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Taliban Jack

Tow Tripod

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CTV.ca News Staff

As news of the deaths of six more Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan hit home, NDP leader Jack Layton stepped up his call to start bringing our troops home.

Layton urged Prime Minister Stephen Harper to do what Canada is best known for - initiating a peace process that will not only help stabilize the region but will also help the country scale back their military operations in Afghanistan.

"A comprehensive peace process must include all combatants, all elements, all countries involved in the region with international leadership," Layton told a press conference in Ottawa Wednesday.

"Canada is an expert in this area. We used to be known globally for our expertise in this area. I believe it's time for Canada to get back on that path and begin to carve out with those many nations who are concerned about what is happening in Afghanistan, and Afghan leadership, to adopt a new strategy."

The current strategy implemented by NATO and supported by Harper is only fueling Taliban support in the area, and civilians are paying for it, Layton said. So far, 270 Afghan civilians have been killed during the military operations.

If Canada doesn't start implementing peace instead, Canadians could be stuck in an extended role in Afghanistan that is escalating day by day, he continued.

"What is happening now is working for the Taliban, not against them," he said. "In other words, we're seeing growth of support of the Taliban because of these airstrikes, the escalation of war and the death of civilians. That's why comprehensive peace process involving all of the countries, involving all of the players has got to be initiated."

The Afghan mission will be a priority issue for the NDP in the next federal election, Layton promised.

"Any time Canadian soldiers are killed, Canadians are thinking of their families and comrades and supporting our troops," said Layton when asked about the latest casualties.

"This simply underlines, with this escalating death toll of the soldiers and of civilians in Afghanistan, that this mission is going in the wrong way."

Since 2002, 66 Canadian military personnel have now lost their lives in Afghanistan, along with one diplomat. Canada has committed to sending troops to the NATO alliance for the next two years. Harper has said he will seek a consensus among all political parties on Canada's future role with NATO.

The six Canadian soldiers who died Wednesday were killed by a roadside bomb 20 km from Kandahar. They were traveling in a RG-31 Nyala armoured vehicle with an Afghan interpreter when they were hit. The interpreter was also killed.

Canadian Forces have yet to reveal the names of the dead soldiers pending notification of next of kin.

With a report by the Canadian Press

The PM should appoint him the "Government Special Envoy for Peace with the Taliban" and fire him onto a plane headed to Afghanistan. See how well the Taliban listen to him. Bet it'll be an awful short process!
It is really sad how Taliban Jack uses us troops for his pleasure.

Hope your happy Jack.

How about a deployment yourself, Mr Layton?
I don't see you running to the Recruiting Center anytime soon.
And no you can wear that orange tie with your DEU's.

Thanks for wasting my oxygen,

Edit for Spelling
way to use the deaths of 6 of our brothers/sisters as a step onto the podium.

I'm just a dumb soldier. Please, Mr. Layton, show me how I should negotiate with the Taliban. Why no, I wouldn't be interested in providing security for you Mr. Layton. Wouldn't that hold against your values? But I'm sure you'll just be fine talking to the Taliban on your own. They'll see that you really want peace, and you'll be just safe
Again another sad note in politics and how to correctly tear the country in half using us the soldiers as an excuse. If you are looking for a campaign poster or quote, find something else Mr. Layton. Your blatant bad use of soldiers to get elected will get you nowhere.

Instead of pulling out the guns of political debate, why not join us in mourning for our fallen brethren? Thanks in advance Jacka...amen.  :salute: :cdn:


I have two words I use to describe Jack, but, in fear of backlash (i.e. banning because of harsh language), I will not say it. Oh how I wish I could speak with him, then I would tell him something......

You can write to him, if you find him, which I don't ...


ADD: Oups, I forgot his family name  :P !

Hill Office

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-7224
Fax: (613) 995-4565
EMail: Layton.J@parl.gc.ca
Web Site:* www.npd.ca/jacklayton
Preferred Language: English

Constituency Offices

221 Broadview Avenue , Suite 100 (Main Office)
Toronto, Ontario
M4M 2G3
Telephone: (416) 405-8914
Fax: (416) 405-8918
Control + F and type in Layton..then Enter will find it...


Edit due to Temper..
"A comprehensive peace process must include all combatants, all elements, all countries involved in the region with international leadership," Layton told a press conference in Ottawa Wednesday.

"Canada is an expert in this area. We used to be known globally for our expertise in this area. I believe it's time for Canada to get back on that path ..."

This is yet another self-gratifying and ignorant myth that Canadians have about the country.  I challenge anyone to name any "peace process" in the last 30 years in which Canada played a truly major role, and especially to name any such process we even participated in that actually produced peace.  Other than dealing with arms decommissioning in N. Ireland which was done by an individual Canadian, not formally acting as a government representative.

Which leads to the bright idea--the government might nominate Mr Layton to talk to the Taliban, in his personal capacity, and offer him transportation to the NWFP.

More importantly - what countries does he believe would be suitable areas for his version of 'peacekeepers' to deploy to?
GreyMatter said:
More importantly - what countries does he believe would be suitable areas for his version of 'peacekeepers' to deploy to?
Countries where our soldiers can't possibly be killed and wouldn't need to carry weapons.
I will NEVER watch CTV NEWSNET again!!!  I watched todays announcement about the loss of our Canadian soldiers on CTV NN, right after the report of our loss they flashed to ejackulayton with his BS.  CTV gave him free air time, no questions, the cowardly reports asked the twit nothing.

RIP :cdn: :salute:

GreyMatter said:
Like Holland?   (Edit - I mean, the Netherlands?)
Or some other first world country that isn't at war. Wait, why don't we just save the expense and keep our troops in Canada? That way, we could strip the CF down to nothing more than a glorified police force.
Big Foot said:
Or some other first world country that isn't at war. Wait, why don't we just save the expense and keep our troops in Canada? That way, we could strip the CF down to nothing more than a glorified police force.

THAT'S NDP TALK!!! STOP IT! MODS............... BAN HIM!

peaches said:
I will NEVER watch CTV NEWSNET again!!!  I watched todays announcement about the loss of our Canadian soldiers on CTV NN, right after the report of our loss they flashed to ejackulayton with his BS.  CTV gave him free air time, no questions, the cowardly reports asked the twit nothing.

RIP :cdn: :salute:

Tell them that.

Go to http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/HTMLTemplate/!ctvPop/News/Feedback?date=20070704&slug=layton_ndp_070704&archive=CTVNews&outputFormat=TextEmailFormat-realtime&brand=generic&articleURL=http%3A//www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070704/layton_ndp_070704/20070704%3Fhub%3DCanada and tell them what you think.

Better still, watch the next CTV nerwscast; note the sponsors; write them and tell them you're not going to buy their products until CTV News stops acting as a tool for Taliban Jack.

Thank you for the link, I will tell them when I get home this evening...
E.R. Campbell said:
Better still, watch the next CTV nerwscast; note the sponsors; write them and tell them you're not going to buy their products until CTV News stops acting as a tool for Taliban Jack.

They must think we are all sponges... boys they are wrong.

For Country!

By the way Jack, or whomever agree with Jack. Your welcome. Your welcome for the freedom that our troops gave. That freedom to kick us in the nuts. To stab us in the back, while we are away. This is a war. Soldiers die. That is part of the gig. Soldier on. Oh wait... did I hurt your feelings? Want a hug? Call some of your hippie comrades.


Okay I'm done now.
Big Foot said:
Or some other first world country that isn't at war. Wait, why don't we just save the expense and keep our troops in Canada? That way, we could strip the CF down to nothing more than a glorified police force.

Again?    "... strip the CF down to nothing more than a glorified police force jumped-up boy scout platoon."
I wonder if it would make any difference to the collective unconscious if the Afghanistan Force were designated the Afghanistan Special Service Force ( a la Korea and the Boer War).  I know that you lot are all volunteers but I wonder if the peepul fully appreciate that.

Laurier and St-Laurent side-stepped Quebec by using the same tactic.  The Special Service Forces were all volunteers raised especially for the occasion.  Funded by the Government but staffed by volunteers.  The first rotation to Korea was (if I remember correctly) largely composed of WW2 retreads and their kid brothers formed as the 2nd Battalions of the existing regiments.

It might open up some interesting opportunities for organization, equipment and training.