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SPAM / PHISHING email rec'd

I got the Sandra Dickson version last night , so I reckon anyone on army.ca with an email on here got one too. It went to my junk folder,a dn has since been deleted.


I got the Tony Edmond version today. It is a verbatim reproduction of the Edwin Kwaussi edition.
Is any one else having this problem? I’ve gotten a couple emails saying this:


Edwin Kwaussi
Avenue 5 Lot 172 Cocody Quarters
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
Good day Dear One,

Greetings and How are you today,I am Edwin  Kwaussi I am member of forums.army.ca I would like you to permit me to apply through this medium for your co-operation and  to secure an opportunity to invest and do joint relationship and business with you in your country.
I have a substantial capital I honourably Inherited from my late father late Chief  Marcel    Kwaussi
who deal in Cocao-coffee platation and share from family Gold, diamond Minining site.The Epmgigo rebels killed Him recently in poltical crisis in our country that have resulted to war since this past two years.

I intend to invest this money in profitable areas in your country into a very lucratives business venture of which you are to advise and execute the said venture over there for the mutual benefits of both of us .
Most especially is for you to help me com e over to your base if possible for You be able co-operate with me to become my business partner in your country and create ideas on how  money will be invested, properly
managed and the type of investment after the money  is transferred to your custody with your assistance.
I inherited this sum from my late father  whom the rebels killed because he was not supporting their selfish intrest to topple the president Gbagbo the present president.Meanwhile, on indication of your willingness to handle this transaction sincerely by protecting my Interests and upon your acceptance of this proposal.I would  furnish you with the full detailed information, procedure, amount involve is below and we shall  mutually agree on your percentage interest or share holding for helping me to secure the release of the deposit and investing the fund into a lucratives profitable venture in your care.It is The sum of  Eight  Million,Five Hundred Thousand USD $8.500. 000USD I shall be glad to reserve this respect and opportunity for you, if you so desire, but do urge you to give the matter your immediate attention it
deserves.I want you to be rest assured that everything is in order and legitimate it was due to the political
crisis in our country that have resulted to war which cause everybody to find a way to get out the country,
that make's me to use this medium to request for your assistance hoping that you will not let me
This money is legitimately acquired by my late father from sales of cocoa-coffee and diamond dealings.
Looking forward to your prompt response
Thanks and God bless


I was wondering how many other people are getting these. It’s a bunch of bull crap obviously but it’s annoying. Obviously I’m asking this here due to the line stating “I am member of forums.army.ca”. Though this isn’t the only one like I’ve gotten, another was exactly the same, just from some guy calling himself Tony Edmond.

I wonder how many people actually are stupid enough to fall for this?
Thanks mods. Hopefully this whole thing can get resolved sooner rather than later.
If anyone still has the message, please send me the full message headers. I can try to find out where these came from and block that IP. It won't stop you from receiving these messages, but it might stop them from browsing Army.ca to pick up addresses.
Hey Mike,  i just emailed you the whole email i received with the address it was sent from, i'm sure the culprit has a few addresses to use, but at least we can start blocking them as they come in.
I think that the majority of stories deal with western Africa due to the continued credibility of moving money out of countries enduring strife.  Let face it, it has a much greater impact than trying to talk about times of strife in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan.  However, the actual source of most of these messages is believed to be India and other South/Southeast Asian countries, the same place a lot of phone scams are currently originating from.

"Hullo, is there an M Willum there please? I am for to calling from First Capital National Bank of Canada about your current account...hullo, hullo?  Darn they hung up on me again!"
Mike my mom said she got one of the emails as well, I will get her to send it to you ASAP.
its a classic 419 scam letter

For more info please visit these sites


Third email : anone want to call them reversed charge  >:D ?
Dear  christ jesus,
Blessings of God to you and your family .
I am fine here by the speacial grace of God hence I was in the hospital this morning for my weekly routine check up,came back and read your mail and decided to proceed with you immediately by sending you the contact of the bank so that we would proceed in earnest towards concluding this project to the service of the lord and humanity  .
Ok,I have made a mastike by ending you the contact of the banker.please this is them emil again (manager@teacher.com) or by telephene+22509001632 Do contact the manager immediately and get back to me today,Thank you and Gods continued blessings while I look forward to reading from you again and request you put me in your daily prayers  .
Extend my sincere and lovely greetings to your family and all concerned .
Yours in the lord ,
Sister Sandra
Avenue 4 Marcory residential
14 bp 211 Abidjan 14
I love their poncey writing style....reminds me of the fopsy 17th century French characters on Saturday Night Live who kept freaking Norm MacDonald out with their ponciness...

....I am Edwin Kwaussi I am member of forums.army.ca I would like you to permit me to apply through this medium for your co-operation and  to secure an opportunity to invest and do joint relationship and business with you in your country.....

I can almost picture the guy wearing a powdered wig and silk brocade....

I'm with Wes, having a hard time from wetting myself laughing at these idiots....

I got one too, it went to my spam folder and was since deleted...I'm sure I have more too.

Its right up on my priority list with taking advantage of all the wonderful mortgages I've apparently been approved for, enlarging my penis, and "last long time" with Viagra. ::)


The "penis free" CAW

Whoa? You mean this isnt the broken English of Sandra Dickson, a friendly multi-millionaire who just needs some help? Dammit, there i go giving away my bank account details again. I'm such a sucker.

I replied saying,

"Dear Madam,
        I am your most humble servant and would be very much pleased to help you out. Your story brought tears to my eyes and i very much hope i can aid you in this struggle.
Please get back to me as soon as possible,
Your truly,
Eamon Hale"

They usually dont reply but its good fun and like Wes said, not bad for a giggle.
Troops in addition to sending Mike the emails so he can block the IP adddresses also you should send them to the RCMP by following the link: RCMP Phonebusters
I didn't get one. I feel left out. :sob:

The 419eater stuff is hilarious. I've done a bit of scambaiting but no real effort put in to it like those guys do.
Benny said:
I didn't get one. I feel left out. :sob:

I will send you mine. I must know half of Nigeria by now, and the other half are most likely cued up waitting their turn to get on line. :)
If only they would use their power for good instead of evil...
Hale said:
Whoa? You mean this isnt the broken English of Sandra Dickson, a friendly multi-millionaire who just needs some help? Dammit, there i go giving away my bank account details again. I'm such a sucker.

I replied saying,

"Dear Madam,
         I am your most humble servant and would be very much pleased to help you out. Your story brought tears to my eyes and i very much hope i can aid you in this struggle.
Please get back to me as soon as possible,
Your truly,
Eamon Hale"

They usually dont reply but its good fun and like Wes said, not bad for a giggle.

When I first started getting them I replied back on how pathetic their stories were and advised them to at least be more credible and imaginitive.  I dont think it improved their grammar and diction, but it might have been a factor in cutting down on the number of these types of emails I used to get... 
GreyMatter said:
When I first started getting them I replied back on how pathetic their stories were and advised them to at least be more credible and imaginitive.  I dont think it improved their grammar and diction, but it might have been a factor in cutting down on the number of these types of emails I used to get...   
I doubt it. These scammers 'mugus' are dumb, and use bulk lists of email addys. They will not go to the trouble of deleting your address. But feel free to abuse them, poke fun, or whatever. They are criminals, so give them all the crap you want. Post their email address on a public space so they get spam if you want.