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Tan berets and other CANSOFCOM, JTF, and CSOR fashions [1st split: CSOR]

Scoobie Newbie

Army.ca Legend
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SAS wear the tan beret don't they??
Being located in Pet is convenient for their major goal of supporting the JTF who are based in Ottawa.
CFL said:
SAS wear the tan beret don't they??
Being located in Pet is convenient for their major goal of supporting the JTF who are based in Ottawa.

i gotta say a tan beret is a pretty cool idea if you ask me, what im really curious about though is the cap badge !
CFL said:
SAS wear the tan beret don't they??

So do the US Army Rangers.  When the entire US Army switched to black berets a few years ago, the Rangers adopted tan.
ArmyRick said:
Armyvern, trying to relive 1988 are you? Jumpsmocks are way gone. They don't even wear them at CPC now.
I know.  :'( Just got out of 6 years in Trenton  ;D 9er hated the day the smock came off, but I'm still convinced that cadpat pants, a tan beret and a jump smock would look wonderful!!  ;D

Have we now officially determined on this thread that JATF was going to Pet...if we did, I think I missed it?  
Duey said:
...now the tan beret...that one came out of left field! ::)


Well, you learn a new thing every day...having worked with several of these orgs, never once did I ever see anyone wearing any headress so I had no idea about the tan beret thing! That would have been kind of embarrasing drinking a few pints with the lads around the Green Dragon and then making some comment about silly tan berets... :-\

Lets hope that they let us know when they are accepting entries for the 'Art contest' to select a new name and cap badge, as I'm sure that is one of their major priorities at the moment - please spare us the art and lets try to get this thread back on to what people want to hear and that is information not speculation.
paracowboy said:
As for the head-dress, who cares? It wouldn't change the unit member's ability to do their job anymore than haircuts or or any other appearance-related issue.

Oh, just who the heck do you think you're you kidding?  It is ALL about the hats.  It always has been, and it always will be.  Hats Rule!!!  Hats are EVERYTHING!!!!  You are NOTHING without a HAT!!!!!  ::)

I now return you to your regularly scheduled (but oh, so disappointing) reality.  ;)

Mark C


She sells Sea-Sore by the Sea-Shore?

Who picks these names?

More importantly, which capbadge will they wear?  I want to sell knockoffs on ebay...
All members will wear their original regimental/corps/branch badge ..... on a tan beret.

The awkwardness of the acronym was noted.
At least its not a raspberry beret, but tan? WTF? Planning on operating someplace hot and dusty I take it.
whiskey601 said:
At least its not a raspberry beret, but tan? WTF? Planning on operating someplace hot and dusty I take it.

Traditional colour of SOC units who wear them.
Michael O'Leary said:
All members will wear their original regimental/corps/branch badge ..... on a tan beret.
Wasn't the the initial plan when the Airborne was formed (excpet the beret was maroon)?
Infanteer said:
Traditional colour of SOC units who wear them.


LOL- But isn't SOC US!!  Screeching halt !!! Merde!! Arrette!!! I guess some should feel lucky the lid is not red with a thick white stripe, or perhaps blue and white.
Mark C said:
Does it really matter what the new SOC unit is called?  Does it really matter what colour hat they wear?  It is a burgeoning military "capability", not a frat-house.  Nor is it (hopefully) a unit that will suffer "Walts" lightly.

Really, some of you posting/trolling in this thread seriously need to extricate your heads from your "nintendo-ninja-sniper-wannabe" anal orifices.....  ::)

The new unit will stand up on an incremental basis that respects the Army's other "managed readiness" tasks.  That much is a given and has been firmly announced.  The first DA Coy will be based on the NEO-tasked coy of 3 RCR.  They are already in Pet, and their tasking therefore makes emminent sense.  More to follow, as the remainder of the infantry field force cycles out of their various high-readiness tasks over the next several years.  It isn't exactly rocket-science as to how the new unit is going to stand up in light of other demands currently placed upon the Cbt Arms units of the Army......

Man, the rumours, innueudo and heresay that pervade this forum truly slay me.  If I had a nickel for every bull-crap theory that has been put forth to date, I'd be a very rich guy.....

Let the CSOR stand-up run it's course.  Speak to what you know.  Sum up if you don't have a clue.  We will all be better off if everyone stays within their respective lanes....


But seriously, will they be entitled to Regimental Colours?

If they use that Paul Anka tune as the battalion march-past, I think Michael O'Leary should be strung up.

But on to more important matters; what shade of tan will the berets be?  I need to have a clear idea if I am going to sell knock-offs on ebay to airsofters...
I guess we will have to wait and see what actually happens with this new unit.  Opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one.

Good luck to all who make it.

Who came up with these idea that the CSOR will be wearing tan berets?