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"Star Wars, Episode VII: the Force Awakens"

Moderators, request a merge with older thread on the same subject, please?


S.M.A. said:
Moderators, request a merge with older thread on the same subject, please?



The force was with them..... ;)
Or we could look forward to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgSylgBFi-I
I liked what the trailer had to offer in that it doesn't reveal too much. I think too often trailers give away a lot and given that this film will probably generate 1 billion at the Box Office I'd be fine not knowing anymore
I might have pooed a little when I saw that second trailer, holy $hit.  Really looking forward to this.....and yeah, episode I, II, and II don't exist in this dojo.  Maul almost made up for it, but they should have found a way to keep in in the next two films instead of killing him off so soon.  Jar Jar made me want to eat my gun.

I hope they get some decent writers so it's not full of plot holes and over the top spectacles for the sake of spectacles that change the story, such as the new star trek movies were. (Fun to watch as they were)

As far as  the prequels I saw some fan edited versions, where they shortened scenes, removed unnecessary flashy crap, and Jar Jar antics etc. Added in some deleted scenes etc.

They went from Cringing bad, to watchable... but not the epicness that IV V and to a lesser extent VI. (knowing that the Ewoks were a stand in for what was originally supposed to be the Wookies who were enslaved to build the second death star and were staging a rebellion really kinda takes the shine off it)

They really were well edited to the point I thought to myself, "Why did I hate these movies so vehemently?" Then I put the original ep 1 in the DVD player... "ahh now I remember"
c_canuk said:
I hope they get some decent writers so it's not full of plot holes and over the top spectacles for the sake of spectacles that change the story, such as the new star trek movies were. (Fun to watch as they were)

As far as  the prequels I saw some fan edited versions, where they shortened scenes, removed unnecessary flashy crap, and Jar Jar antics etc. Added in some deleted scenes etc.

They went from Cringing bad, to watchable... but not the epicness that IV V and to a lesser extent VI. (knowing that the Ewoks were a stand in for what was originally supposed to be the Wookies who were enslaved to build the second death star and were staging a rebellion really kinda takes the shine off it)

They really were well edited to the point I thought to myself, "Why did I hate these movies so vehemently?" Then I put the original ep 1 in the DVD player... "ahh now I remember"

Very interested in these fan edited versions....is there a particular one I should be looking for, because I really want to like episode 1-3, but just can't.
check out Fanedit.org. They have a bunch of stuff that people have done. They don't hold the movies themselves, but have all the information about what was changed, why, reviews, etc. from that you can usually source a copy.

Keep in mind, these are only legal to download if you have the original DVD(iirc I'm not a lawyer).

I recommend "we were soldiers - broken arrow edition". The editor turned it into a tight tactics - counter tactics movie

c_canuk said:
check out Fanedit.org. They have a bunch of stuff that people have done. They don't hold the movies themselves, but have all the information about what was changed, why, reviews, etc. from that you can usually source a copy.

Keep in mind, these are only legal to download if you have the original DVD(iirc I'm not a lawyer).

I recommend "we were soldiers - broken arrow edition". The editor turned it into a tight tactics - counter tactics movie


Nice, thanks!
Six-minute "trailer" video stiched together from all released footage so far:

Per the site, "We have taken every scene from every Teaser Trailer, Trailer, Behinds The Scenes, On The Set, Featurette, Online Spot and TV Spot and put every clip in order as how we believe the movie will play out."

Here it is, at YouTube: https://youtu.be/0yJMIzFEbNg
Not yet, but it is getting rave reviews.  I plan to hit it up before Christmas.
Going to see it at 7 tonight with my daughter (Amazingly there are still 80 tickets available at our neighborhood theater in Spruce Grove) Ive been waiting for this for 38 years and can barely wait another minute more
Have tickets for the 21st.  A bit disappointed that there are no IMAX in the province of New Brunswick, I think it would have been great on that.
Couldnt get tickets for today - all sold out.  Managed to get some for 11:30pm tomorrow, couldnt get into IMAX but got Ultra AVX.  Not sure its that great but at least there are reserved seats.

Ive heard reviews say its good, just hoping to avoid any plot spoilers for another day or so.
Pilot-Wannabe said:
couldnt get into IMAX but got Ultra AVX

I love Ultra AVX. I try and see every movie that way.
One of the guys at work bought two tickets o the Star Wars marathon that was held in yesterday.  Unfortunately his son was unable to attend due to health issues so Mike asked me if I was interested?  $50 bucks.  All episodes and then the new one.  "Great deal, sure",  I said.  Marathon??  More like the Bataan Death March.  To add insult to injury of sitting through episodes 1-3 (for the second and last time) it was 18 hours long.  I feel like I've been pulled through a knot hole backwards this morning.

Anyhow, everything you're hearing or reading about the new film is true.  I won't give any spoilers out except to say that the 3D is amazing, astounding and quite frankly the best I've ever seen.  For example there was a First Order Star Destroyer coming so far out of the screen I could have reached up and touched the bow of it.  It does have the feel and spirit of the original movies.  The new faces who are major characters are going to fit in perfectly with the story line.  The hard core fans were going bananas  time and time again at this or that and the guy beside me was shaking with excitement.  The 15 or so hours leading up to the reveal was punishment, but damn was the new movie ever worth every penny.  This thing will break records.  You'll laugh, cry and cheer at times and not feel ripped off for your money.
[spoiler alert]

Remember to listen to Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle" before you go...

[/spoiler alert]
Jollyjacktar is totally correct in his review, and yes, the 3D shot that stands out is that cruiser - I had the same feeling of it being right off the end of my nose.

I told one of my friends "It was a really good movie.  In fact, it was a really good Star Wars movie."