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T-shirt offends Military, says ex-soldier in Edmonton

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HG2 Clothing of Southgate Mall have made the papers, and not for good reasons.    :rage:
Full story and photo of shirt at story link.

T-shirt offends military: ex soldier
By Allison Salz, QMI Agency

EDMONTON - A T-shirt being sold at a city clothing shop is insulting to military members across the country, says a former Edmonton soldier.

The men's shirt, sold at HG2 Clothing in Southgate Mall, has sent ripples of frustration through the Edmonton's large military community.  The shirt reads, "Join the army, learn a trade, butchering."  In the middle it has a drawing of a baby and a knife with blood dripping down the blade.

Steve Greenough, 36, served in the Canadian Armed Forces for seven years, a stint which included work in Kosovo in 1999.  Greenough said he first caught wind of the shirt on social media when a former co-worker posted a picture of the tee.  He says the store should "be ashamed of themselves," for selling a product that he feels is a direct insult to military members past and present.  "There are members, both current and former members, that are hard working, who put their lives at risk so that everyone else in the country can sleep well at night," he said.  "It makes military out to be evil baby killers or whatever the shirt is trying to say."

The shirt is not available on HG2's website and a trip to the store revealed that it was nowhere to be found on the shelves.  Staff there refused to comment and attempts to reach the store owner were not returned by press time.  Greenough now drives truck for a company in Edmonton, but says he'll always be a soldier at heart.

The shirt, he said, further drives misconceptions that many have about the work that soldiers do overseas.  "There are a lot of people who do not agree with military, but without them we would not have some of the same rights and freedoms," he said. "It's cliche, but I always think if they walked a mile in my shoes, they'd think different."

Greenough said ultimately he wants the store to stop selling the shirt, but adds he's looking for a little bit more than that.  "I don't know if it's asking too much, but maybe even a public apology, at least to military members," he said, noting the city's booming military population.  "There's a big military base in Edmonton, there are military families everywhere, they don't want to see that. Even non-military members wouldn't like to see that."




Utter BS on the store's part.

I can hear some Civil Liberties group whining about this if the owner stops selling the shirt.
Yeah - a knife, seriously?!?  How 19th century.

If you're going to do a shirt like that, at least but some HE on it....
Infanteer said:
Yeah - a knife, seriously?!?  How 19th century.

If you're going to do a shirt like that, at least but some HE on it....

What, no bayonet? Come now........ >:D
In all seriousness, I can't get too morally indignant over this; we applauded Rick Hillier a few years back for telling Canadians that our job is to kill people and this shirt basically says the same (although the baby bit is crass).  We can't have it both ways.
Its not worth getting wrapped around the axle about. The store has had its 15 minutes......lets not give them anymore.
I used to be easily offended......but my ex-wife and her lawyer helped me work through that.  :nod:
Just go into the store and calmly explain to the owner that it is because of the job you and many others do and have done over the years that allow insensitive idiots like him, who distribute such crap, from having to deal with
things like this:

I did write to the store and received this reply.  It puts a different light on things somewhat.

I understand your thoughts.  Here is what we would have told the SUN MEDIA had they actually contacted like they said they did:

Let's clear the air a bit here people, this t-shirt was purchased by us at HG2 as part of a blind buy when we opened our new space as we needed product quickly. The brand that produced this shirt is called Fresh Jive by the way, and was part of the 2010 Spring WORLD PROBLEMS collection.
When it arrived, it was our interpretation that it was a statement against 3rd world military regimes and gueril...
la factions, that recruit and use children on the front lines of their military. As in, they promise these children that they will become a man and learn the ways of life by joining their military, but then are used as human shields and forced to kill their loved ones so their only allegiance will be to these armies.
In no way did we take it as a statement against North American military.
As a matter of this journalist, Allison Salz, writing that we refused to comment and attempts to reach us were not returned, I would like to ask that this news agency to schedule a conference call with her and her editors, as well as myself as she has lied in this article.
The only attempt she made was to talk to an employee of ours.
The employee told her, as she should have, that she was not the person to talk to on behalf of the company, but we would be in at 10 am and gladly talk to her. No e-mails were sent. No attempt to phone either my wife or I were made. She did not leave a business card at the store with her information. No Facebook message was sent, and no twitter message was sent. All of these would have come directly to us and we would have gotten back to her immediately.
She also would have seen the discussion board from Friday on Facebook where I explained to the customer who brought this up our side of the story.
As a matter of our loyalty to the Military, Canadian or otherwise, my dad was a RECON soldier for the U.S.M.C. in Viet Nam. He has since written a book on PTSD and his personal struggles with the after effects of war. A quick read of his book will tell you that those of us related to him are WELL aware of the personal sacrifice made by those who fight for our freedom, as his personal and mental health are still very much an issue today. My wife's grandfather fought for the Canadian Armed forces in WWII.
I take the idea that we at HG2 are non-supporters of the Military very seriously. I give thanks every day for those who fought so we can enjoy our freedom, which includes being able to own and operate a local business, where the local press makes at least the very minimal attempt to provide a piece of journalism that includes balance and a chance at the truth.
As a former member of the press (I was a reporter at the Calgary Sun for 2 years before getting into business for myself), the fact that this story was allowed to go to press without giving a local Alberta business at least the chance to respond is very disappointing. This would never have happened when I was with the Sun organization just over 5 years ago.
WE sincerely apologize to anyone that has been offended and we are here to have a conversation with anyone who may wish it.
Thank you very much for your time.
Rob Honzell – owner – HG2 Clothing
When it arrived, it was our interpretation that it was a statement against 3rd world military regimes and gueril...
la factions, that recruit and use children on the front lines of their military. As in, they promise these children that they will become a man and learn the ways of life by joining their military, but then are used as human shields and forced to kill their loved ones so their only allegiance will be to these armies.
In no way did we take it as a statement against North American military.

I don't buy this part.

But overall I am satisfied with the response.
While not as offended as some, I too appreciate store owner's response and his disapointment in the main stream media.

His father is Sgt Rob Honzell, USMC (Ret'd), who wrote First Person: Combat PTSD.
jollyjacktar said:
I did write to the store and received this reply.  It puts a different light on things somewhat.
.... As a matter of this journalist, Allison Salz, writing that we refused to comment and attempts to reach us were not returned, I would like to ask that this news agency to schedule a conference call with her and her editors, as well as myself as she has lied in this article.
The only attempt she made was to talk to an employee of ours.
The employee told her, as she should have, that she was not the person to talk to on behalf of the company, but we would be in at 10 am and gladly talk to her. No e-mails were sent. No attempt to phone either my wife or I were made. She did not leave a business card at the store with her information. No Facebook message was sent, and no twitter message was sent. All of these would have come directly to us and we would have gotten back to her immediately.
She also would have seen the discussion board from Friday on Facebook where I explained to the customer who brought this up our side of the story .....
And we wonder why some folks have issues with some reporters?
Remember there are three sides to every storu:

version 1
version 2
and the truth.
If the owner chooses to continue to sell them because there was a large demand for them, isn't it his right to do so.

Do we hunt down the gun store owner when a murder is committed.  Do we approach a convenience store manager when our kids possess a Playboy magazine.  Do we approach the public librarian because they have books on their shelves we do not agree with.  Or a radio station or record producer or movie theatre because they tolerate foul language in songs or movies. The list goes on...

I thought we fought and continue to fight for freedom speech, if you don't like the shirt then don't buy.  If someone likes it and is brave enough to wear it in a military town, it is their money.  This is Canada - a diverse, multi-cultural, tolerant nation.  Do we forbid our soldiers from getting tattoos that others might find offensive?  Are we talking about capitalism or hypocrisy?

A slow news day...