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Stupidiots: Anti-war vandals attack peacekeeping monument.

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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Once again some mental midgets have felt the need to show their lack of maturity and respect for their forefathers.  This has not been the first time some anti-war mongers have spray painted the monument to Peacekeeping.  Some **$'oles did the same thing to a lesser extent after Somolia.  This time, however, some twits took it to a grander scale.  I am sure their ignorance is bliss.



Anti-war graffiti defaces peacekeeping monument 
Updated: Fri Apr. 04 2008 17:03:11


Anti-war graffiti has tarnished a peacekeeping monument in Ottawa's downtown core.

The peacekeeping monument was marked with phrases including: "Oppression anywhere, resistance everywhere" and "Afghan civilians dead."

The peace monument is the only one of its kind and is considered "sacred ground" by many.

Public Works was working to remove the graffiti when they found out about the incident Friday.

This is the second time the peacekeeping monument has been the target of vandalism.

Ottawa police are asking anyone with information about the monument's defacing to come forward and call 613-236-1222 ext. 7300.

Since 1948, more than 110,000 Canadian peacekeepers have served in conflict areas around the world. 
Of the various monuments, why the peacekeeping one?

Mental midgets is right...
Brihard said:
Of the various monuments, why the peacekeeping one?

Mental midgets is right...

Location, Location, Location.

The monumnet isn't nearly as prominent as the National Monumnet and it would be easy for cowards and vandals like the criminals responsible for this act to sneak about like the vermin they are and childishly scrawl their 'message'
I think the selection of location reveals something of the though process of the individuals.  They are anti-military.  Peacekeeping is military & so peacekeeping is bad.  To them, there is no consideration toward ends, means, proportionality, intent, etc.  Their ethical perspective would be a very Kantian deontological view in that everything is very black or white, right or wrong.  Most Canadians probably accept some utilitarian - deontological hybrid view which can easily be convinced of the outright stupidity of the vandal's position. 

These are the type of people with whom there is little value even discussing the mission in Afghanistan, because they are unable to think outside their absolutes.
No doubt, the defacing of the Peacekeeping Monument was dealt by the same stupidiots who were seen with their protest banners yelling, "Canada out of Afghanistan & into Sudan with the UN as Peacekeepers."

The irony, no doubt, escapes them.

Fucking twits.
I suppose there lies another possibility.  They so misunderstand the issue that they are protesting that they don't even know what they are protesting (or attacking in this case).
Thought process:


I don't think it gets any deeper or any more researched than that. Completely clueless.

the_midge said:
Only until we are at war, then it's

No more war!! = peacekeep instead!! = deface Peacekeeping Monument = stupidiots

Very confused & ill-informed ones at that.
the_midge said:
I don't think it gets any deeper or any more researched than that.
You're right.  Because of their deontological view, they feel no obligation to understand the issue.  They just "know" it is bad. 
the_midge said:
Lazy idiots.
MCG said:
You're right.  Because of their deontological view, they feel no obligation to understand the issue.  They just "know" it is bad.  Lazy idiots.

–noun ethics, esp. that branch dealing with duty, moral obligation, and right action. 
deontological - the branch of ethics which deals in rules & absolutes.  Kantianism is one example of deontology.
MCG said:
deontological - the branch of ethics which deals in rules & absolutes.  Kantianism is one example of deontology.

Well, well, well. The second reference to Immanual Kant in as many weeks. I think I refered another user (a ultilitarian teleologist) to him just the other day.

Memories of PSE ...  :D
Vandals are cowards, they do it when no ones around, or maybe a bunch of their stupidiots.  I bet not one of them would have the balls to do it with a Canadian soldier standing next to it.  Sometimes you just have to shake your head in disbelief.  Unfortunately, Canadian soldiers lay their lives on the line for law abiding, patriotic Canadians but stupidiots too.
OFF TOPIC: STUPIDIOTS is a great word, I think I will be using alot more often:) Especially while driving in Toronto:)
ArmyVern said:
Well, well, well. The second reference to Immanual Kant in as many weeks. I think I refered another user (a ultilitarian teleologist) to him just the other day.

Memories of PSE ...  :D
All this philosophical talk has me aroused!  (Takes me back to my days at UWO)

Now, to keep on topic.  Some dumb punk spray painted junk on a monument.  That dumb punk is having his/her day.  I hope that guilt gets the better of this person, and that they come forward in genuine remorse to make up for this.  (If they are caught and THEN say that they are sorry, I will believe them less).
Does anyone know what sort of clean-up effort is being organized?  I have some time to kill and will be there in a heartbeat.
Cover it with graffiti and we'll wash it off.
Knock it down and we'll rebuild it.
In this- we shall never tire

Flawed Design said:
In this- we shall never tire

They won't get tired of vandalism either. They may get distract and move on  to their next "cause".
They should get "sensitivity training" in war hospital, or something similar !
George Wallace said:
"Public Works was working to remove the graffiti when they found out about the incident Friday. "

If I'm getting what is post in your link, Public Works is erasing the damaged so no need of volunteers ?