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Sgt. Craig Gillam, Cpl. Robert Mitchell, RCD - 03 Oct 2006

RIP soldiers. Thoughts are with the family and the wounded, speedy recovery. Keep up the good fight. :salute: :cdn:
I had no idea this had happened until now; but when I read the thread title - my heart sunk once again. My deepest sympathies to both families and friends of the fallen.

RIP soldiers, may angels lead you in..  :salute: :cdn:
As a close personal friend of Rob I am crushed.  The only thing we can do is help his wife and three children survive this tragedy and continue to love and live now that he is gone.  To the person who wrote:

"Rob believed in this mission as well as everyone else who has passed on, to leave now would only tarnish what they died for."

Go to hell.  How dare you use his death as a political ploy.  NOTHING could tarnish his memory, his image, his spirit or what he believed in.  NOTHING.  If we leave this god forsaken country do you really believe it would diminsh his life or death?  Would it tarnish what he died for?  And what exactly did he die for?  The Army?  Canada?  Peacekeeping?  Democracy?  He believed in all those things.  And he died.  Proud and strong.  Leaving would not tarnish those ideals anymore than dying glorifies or strengthens them.  And if you believe that his death is only justified if we stay and win then what will you say to his 3 children if we don't stay.  You can believe anything you want but don't ever use his life or death to justify it.  Now I will continue to cry and make arrangements to fly home for his funeral so I can hold his mother, his wife, his children, his father and his brother Mark as they grieve his death and celebrate his life.
I didn't use it as a politicle ploy and I offer my appologies if I ofended you. I was speaking through anger. I too knew Rob and there is nothing that I could say to his family to make this seem justified.
I'm shocked to hear it, Mitch was a absolutely top bloke and was a credit to the Dragoons. I'm genuinly shocked to hear that, i really respected and liked the guy, he was a great example for a young guy like me to follow. I'm grateful i was able to know him and i feel so, so sorry for his wife and kids.
A sad day for the Dragoons,

"At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them, we will remember them."

RIP Brothers  :'(

:cdn: :salute:
:cdn: :salute:
My sincerest condolences, and thanks, to the friends and families of the fallen.
deepest condolences to the families and f riends of the fallen.  Speedy recovery to the wounded.  Thank you one and all for your service.  :salute: :salute:        Ubique
evolutionrules,  AA13

It is indeed a sad day in The Regiment.  However, misinterpreting others posts in haste and causing more grief at this time does not help.  You do not stand alone, as many others are affected through their friendship and acquaintance with these men.
And again...my condolences to the friends and loved ones of these brave soldiers.  And for the wounded and their families, my best wishes on a journey that hopefully won't be too long, and will have a happy outcome.