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Switching from Reserves to Regulars


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I am currently in the application process for the reserves. However I have started to give thought to applying to the regular force infantry for quite some time, and decided to go reserves before I go into the regular force. I was unable to attend the college program of my choice, and was offered two different programs which were the same but in a different time frame. However at this time I started to wonder what I wanted to do with my life, and whether I would rather spend a large portion of my time in a college classroom and only doing the forces part time, or switching to the regular force and getting more of a challenge.

I am currently in the process with the reserves, however I am considering making the jump to the regular force, and would prefer to go that route day by day. I was wondering what anybody else here thinks, if it would be smart to go regular force now, even after doing my CFAT and Medical, or instead sticking to the reserves.

Thanks for the responses, I checked the search and didn't find a thread related to switching to the regs in the application process.
Being a soldier is an acquired taste for some.  I was fortunate(?) enough to be raised by a father who was a CSM in a Guards Regiment, so basic trg held no fear for me  ;D.  I would suggest trying part time first, you can always step up to the majors if you take to soldiering. It is a huge waste of time/effort/money/resources to have someone go full time, and decide after six months it's not for them.  Also, if you've got a chance at post sec ed, I'd go the reserve route.  IMHO, o'course

Personal choice but if you honestly believe you are ready for the dark side right away.  Then by all means come on over but let your CFRC/D and the reserve unit know what your intentions are and do it soon.
From what I have been reading on here, the transfer from Reserves to Regualar force after you have been serving for a while is a nightmare.

If you want to go regular, it might be wise to do it right off the bat. Otherwise if you enter the reserves, change your mind after a year or so, and then try to transfer to Regular you could be waiting a long time.

Futuretrooper im gonna give you some advice.

I have been down the EXACT same route you are down right now. I wanted to join the army but I wasnt sure if I would like it or not, so last year in april 2004, I decided to join the reserves and go to University at the same time. So I enrolled for both. And got accepted for both. Anyways Sept 2004 came round, and I decided that as much as the courses I was taking in University really interested me (Zoology and Kinesiology), I didnt want to make a life out of it. What I really wanted to do was join JTF2 and I knew that the best way for me to accomplish that was to join the Reg Force, not the reserves (For everyone reading this, label me a "superninja counterstrike wanna-be" or whatever you want, I dont care. You do what you gotta do, Ill roll the way I gotta roll).

Except  by this time futuretrooper, I had already sworn in with the Queens Own and I had been apart of the unit for 2 months. They wouldnt let me do a component transfer, so I had to drop out of the reserves, and re-apply to the Reg force....DOING THE ENTIRE LONG TEDIOUS APPLICATION PROCESS OVER AGAIN. I also wrote a letter to UofT informing them that I no longer wanted to attend their university.

Here I am right now, merit listed for 031 infantry reg force, still waiting for my call here at home like some jerkoff, a year later since my initial application process. HAD I gone reg force right from the start, I would be somewhere else at this time, doing my SQ or QL4 or whatever, having already completed my BMQ.

What im saying is that FOR ME, going reserves first for 2 months was the biggest mistake ever and I wasted so much valuable time. However, I am sure now though that this is what I want to do with my life. For yourself, you need to seriously sit down and think about what you want to do...Is the army just something that interests you, or is it something you wish to make a life out of?

Think about it bro
The military is definitely something I would like to make my life out of. I have been interested in two occupations, the military and law enforcement. However I've been extremely interested in the Infantry, the pride, tradition, training, all of those have furthered me to going infantry. I would like to get into the armed forces, and I don't want to be just a "weekend warrior", I want to do a job fulltime. As well I can do some post secondary through correspondance if I ever really wanted to.

SeanPaul_031 said:
Futuretrooper I'm gonna give you some advice.

I have been down the EXACT same route you are down right now. I wanted to join the army but I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, so last year in April 2004, I decided to join the reserves and go to University at the same time. So I enrolled for both. And got accepted for both. Anyways Sept 2004 came round, and I decided that as much as the courses I was taking in University really interested me (Zoology and Kinesiology), I didnt want to make a life out of it. What I really wanted to do was join JTF2 and I knew that the best way for me to accomplish that was to join the Reg Force, not the reserves (For everyone reading this, label me a "superninja counterstrike wanna-be" or whatever you want, I dont care. You do what you gotta do, Ill roll the way I gotta roll).

Except  by this time futuretrooper, I had already sworn in with the Queens Own and I had been apart of the unit for 2 months.

Whoa!  Strangely enough I'm in the middle of both your situations SeanPaul and Futuretrooper.  I just finished my CFAT on Monday and applied to join The Queens Own Rifles reserves when I had the same question about going Reg Forces.    I agree with you Futuretrooper, I'm going Reg Forces as well after initially applying for the reserves.  I put in my change of application with the CF Recruiting Center today.
I think it's something you know outright. (or soon after you apply :P ).  It's not a light decision.  As for me I'm going infantry.

Good luck,

I was originally planning on going to college, but then the college didn't accept me, and afterwards I had two choices go fulltime in another advanced program, or go part time and forget about doing alot of the time I originally wanted to do with the reserves. After alot of serious thought, I just said to myself, why not go infantry. Even while I was applying to college I always was thinking go infantry fulltime, go with PPCLI. So eventaully I just decided why the hell not. So while I'm in the process I want to get as prepared as possible for any obstacle I might face while going through the training. :salute:

Good luck to all of you
Whoa!  Strangely enough I'm in the middle of both your situations SeanPaul and Futuretrooper.  I just finished my CFAT on Monday and applied to join The Queens Own Rifles reserves when I had the same question about going Reg Forces.    I agree with you Futuretrooper, I'm going Reg Forces as well after initially applying for the reserves.  I put in my change of application with the CF Recruiting Center today.
I think it's something you know outright. (or soon after you apply  ).  It's not a light decision.  As for me I'm going infantry.

Good luck,


I decided while in the process to simply go regulars and the CFRC said they would be looking over my file to see if I can go that route. But I'm hoping I can do it as thats what I'm aiming for, as well I can't wait till I can get all the training done and finally put on that uniform. I've got my interview scheduled for the 24th, and am going to be booking my physical fitness test soon. I've been doing alot more pushups, situps, and runs, all to prepare for BMQ, SQ, and BIQ. Any idea on when BMQ or the training can start for those of us going regular force right now?

Good luck to all of you, hope to see you in St Jean :cdn: :salute: