the pay is sweet while going to school. I doubt I'll be getting a MS pay though. Probably bumped down to RegF LS IPC4.
bk066 said:
. . .  I doubt I'll be getting a MS pay though. Probably bumped down to RegF LS IPC4.

Bumped down?  A PRes MS's monthly pay (Cpl B standard IPC 4 X 31 days) is 4492.52.  A Reg F LS's pay (Cpl A standard IPC 4) is 4986.00
bk066 said:
Just some questions for anyone that may have some idea:
- no one (even my recruiting captain) couldn't give me a solid answer: if I'm being subsidized for 3 yrs since I'm admitted to UBC as 2nd yr student, then isn't it 2mo svc for every 1mo paid for? So my VIE should be 9 yrs? I'm sure they could still throw me a VIE 12 or 13 and I'll have to take it as it is... But what did you guys with 1-2 yr subsidization hear from your ULO's about your contracts?

Your question seemingly includes and connects two separate concepts which should be viewed separately; terms of service (i.e. VIE) and obligatory service.  Terms of service may vary depending on the occupation and are not necessarily tied to obligatory service.  As another (and more informed) denizen of this forum wrote "The purpose of VIE's and other contracts are to provide the CF with a stable pool of employees while at the same time providing its' members with a sense of stable long term employment.  Just a means of maintaining and somewhat controlling personnel levels."  The reference for TOS is ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 05/05, The New CF Regular Force Terms of Service.  Obligatory service is that period of mandatory service incurred as a result of receiving education subsidization (or specific training or allowances, etc).  The ref for such is DAOD 5049-1, Obligatory Service.
So I was accepted into ROTP for civilian U this past January and I was wondering if it is possible to transfer universities while in rotp? I read something about it needing to be in the same city. I am in my first year of uni. Any info is appreciated.
throwaway1 said:
So I was accepted into ROTP for civilian U this past January and I was wondering if it is possible to transfer universities while in rotp?

ROTP Transferring between Civvie Universities 

Civvy U transfer 

All Things Civilian U (merged)
13 pages


Alright, I'm going to talk to a recruiter when possible to see if I can get posted somewhere near where I want to transfer. Otherwise I'm going to apply for another local school and hope for the best. Thanks for info.
So I did my interview on 3 Mar 17, my last step of my ROTP-CT CIVIU application.
I contacted CT for update and was told that they sat boards for SIG O two weeks ago and I wasn't on the list of selected personnel. He told me that another selection boards will sit in end May with focus on ROTP-CIVIU, so I should hear from them 1st or 2nd week of June...

Does anyone know if not having made this board in end March means that my file is not so competitive? I'm a Class B reservist MS with leadership experience and BMOQ instr experience. My CFAT percentile was 84. Or is it the case that they probably only selected to fill regular ROTP applicants going to RMC, and they haven't selected for the few ROTP-CT spots / ROTP-CIVIU spots yet?

Thanks in advance,
bk066 said:
Does anyone know if not having made this board in end March means that my file is not so competitive?

You didn't mention your high school marks -- ROTP selection has always put heavy weight towards high school academic performance. The recently released report on RMC stated that an 85% high school average was the minimum academic threshold for admission to ROTP at RMC or RMC-SJ -- the report didn't cover ROTP at Civi U, but there's no reason to suspect it is very different.
Am I allowed to work on a base or any military establishment if I have no uniform nor training whatsoever?

My school term is almost over, and there are a few weeks from when I finish my last exam till the start of my BMOQ course. I either have to be on some sort of leave, or working at a base. I want to avoid going on leave as much as possible because I only have 3 weeks per year, and I need to save those for Christmas and reading break.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you
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