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Stupid laws


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i was looking around the web and i found out some stupid laws.  So i thought why not start a topic on stupid laws.  Feel free to post some here

These are LAWS in Canada

Wooden logs may not be painted.

You may never use dice to play craps.

It is illegal for clear or non-dark sodas to contain caffeine.

Wooden logs may not be painted.

It is illegal to turn right on a red light at any time.

You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.

And MY favourite Stupid law that is still in effect

If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town.

:salute: :rofl:
hahaha what?  I'd have a hell of a time trying to conceal a 6 ft tall weapon....
bradlupa said:
These are LAWS in Canada

You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.

Looks like i'm gonna have fun with the next grandma counting her pennys at the supermarket  :2c:
I think it's still on the books in Victoria that you can't wear a bathing suit in public that is see through - which I saw contravened on many occasions as both a lifeguard and facility user ;D

In Quebec, if there is a union in the enterprise you're working at, you are legally obliged to abide to it.
Even worse, in Canada there is an public organization named CRTC who ruled that us, canadians, are too stupid to the genuine american tv signal
Kebel said:
In Quebec, if there is a union in the enterprise you're working at, you are legally obliged to abide to it.

That is the case everywhere... it's called collective bargaining. Otherwise you would get the benefit of any negotiations without the costs...that's called free-riding. Are you a free-rider?  :P In the Public Service you can elect to give your money to spiritual or charity orgs instead though.

P.S.: For the record, I am not a union freak at all.
It's illegal to turn right on a red light at any time??

I'd like to see a link to these "laws".  ::)

In Canada, one is allowed to turn right on a red, only after a complete stop

A rolling stop would be considered, just recently (2003) quebec allowed right turns on red only after a complete stop
As for paying with coins here are the limitations

source: http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/rsc-1985-c-c-52/latest/rsc-1985-c-c-52.html  (Canadian currency act)


(2) A payment in coins referred to in subsection (1) is a legal tender for no more than the following amounts for the following denominations of coins:
(a) forty dollars if the denomination is two dollars or greater but does not exceed ten dollars;

(b) twenty-five dollars if the denomination is one dollar;

(c) ten dollars if the denomination is ten cents or greater but less than one dollar;

(d) five dollars if the denomination is five cents; and

(e) twenty-five cents if the denomination is one cent.
bradlupa said:

In Canada, one is allowed to turn right on a red, only after a complete stop

A rolling stop would be considered, just recently (2003) quebec allowed right turns on red only after a complete stop

I was referring to a link for the original post.

I understand you can turn right at a red light after coming to a complete stop.  (Amazing how many don't stop though.)
Your statement said it was illegal at any time.
bradlupa said:

In Canada, one is allowed to turn right on a red, only after a complete stop

A rolling stop would be considered, just recently (2003) quebec allowed right turns on red only after a complete stop
I fail to see how this is a stupid law, it only make sense as if you have a red the other road has a green.
In Florida, any form of sexual contact other than missionary position is a misdomeanor. (This is still a law. There have been several cases of people being brought up on these charges in the past 5 years alone. If the police enter a home with a warrent for some other crime and catch the 'culprits' in action, they can, and are, brought up on those charges.)

In Louisiana, it is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol.

A Florida sex law: If you're a single, divorced, or widowed woman, you can't parachute on Sunday afternoons.

It's safe to make love while parked in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Police officers aren't allowed to walk up and knock on the window. Any suspicious officer who thinks that sex is taking place must drive up from behind, honk his horn three times and wait approximately two minutes before getting out of his car to investigate.

http://www.dumblaws.com/laws/international/canada is the link where i found it, it is about 3/4 the way down