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Taliban Jack

What ever happened to the days of the petition?
Someone, (who is alot more organized and educated than I am) NEEDS to step up and start one if they still work.

There are how many CF members, and other civi persons who actually support the CF that I'm sure would willingly sign.

People need to see the fact that the people we elect (for the most part) spew lies to grab their few years at  the podium.

People need to see that if we do not continue to wipe out a major threat, it will come to our homes and take them away.
What would our casualty numbers look like if this was done on HOME soil rather than foreign?
The people that support politicians like Layton are (possibly unintentionally) ungrateful for their freedoms. What does Layton do on Remembrance day? Lay a wreath and look half sad and half concerned about the fallen.

Irregardless of the mission, we MUST honour our fallen. How can they honour anyone when they don't want them doing what they do to keep our country OUR country?

Is it honestly going to take a massive attack on Canadian ground for these people to realize we MUST eliminate this threat?
beands said:
What ever happened to the days of the petition?
Someone, (who is alot more organized and educated than I am) NEEDS to step up and start one if they still work.

There are how many CF members, and other civi persons who actually support the CF that I'm sure would willingly sign.

Correct me if I am wrong but as CF members we are not allowed to sign a petition especially against the government right?
I don't mean "against the government".
I meant a petition to rally support for our troops and our cause.
A petition against CF naysayers, who don't want our troops pulled because of how an overpayed politician puts it into words.


Maybe even a CF funded/run news system where CF public information can be broadcast to the masses, without political agenda or media spinoff.
Maybe something making a law that politicians cannot use religious, military or any other opinion/belief as a platform to gain favor.

Politicians need to do MORE for people, not take away freedoms and prey on the sheeple's uneducated decisions.
Just fired off my post to CTV, hope they know who Taliban Jack is
He's a disgusting interesting character. I talked to my folks about this and with my dad especially who doesnt support the war. I told him that if i were to go over there and get killed i needed him to promise not to do anything like using me as a platform for his views. He wouldnt do it but i want to be sure. Jack Layton is betraying you Canadian soldiers every time he goes on TV after some the boys have been chopped. Its discraceful to watch him use the death of 6 men as a tool for him to gain points. Its politics at its very worst and i hope to God that next election over there the NDP get the arse kicking that they so soundly deserve.
He's a disgusting human being.
I dont agree with or like what he says.
But he wants to help Canada.
I know he is right now helping the bad guys and doesnt even know.
But he is not a bad person.........
I dont know why he does what he does.
But I know he KNOWS he is doing what is right.
Yeah, i suppose your right mate from that persective and my words are a tad strong. I find it really offensive though when people use dead diggers to further their arguements and thats what i think he's doing right now. I'll edit it and tone it down because looking back i believe your right and i'm a little out of order.
Hale as crude as your post may sound, it's the truth. He has been doing this for years and getting away with it.

As for not knowing he's aiding and abedding the enemy, he knows exactly what he's doing. But again there is a big difference between empty words and taking action. In his case its all tongue and cheek.

It's below him to get on a plane and back up all that spewing at the mouth with action. He'll just continue to belittle the Canadian forces from behind a podium in front of a television camera, showing everyone what a little insignificant man he actually is. I for one would delite at the idea of Layton trying to negotiate with the taliban, that would be a treat!

He is truly a disgrace to Canada and it's men and women in uniform.
beands said:
I don't mean "against the government".
I meant a petition to rally support for our troops and our cause.
A petition against CF naysayers, who don't want our troops pulled because of how an overpayed politician puts it into words.


Maybe even a CF funded/run news system where CF public information can be broadcast to the masses, without political agenda or media spinoff.
Maybe something making a law that politicians cannot use religious, military or any other opinion/belief as a platform to gain favor.

Politicians need to do MORE for people, not take away freedoms and prey on the sheeple's uneducated decisions.

That constitues an effort on the part of a cf mbr to influence government, that is the realm of politics, if our wifes were to start a petition thats one thing, for the soldiers to do it, thats mixing politics with soldiering, not good, and the CF is apolitical by nature and law. (I will however suggest my wife start this petition in our community)
FascistLibertarian said:
I dont agree with or like what he says.
But he wants to help Canada.
I know he is right now helping the bad guys and doesnt even know.
But he is not a bad person.........
I dont know why he does what he does.
But I know he KNOWS he is doing what is right.

He needs to help Canada and himself by STFU.

He needs to stop using our fallen as political tools to politically bag lick people and try and get support for his party.

The man holds a press conference shortly after the announcements are made, thats a fucking slap in the face to the families.

Could care less if he thinks he's doing the right thing, until he's been over there he will never know what doing the right thing is.
I wrote CTV a letter regarding this before I logged on here today. Great minds think alike hate Jack Layton.
Hey, I need some help on this one.  How do I get to be an 'expert' so that I can go on TV and talk about things that I can claim to know a lot about?  Seriously, I guarentee I know less about more than the 'experts' they have there now.

One wonders why Taliban Jack spouts off the crap he does.  It's because he gets fed all of it prior by a bunch of 'experts' made up out of old Colonels and ex-privates who haven't been in the CF for since the 90s, kave never actually been to Afghanistan, and some who can barely speak English.  And if its not these clowns its some dude from some university that couldn't find his a** with both hands in the dark!

Sure, Mr Layton is an idiot, and spouts of idiotic things.  But who are the idiots giving him the info, and where do those idiots get it.  Thats right, people who havent laced up their boots for fifteen years.

As I always say,  time served does not equal experiance gained!!!

The PM should appoint him the "Government Special Envoy for Peace with the Taliban" and fire him onto a plane headed to Afghanistan. See how well the Taliban listen to him. Bet it'll be an awful short process!

It would be a nice idea, but then some of our guys would invetitably have to go and save his a** when his little Negotiating trip went south.  Much that it would grate on me to do it, I would feel morally obligated to.  If we didn't it would jusat prove one of his points.

I can just imagine he and Dawe Black sitting in a tent trying to explain to the Taliban and/or Al-Quida the error of their ways and that things would just all sunshine and roses if they could get along with everyone.  Oh and by the way we're sorry for trying to undermine your dark ages approach to life in general, and women and children in particular, please to do carry on.

I can't agree with anything that he says, EVER, but......

Forgot to add that Taliban Jack doesn't seem to listen to anyone other than the voices in his head.  So maybe your right Smitty, it would be a real, real short process, because he would be conducting both sides of the conversation in that pea brain of his right up until the lights went out for good.
His grandfather, Gilbert Layton, was a cabinet minister in the Union Nationale government of Maurice Duplessis in Quebec, and resigned due to the provincial government's lack of support for Canadian participation in World War II.


I'm not sure how accurate wikipedia is, but if it's true I think Jack should take a lesson from his grandfather.

CF Enthusiast said:
I wrote CTV a letter regarding this before I logged on here today. Great minds think alike hate Jack Layton.

I wrote a letter to their editors about 2 months ago when they intentionally merged the stories of the Stanley Cup going to Afghanistan with the Prisoner Handover hysteria.

I'll see if I can find it later....

As per others, I may tune in again only long enough to get a hold of the sponsors names for their coverage and then track their Investor Relations Contacts.

Matthew.  >:(
A comprehensive peace process must include all combatants, all elements, all countries involved in the region with international leadership

So basically he is leaving the door open to talk with ANYONE and EVERYONE no matter what.
Thats not really very democratic if you think about it. It sounds democratic, but its really not........
Or smart really............
I wrote CTV a letter regarding this before I logged on here today. Great minds think alike hate Jack Layton.

My laugh for the day! Thanks...........

My letter went to Taliban Jack himself.
Some helpful advice on how to gain support by getting the facts first.

I wonder how many votes ( by informal survey ) could army.ca members
suggest the NDP has lost by taking their current position?


Or how many votes they have gained, given the extremely easily led Canadian public
This entry in his Wiki article had me in tears laughing...

'In July 1988, he married Hong Kong-born Toronto school board trustee Olivia Chow in a ceremony on Algonquin Island. Their whitewater rafting honeymoon plans had to be abandoned, however, when days after the wedding Layton collided with a newspaper box while bicycling.'