I am hoping to identify Canadian regiments involved in Southeastern Command's defense of Southeast England (in 1941(?) - 43). These regiments would have constituted the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Canadian Divisions. More specifically I am interested to know which Canadian regiments were billeted or trained in or near the village of Frant (in East Sussex) or the Hazelhurst School property in Frant at that time. The Saskatoon Light Infantry website confirms that the SLI were billeted in Hazelhurst, but I am hoping to learn of the presence of other Canadian regiments in Frant. The locals fondly remember the WWII Canadian troops to this day.
Milton Freeman, Edmonton AB (pupil at the school, 1945-46) milton.freeman@shaw.ca
Milton Freeman, Edmonton AB (pupil at the school, 1945-46) milton.freeman@shaw.ca