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Smoking in General

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Last year I attended camp and was at blackdown, and me and my MWO was given 3,  5-min breaks and i was wondering how you all felt about smoking at your home core?
this summer i went to whitehorse. now i am not sure how many other camps allow smoking, but if you have parental permission you can smoke in designated areas. is it just me or does this fell like it is going against the purpose the drug rule of the RCAC

tell me what you think

should summer camps allow smoking in cadets
I'm pretty sure that smoking by any cadets at Pra CSTC is not allowed, even with parents permission. Not sure what the laws are in the other various provinces but I am also pretty sure that if you are under 18 you can't buy them either in Manitoba.
Smoking is to be done in the smoking pit, and you need a form signed by your parents for it at Blackdown.

7. The above guidelines for cadet corps must be
applied in all CSTCs. Because of the intense
nature of the training offered during the summer
at CSTCs, the Commanding Officers (COs) are
encouraged to implement policies to reduce
smoking by cadets and to provide a smoke-free

8. When not prohibited by federal legislation,
provincial legislation or municipal by-law,
particular areas may be designated and identified
as smoking areas. In addition, separate areas
shall be designated for cadets, staff cadets and
non-cadet personnel


The part about LHQ smoking is also in there.
Yea, i was doing my annual review and my CO got a call from London, Ontario(Our sister Core)  and they said we could smoke but we needed a signed letter from a parent, 

And on our Cadet Id cards it says "Smoker" on the bottom left
-Robichaud- said:
this summer i went to whitehorse. now i am not sure how many other camps allow smoking, but if you have parental permission you can smoke in designated areas.

You cannot smoke in Vernon at all.  Staff (officers) must smoke out of the view of cadets and anyone caught smoking anywhere, even in town, means RTU or extras or something.  I thought this was standard at all CSTCs
Considering the stance on Physical Fitness and Healthy Living, allowing cadets to smoke even with Parental allowance is irresponsible, and should be banned at the national level. Parents that allow their kids to smoke need to give their heads a shake.
well lets see. It is illegal to buy smokes if you are under 18. It is illegal to give anyone underage smokes.....yet they allow it.....
I find it completely disgusting and repulsive. Anyways it takes years off your life.... I don't want to die for a stupid reason like smoking :o. I'm also pretty sure that nobody else wants to die this way either, yet they still keep on doing it!!! Either way, I am completely against smoking in cadets or in public! It demeans the sanctity of cadets in general and tarnishes the image that the cadet movement has made for themselves. I'm not really into politics, but I really hope that smoking gets banned overall.
It might not be allowed at your CSTC’s but I would rather have cadets that smoke be smoking in a designated smoking area not have them hide in a place that dos not have safety equipment. IE Butt can with sand or a water tube to safely deposit there discarded cigarette butts.
Until the government does something to change this, I agree that its safer and more environmentally friendly. But only if they must
anybody that starts smoking that young is an idiot. Anybody that abuses nicotine at all (and here, I am guilty) is an idiot.

It kills you. Slowly, painfully, and it robs you of all dignity before it kills you.

It's expensive. Think of all the money you'd have to spend on the important things in life (girls) if you weren't forking over 10 bucks a day for something that kills you. 70 bucks a week. 210 dollars a month. Give or take. $210!

It makes you a worse soldier, not allowing you to stay awake as long, run as fast, shoot as accurately, communicate as clearly, or deal with stress as well. It is constantly wearing down your body's immune system, since you are constantly poisoning yourself, thus making you more susceptible to disease.


Troops, I been trying to quit smoking and chewing tobacco for years. It's the most addictive substance going, next to crack cocaine. Please, troops, PLEASE don't start smoking, and if you already do, PLEASE quit. The sooner, and younger you quit, the easier it is, and the sooner your body can fight off the ill effects.

Thus endeth the sermon.
I agree that I dont think smoking has a place in cadets, however if you chose to start smoking its your choice.  Don't hate people who smoke.  I hate people who yell at smokers when they are smoking outside and not bothering anyone.  I smoked, but I have NEVER smoked on a cadet activity or infront or near cadets.  Never indoors or around children or things like that.   Yes it takes time off your life and hurts you, but its your choice to do it, and if someone smokes outside and isnt bothering anyone then its ok
Cadets should not be smoking, end of discussion and I will not entertain arguments to the contrary. If you are a Cadet smoker - QUIT NOW, before you get hooked! For that matter anyone who is a smoker should toss the bloody things.

Go check the Quitting Smoking Thread that I started with paracowboy's help. Maybe you'll see how many of us are hooked and want to quit but have a hard time because nicotine is so addictive.


I do not hate anyone. But if I were CIC or a CI and saw Cadets smoking I'd probably be leaving that job for smacking the smokers around. Cadet smokers deserve to be yelled at for being so damned stupid! Your argument about how its harmless is weak at best and not a very good example to set, I suggest you rethink it. Anyone who argues smoking being at all harmless is nothing short of being the village idiot - here is your jester's hat.

Maybe you put it out there the wrong way. Maybe you're just young and naive. Maybe it's a combination of the two. I suggest you clarify your stance and re-read para's statement then go and look at the thread I mentioned above.

Then give your head a shake.

Come back when you want to talk sensible.


How loudly do we have to say it? How often must we repeat ourselves? We're not talking about biting your nails or picking your nose (which can have risks ;D) we are talking about something that will kill you and maybe those around you! I didn't start smoking for the vitamins in the things, I did it because I saw other adults doing it and thought I'd be grown up and cool if I did it. Guess what, I wasn't flattering or impressing anyone and neither will you.

Just to reiterate.....    SMOKING IS NOT OK it will kill you. Also if you smoke, think about this second hand smoke is just as first hand smoke. It may be your choice, but remember there are non-smokes around you who don't wanna die that way(by second hand smoke). My grandma died when I was 7 and it hurt a lot. I don't believe that you or anyone else wants to hurt family and friends that way!
Scott said:

I do not hate anyone. But if I were CIC or a CI and saw Cadets smoking I'd probably be leaving that job for smacking the smokers around. Cadet smokers deserve to be yelled at for being so damned stupid! Your argument about how its harmless is weak at best and not a very good example to set, I suggest you rethink it. Anyone who argues smoking being at all harmless is nothing short of being the village idiot - here is your jester's hat.

I never said it was harmless, I'm saying that if someone starts smoking its Their choice.  Don't hate people just because they smoke.  I said that if someone starts smoking its their choice!!!   Alcohol is addictive too and can hurt you but people still chose to drink.
Don't hate people just because they smoke.  I agree with you 100% when you say smoking hurts your body, thats why I quit.  Some people's parents smoke but that doesn't make them hate their parents.  Yes smoking is stupid and yes it hurts your body, but if someone choses to start then its their choice. 

Scott said:
if I were CIC or a CI and saw Cadets smoking I'd probably be leaving that job for smacking the smokers around. Cadet smokers deserve to be yelled at for being so damned stupid!

Its their choice, not yours.  Let them do what they want, its no skin off your butt if someone starts smoking.  Don't forget either that tax money from cigarettes fund alot of things too.  This money benefits everyone. 
Smoking has no place in cadets but if its on their own time then its their choice.  I'm sure lots of your superiors smoke too but that doesnt make them stupid or ignorant. 

Now let me repeat myself again so everyone understands.  I never said smoking is harmless, if I said that then yes you could say those things you did to me, but I didn't so your comments are unjustified and unfair.

ryanmann356 said:
I never said it was harmless, I'm saying that if someone starts smoking its Their choice.  Don't hate people just because they smoke. 
what are you babbling about? Where did anyone call for hatred to be cast upon smokers? This is now a thread for nicotine addicts to relate their horror stories to kids in order to hopefully keep them off the weed. Anything else will NOT be tolerated. Period. The only reason I'm allowing your post to remain is so I may rebut. Any further posts describing smoking in anything less than a definite negative light will receive punishment. Are there any questions? If so, pm me.

Its their choice, not yours.  Let them do what they want, its no skin off your butt if someone starts smoking.
  that attitude is repulsive. I would no more stand aside and allow children to smoke without making an attempt to stop it, than I would if they were placing a loaded firearm in their mouth. The fact that you care so little for the troops under you is a disgrace, and you, my little Platoon Comd, should immediately renounce any form of "Leadership" you may currently lay claim to. The welfare of the troops under your command is paramount. That attitude is disgusting.

Don't forget either that tax money from cigarettes fund alot of things too.
  those funds are more than offset by the drain on the medical system from people DYING slowly. Hardly worth the pittance. And a pathetic attempt to excuse the trade of exporting death by slow and painful means.

Smoking has no place in cadets but if its on their own time then its their choice.
  not if they are underage. Then, they have no choice under the Law.

I'm sure lots of your superiors smoke too but that doesnt make them stupid or ignorant.
  no, it makes them addicts. If my superiors decided to suicide by swifter means, I would hardly emulate them.

your comments are unjustified and unfair.
he made the point of this thread very clear in his first post. You chose not to listen. Anything he said afterwards is more than justified. Your next post in this thread had better be an apology to Scott, and a promise to shut your gaping maw. Otherwise, do not post.

Why the argument? ???  Almost everyone knows how bad smoking is for you, and some people choose to do it anyways.  Instead of yelling at them, or smacking them around it would probably be better to take them aside and talk to them if you feel like giving your input.  I'm sure you'll find you'll get far better results. 

The fact is, at 16, if you so choose to smoke, you may.  It is illegal to buy them and to give them to minors, but if they "find some" then they can smoke them.  This is part of our freedoms as Canadians.  If I choose to smoke a cigar and you come and yell at me or "smack" me for it, then what would you expect me to do?  "Sorry Sir, I'll stop this right away!"  I don't think so.  Some people think drinking is just as bad, and I choose to do it anyways.  Does this make me stupid?  I don't think so.

In my oppinion, and it is just that, I don't think that the violent approach is the right one, nor should you force an appology out of someone for their own oppinions.  This is a discussion board and I think that people's oppinions should be respected even if not agreed with, no matter what the reason for disagreement (excluding racism, sexism and those sorts of things).

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