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Stephane Dions New years day Address (a parody?)


Army.ca Legend
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Stephane Dions New years day Address,

First I’d like to thank my family, but I’m a Liberal and I don’t believe in family so how can I thank my wife when I can’t say wife because saying that means I hate homosexuals, just ask McGuinty in Ontario. I will however spend my address talking about the hidden agenda.

Now as you know My predecessor the incorruptible Jean Chretien got a lot of votes by droning on about scary conservatives and hidden agendas. Well now it’s been almost 2 years since Harper was made PM and it’s silly to base an election campaign on what he will do if he’s made PM when he has actually been PM for almost 2 years. So we will talk about our own hidden agenda, right wingers have been painting lies and we need to set the record straight!

Free Speech

First when it comes to free speech people say nothing is brewing or has been done to curtail that of late. To them I say with the massive results we’ve obtained what more is there to do? I mean not only are Canadians kowtowed into only saying things that socialists like to hear because everything we on the left disagree with is hate speech. But now we fine the crap out of people for merely quoting what others have said.

Hugh Owens quotes the bible 20k

Bill Whatcott quotes homosexuals who publish a magazine soliciting for sex with well I better not say, 17k

Mark Steyn quotes an EUrabian Imam, well, who knows, how much he will have to pay but our tribunals have never ever found anyone not guilty.

If the right were smart they would fight for the right to quote things the protected groups on the left say.

So until we are ready to open Gulags it is doubtful that much more can be accomplished on these fronts. And don’t worry they will never even look at issues brought forth by white male Christian heterosexuals.


Most importantly some have stated that the Liberal party has moved away from our prime directive of putting Canadas Eurodescended majority in the minority within 50 years. Sure we had problems bringing in the 1% of the pop per year. Yet we remain drawn to our goal. To prove that we are endophobicbigots and like the newcomers more than domestic Canadians, we support racist hiring so we continue our support for affirmative action, hiring quotas and don’t forget we did get David Marshall to stop all hiring of white males at public works, Don’t fret I’ll still be keeping my job so you will not have to worry about me on the unemployment lines. All good liberals know that when Europeans are in the minority the country will be greater than it has ever been in the past. It will be as great as Yugoslavia or Palestine well pick any other multiethnic paradise from around the world. The liberal legacy will be great.


Lets not forget our military and out commitments towards our peace keepers. We remain committed to our goal of emaciating the military. Even though there are now tanks in Afghanistan this was not our idea we wanted to use to use the military for social engineering. We want the military to be about the combat bra or hyping woman in combat roles. Get us back in power and you will see endless rows of non military social engineering boilerplate. That will mold our soldiers into peace keepers because lets face it we on the left have no intestinal fortitude and no tanks eh. Why would the military need them? They can only be used for fighting and thats the last thing we want the military used for.

War on Christianity

Some with feint hearts have even spoke to me in private that we have given up in the war on Christianity. This is just part of the lies spread by evangelical Christians whom our allies in the left wing MSM’s hate. We have a plan that only needs a majority to keep move forward. We have been pushing on this since the good old days of the Charter where we wrote that bit about the country recognizing the supremacy of god. Not a Christian god in this country where Easter and Christmas are national Holidays, but just “God” thrown in there so any person leading say the moonies cult can say it was written about them. This is a great vehicle for all of us on the left who continually point out “It does not say a Christian God.” However if you want proof of our continuing war on Christians none of our MP’s ever send out a Christmas card they all send ones out that might be joy cards, festive cards, holiday cards and they are only sent out at Christmas time but believe you me if any one dares to send out a Christmas card and I find out they will be shipped to Alberta quicker than you can spell Canada Steamship lines.


Look some of you have said we are starting to go hard on crime. This like all the other lies is simply not true. In the eyes of criminals we are the number one party to vote for. And look how high Crime isthere is no danger of it hitting pre Trudeaupian numbers as long as we concentrating on handling criminals with kid gloves and if crime rates are triple what they were when Diefenbaker left office, it’s because of the great job we’ve done.

Still we have our principles which I will reiterate once again. We will go hard on legal gun owners and continue to ignore murderers and we will always make sure that the rights of the criminals far outweigh those of the victims who probably deserved it anyway.

We remain committed to breaking up Canadian families if elected we promise to thrust children into the arms of strangers for their child hoods and we will take the 100 a month Harper is giving to parents and spend it on something far more noble. Creating more jobs for union bums I mean more early learning providers. Because as we tell everyone in Canada that being a real parent sucks so you know only the best and brightest will be early learning providers and Einstein would never have come up with the theory of relativity if it had not been for his daycare sticking him in front of the TV all day with a bag of cheesie poofs.

Global Warming

I’d also like to reiterate that even though I was supposed to do something while minister of the environment that I am committed to ignoring that China who is now the world leader in spewing CO2 plus I will never give George Bush credit even though he did a much better job in Canada because He didn’t sigh Kyoto but we in Canada did and signing a meaningless paper is more important than actually doing anything isn’t it.  I will also refuse to look at evidence easily available at government sources.  I mean I couldn’t blame Katrina on Global warming if the public knew there were twice as many hurricanes in the 50’s as the 90’s.  However If elected we will still exempt Ontario CO2 and put all the blame on Alberta because we hate them.

Thank you, good night, and remember a Liberal government is a big government!