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Subscription Challenge


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
As we all know, Mike is responsible for creating this space where we can come together, air our grievances,  vent our spleen, seek or give advice, discuss issues or just generally kibbitz with fellow like minded individuals.

I think most of us would agree that this Board is highly professional and reflects positively on the CF.  I think we would also agree that we benefit from the existance of the Board.

So -- without the benefit of my parental capacity for guilt tripping, I challenge you all to get off your wallets and pay for a subscription to the Board.

Honestly, I have gotten atleast $30 worth of entertainment value from this Board on top of the t-shirt, coin and sticker. 
In support of scoutfinch's challenge, I would like to add that I think this is a great forum and love the opportunity to debate issues.  Even when I'm wrong.  ;D

The coin and the good quality t-shirt you get as part of the deal are worth at least $20.  Mike pays the mailing fee as well so he likely doesnt have much money left afterwards for funding, which to me just demonstrates his dedication to the site. 

My pledge challenge - if over 100 people subscribe over the next 10 days I pledge to shut up and post no comments for the following 2 weeks. 

Isnt that worth it?  :o
Let's see...15, 20, 22, 22.50, 22.75....oops I already subscribed...can I unsubscribe and resubscribe? ;D
As a subscriber, I want to back Scoutfinch up on this. Mike has many ways of accepting the money. (I paid him via e-mail money transfer) I understand we don't all have cash to spare. But, those who do, please help support the site.

Mike, will you be sending out reminder PM's before our subscription expires? I have no idea when I am due to renew.
".....and if you want to continue receiving the kind of quality programming that public television  army.ca provides, we need your help.  Quality historical programs like parkie's ongoing push up through Italy is just one benefit of a subscription..."

Good enough, your honour?  I think that's all my community service hours covered, sir...... >:D
Trinity said:
Does Mike take sex in trade?

oh wait.. nevermind...

Trinity, you can't rent the altar boys until *after* ordination!

I will pony up some cash next payday, that is if you accept money from tree huggers. :D
TMM said:
Trinity, you can't rent the altar boys until *after* ordination!

I will pony up some cash next payday, that is if you accept money from tree huggers. :D
Accepted with a smile and welcome!
It has defiantly been worth every penny.

To use the old analogy "It is about the cost of a cup of coffee for a month".... but way more satisfying than a caffeine kick!

Given the amount of time, effort and dedication put into the site by Mike and his (unpaid, volunteer) MODS, it is a small price to pay for sure! 

I must agree...users ought to be subscribers...I am proud to be a subscriber of Army.ca...can't wait to get more Army.ca gear too!!!!

Thank-you Mike for all you do and all of the MODs

So the rest of you...get off your wallets and get subscribin'

scoutfinch, what is your strategic objective here?

If we dont get 50 new scubscriptions by sundown tomorrow do we go guerilla and invade every chat thread repeating your opening line?   :akimbo:

Ready for mayhem, I mean ready to spread the word! 


"This thread is currently taking a break for this important commercial announcement.

Mike Bobbit, the owner/operator of this site, needs your help. 

There are thousands of starving Internet site operators out there around the world,
but Mike's situation is more desperate than others. Without your assistance, Mike
could be forced to sell off all his possessions in order to keep this site running. This
could mean him having to sell the house, his wife, his kids, even little Mr.Peepers the
family pet turtle.  In extreme situations, Mike may have to sell his prized Army.ca coin
to make ends meet and buy a few more seconds of bandwidth just to keep the site
running for another day.

Whats even more amazing is that he's doing it for us.  For our brave men overseas. 
For our service members here at home, and for those who follow in their footsteps. 
For the parents and the wives and the sons and the daughters. 

Don't wait - call and get your membership today.  For only as little as $30 a year, as
little as 10 cents a day, you can sponsor a dedicated site owner and keep the light shining
for another year."
Heheh, thanks guys. I truly appreciate the support Subscribers bring to the site, it not only keeps us going but makes us better. For example, the recently added "dual DSL" configuration, which doubles our speed and reduces downtime, was 100% paid for by subscribers. Again, a big thanks to everyone for that!

The more "budget" we have the better we can do in the long haul.

Pea said:
Mike, will you be sending out reminder PM's before our subscription expires? I have no idea when I am due to renew.

The system sends out a "one week reminder" so you don't have to mark your calendar.

Ironically in one window I was signing up and then I saw this thread in another one. :) Anyhow, you got one more subscriber today! ;) So congrats, I suppose.
Cheers! :cdn:
HL, no, thank you! Every day this site and people involved make my day. It educates, elevates certain burdens, challenges and inspires. This is just a little something I can give back for all this. Besides I have a special purpose for that coin, I'll tell you once I get it and realize my grand idea. :cdn:
It's going into tomorrow morning's mail, you should have it by mid to late this week. :)

Wow that's fast. Awesome! Can't wait. Thanks, Mike. I'll keep you all posted especially on that project of mine. :P
MrsSmith said:
Wow that's fast. Awesome! Can't wait. Thanks, Mike. I'll keep you all posted especially on that project of mine. :P

Did tess' wife join army.ca?

Oh, btw.. its Dileas.. 

Don't feel bad, I had to double check myself this morning on the spelling.