There are three Regular Force armour regiments (RCD, LdSH, 12e RBC). Head dress is normally a black beret, or for Sikh members, a black turban.
I was able to find only one photo of a turban wearing armour officer.
Lord Strathcona's Horse
View attachment 90655
Whether there are occasions when members of that regiment wear ribbons with their turbans, I do not know, however there is no mention whatsoever of turbans in the dress instruction section of the Strath's regimental manual. Manual 2015-Complete.pdf
I do not know about the other regiments.
Those idiosyncrasies of dress are usually regimentally generated and may not necessarily be in either the CF dress instructions or the Canadian Army dress instructions other than a notation to follow regimental differences. You will be made aware of them when you get badged to a regiment. Until then expect to wear generic insignia (i.e., armour branch badges) and a plain black turban.